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Created May 21, 2024 23:04
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Python Script for Removing Duplicate Files (roms) Based on Levenshtein Distance

Python Script for Removing Duplicate Files (roms) Based on Levenshtein Distance

This Python script identifies and removes duplicate files in a specified directory based on the Levenshtein distance between their names. Only the first file in each group of similar files is kept, and the rest are deleted. The script excludes directories and only processes files.


  • Python 3.x
  • colorama library for colored console output


Install the colorama library using pip:

pip install colorama


import os
from collections import defaultdict
import colorama
from colorama import Fore, Style

def levenshtein(s1, s2):
    """Calculate the Levenshtein distance between two strings."""
    if len(s1) < len(s2):
        return levenshtein(s2, s1)
    if len(s1) == 0:
        return len(s2)
    previous_row = range(len(s2) + 1)
    for i, c1 in enumerate(s1):
        current_row = [i + 1]
        for j, c2 in enumerate(s2):
            insertions = previous_row[j + 1] + 1
            deletions = current_row[j] + 1
            substitutions = previous_row[j] + (c1 != c2)
            current_row.append(min(insertions, deletions, substitutions))
        previous_row = current_row

    return previous_row[-1]

def main():
    folder_path = 'D:\\RetroBat\\roms\\mame'
    files = [f for f in os.listdir(folder_path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(folder_path, f))]
    grouped_files = defaultdict(list)

    print(Fore.CYAN + 'Analyzing files for grouping...' + Style.RESET_ALL)
    total_files = len(files)
    for index, file in enumerate(files):
        base_name = os.path.splitext(file)[0]
        grouped = False
        for key in grouped_files.keys():
            if levenshtein(base_name, key) <= 5:
                grouped = True
        if not grouped:

    print(Fore.GREEN + 'Processing groups and removing duplicates...' + Style.RESET_ALL)
    for group, files in grouped_files.items():
        if len(files) > 1:
            print(Fore.YELLOW + f"Group based on '{group}': {files}" + Style.RESET_ALL)
            keeper = files[0]  # Keep the first file
            print(Fore.GREEN + f"Keeping: {keeper}" + Style.RESET_ALL)
            for file_to_delete in files[1:]:
                file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, file_to_delete)
                print(Fore.RED + f"Deleting: {file_to_delete}" + Style.RESET_ALL)
                os.remove(file_path)  # Now uncommented to actually delete the files

    print(Fore.GREEN + 'Duplication removal process completed.' + Style.RESET_ALL)

if __name__ == "__main__":


  1. Save the script as

  2. Open a terminal or command prompt.

  3. Navigate to the directory where the script is saved.

  4. Run the script with Python:


Important Note

Make sure to have backups of your files before running the script, especially if running it on important data. Test the script on a sample directory to ensure it behaves as expected.

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