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Last active December 10, 2023 20:32
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Install ZSH and Oh-my-zsh (powerline like) in Ubuntu

Install ZSH and Oh-my-zsh (Powerline-like) in Ubuntu


This guide provides instructions on how to install ZSH and Oh-my-zsh with a Powerline-like theme in Ubuntu


1. Install Powerline Fonts

  • First, install Powerline fonts. You can find them here.

2. Update Your Dependencies

  • Update your system's package list:
    sudo apt-get update

3. Install zsh

  • Install ZSH (Z Shell) on your system:
    sudo apt install zsh

4. Change Default Shell

  • Change your default shell to ZSH:
    chsh -s $(which zsh)

5. Install Oh-my-zsh

  • Install Oh-my-zsh, a framework for managing your ZSH configuration:
    sh -c "$(wget -O-"

6. Update Theme for Powerline Look

  • Update the theme in your .zshrc file to have a Powerline look:
    sed -i 's/robbyrussell/agnoster/g' ~/.zshrc

7. Restart Your Terminal

  • Finally, restart your terminal to apply the changes.

This guide should help you set up ZSH with a Powerline-like appearance in Ubuntu. If you have any questions or need further modifications, feel free to ask!

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