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Created October 20, 2013 21:53
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A nice Json wrapper for rust
* Hi there !
* I found that handling Json was quite annoying, so I wrote this
* little lib to help. You can find an example of the usage in the
* tests at the end.
* I lacked inspiration on the naming of value() and item(), and got
* lost in the lifetimes, so from_json takes a Json and not a
* JsonLike.
* I'm new to rust, so any comment is welcome.
use extra::json::{Json, Object, List, String, Boolean, Number};
/// This structure is returned when an unexpected value is uncountered in the json
pub struct ValueError{
/// Representation of the value that cause an error
value: ~str,
/// A message describing the type of error
msg: ~str
/// Convenience function for errors
fn error<T>(json: &Json, msg: ~str) -> Result<T, ValueError> {
Err(ValueError{value: json.to_pretty_str(), msg: msg})
impl ToStr for ValueError {
fn to_str(&self) -> ~str {
format!("Can convert value \"{}\": {}", self.value, self.msg)
/// This trait defines a number of operation that make getting data out of Json easier
pub trait JsonLike<'self> {
/// If this json value is a string, returns a reference to it
fn as_str(self) -> Result<&'self ~str, ValueError>;
/// If this json value is an object, returns a reference to it
fn as_obj(self) -> Result<&'self ~Object, ValueError>;
/// If this json value is a list, returns a reference to it
fn as_list(self) -> Result<&'self List, ValueError>;
/// If this json value is a boolean, returns it
fn to_bool(self) -> Result<bool, ValueError>;
/// If this json value is a number, returns it
fn to_num(self) -> Result<f64, ValueError>;
/// If this json value is an object and it has a value matching the key, returns it
fn value(self, key: &~str) -> Result<&'self Json, ValueError>;
/// If this json value is a list and has an object to the index, returns it
fn item(self, index: uint) -> Result<&'self Json, ValueError>;
/// Convert this json value to a type that implements `FromJson`
fn convert<T: FromJson>(self) -> Result<T, ValueError>;
// This implementation is simple, it's just a matter of matching the
// value and returning it if it's the right type
impl<'self> JsonLike<'self> for &'self Json {
fn as_str(self) -> Result<&'self ~str, ValueError> {
match *self {
String(ref s) => Ok(s),
_ => error(self, ~"not a string")
fn as_obj(self) -> Result<&'self ~Object, ValueError> {
match *self {
Object(ref o) => Ok(o),
_ => error(self, ~"not an object")
fn as_list(self) -> Result<&'self List, ValueError> {
match *self {
List(ref l) => Ok(l),
_ => error(self, ~"not a list")
fn to_bool(self) -> Result<bool, ValueError> {
match *self {
Boolean(b) => Ok(b),
_ => error(self, ~"not a boolean")
fn to_num(self) -> Result<f64, ValueError> {
match *self {
Number(b) => Ok(b),
_ => error(self, ~"not a number")
fn value(self, key: &~str) -> Result<&'self Json, ValueError> {
do self.as_obj().and_then |o| {
match (o.find(key)) {
Some(v) => Ok(v),
None => error(self, format!("has no key \"{}\"", *key))
fn item(self, index: uint) -> Result<&'self Json, ValueError>{
do self.as_list().and_then |l| {
match(l.get_opt(index)) {
Some(v) => Ok(v),
None => error(self, format!("has no index {}", index))
fn convert<T: FromJson>(self) -> Result<T, ValueError> {
// This implementation just pass the call to the enclosed value if
// there is one
impl<'self> JsonLike<'self> for Result<&'self Json, ValueError> {
fn as_str(self) -> Result<&'self ~str, ValueError> {
do self.and_then |j| {j.as_str()}
fn as_obj(self) -> Result<&'self ~Object, ValueError> {
do self.and_then |j| {j.as_obj()}
fn as_list(self) -> Result<&'self List, ValueError> {
do self.and_then |j| {j.as_list()}
fn to_bool(self) -> Result<bool, ValueError> {
do self.and_then |j| {j.to_bool()}
fn to_num(self) -> Result<f64, ValueError> {
do self.and_then |j| {j.to_num()}
fn value(self, key: &~str) -> Result<&'self Json, ValueError> {
do self.and_then |j| {j.value(key)}
fn item(self, index: uint) -> Result<&'self Json, ValueError>{
do self.and_then |j| {j.item(index)}
fn convert<T: FromJson>(self) -> Result<T, ValueError> {
do self.and_then |j| {j.convert()}
/// A trait for getting values from json
pub trait FromJson {
fn from_json(j :&Json) -> Result<Self, ValueError>;
impl FromJson for f64 {
fn from_json(j: &Json) -> Result<f64, ValueError> {
impl FromJson for int {
fn from_json(j: &Json) -> Result<int, ValueError> {
do j.to_num().and_then() |i| {
match(i.to_int()) {
Some(v) => Ok(v),
None => error(j, ~"is not an integer")
impl FromJson for ~str {
fn from_json(j: &Json) -> Result<~str, ValueError> {
do j.as_str().map_move() |s| {s.clone()}
impl FromJson for bool {
fn from_json(j: &Json) -> Result<bool, ValueError> {
/// A nice macro to define structs that are built from json objects
macro_rules! json_struct(
($name:ident, $($json_field:expr -> $field:ident: $ty:ty),+) => (
// Useless because there can't be 2 expressions in a macro (#4375)
// struct $name {
// $($field: $tt)+
// }
// TODO : when #4375 is fixed, also implement FromStr
impl FromJson for $name {
fn from_json(json: &Json) -> Result<$name, ValueError> {
Ok($name {
$($field: match(json.value(&~$json_field).convert()) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => return Err(e)
mod tests {
use extra::json::{Json, from_str};
use super::{FromJson, ValueError, JsonLike};
static DATA : &'static str = r###"{"count": 2, "results":[{"Name": "regalia", "Author": "madjar", "ID": 42}]}"###;
fn test_get_some_value() {
let json: Json = from_str(DATA).unwrap();
// Get value from the json without having to match the result
let author_object = json.value(&~"results").item(0).value(&~"Author");
// Convert it using convert(), dispatched on the return type
let author: ~str = author_object.convert().unwrap();
// Not demonstrated here : all is wrapper into Result object, with nice error messages
assert!(author == ~"madjar");
fn test_struct_macro() {
// Create a struct that will be automatically populated from a json value
// Defining a struct shouldn't be necessary, but #4357
struct Object {
name: ~str,
author: ~str,
id: int
"Name" -> name: ~str,
"Author" -> author: ~str,
"ID" -> id: int)
let json: Json = from_str(DATA).unwrap();
let object: Object = FromJson::from_json(json.value(&~"results").item(0).unwrap()).unwrap();
assert!( == ~"madjar");
assert!( == 42);
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