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Last active April 13, 2022 09:54
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{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Interaction (interactWithProcess, expect, respond) where
import Conduit
import Data.Conduit.Process.Typed
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text (putStr, putStrLn)
import RIO hiding (log)
import qualified RIO.Text as Text
import qualified RIO.Text.Partial as Text
import Prelude hiding (log)
interactWithProcess :: String -> ConduitM Text Text (ResourceT IO) () -> IO ()
interactWithProcess command interactor = do
let processConfig =
shell command
& setStdout createSource
& setStdin createSink
withProcessWait_ processConfig \process ->
runConduitRes $
getStdout process
.| decodeUtf8C
.| interactor
.| unlinesC
.| encodeUtf8C
.| getStdin process
expect :: MonadIO m => Text -> ConduitT Text o m ()
expect text = loop
loop = do
-- TODO this doesn't play nicely when the underlying program uses stderr
-- we'd need to capture their stderr as well to solve this.
log $ dim <> "Waiting for '" <> text <> "'" <> reset
-- TODO Ideally, we'd be able to time out if we never have the message we expect.
-- However, we can't do this inside a conduit. The solution would be to make a custom source that is able to time out on reading the process handle.
value <- await
log erase
case value of
Just v -> go v
Nothing -> do
liftIO . Text.putStrLn $
"Expected '" <> text <> "' but reached end of input"
go x = do
if text `Text.isInfixOf` x
then do
log . Text.replace text (underline <> text <> reset) $ x
return ()
else do
log x
respond :: MonadIO m => Text -> ConduitT i Text m ()
respond text = do
liftIO . Text.putStrLn $ bold <> text <> reset
yield text
log :: MonadIO m => Text -> m ()
log text = do
liftIO (Text.putStr text)
hFlush stdout
bold :: Text
bold = "\ESC[1m"
dim :: Text
dim = "\ESC[2m"
underline :: Text
underline = "\ESC[4m"
reset :: Text
reset = "\ESC[0m"
erase :: Text
erase = "\r\ESC[K"
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