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Created April 13, 2022 04:34
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  • Save madmeerkatburrow/7c6dac50140db70d2d0d1fcf43f7e617 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"name": "TokenExchange",
"inputs": [
"type": "address",
"name": "buyer",
"indexed": true
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"name": "sold_id",
"indexed": false
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"name": "tokens_bought",
"indexed": false
"anonymous": false,
"type": "event"
"name": "AddLiquidity",
"inputs": [
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"name": "provider",
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"indexed": false
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"type": "event"
"name": "RemoveLiquidity",
"inputs": [
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"type": "event"
"name": "RemoveLiquidityOne",
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"name": "RemoveLiquidityImbalance",
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"indexed": false
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"type": "event"
"name": "CommitNewAdmin",
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"name": "NewAdmin",
"inputs": [
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"name": "CommitNewFee",
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"name": "NewFee",
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"name": "RampA",
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"type": "event"
"name": "StopRampA",
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"name": "A",
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"name": "t",
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"inputs": [
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"name": "_owner"
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"name": "_fee"
"type": "uint256",
"name": "_admin_fee"
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"type": "constructor"
"name": "A",
"outputs": [
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"name": ""
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"type": "function",
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"name": "get_virtual_price",
"outputs": [
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"name": ""
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"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function",
"gas": 1133537
"name": "calc_token_amount",
"outputs": [
"type": "uint256",
"name": ""
"inputs": [
"type": "uint256[3]",
"name": "amounts"
"type": "bool",
"name": "deposit"
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"name": "add_liquidity",
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"inputs": [
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"name": "min_mint_amount"
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"type": "function",
"gas": 6954858
"name": "get_dy",
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"name": ""
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"name": "i"
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"name": "j"
"type": "uint256",
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"type": "function",
"gas": 2673791
"name": "get_dy_underlying",
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"name": ""
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"type": "int128",
"name": "i"
"type": "int128",
"name": "j"
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"type": "function",
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"name": "i"
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"name": "j"
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"type": "uint256",
"name": "min_dy"
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"type": "function",
"gas": 2818066
"name": "remove_liquidity",
"outputs": [],
"inputs": [
"type": "uint256",
"name": "_amount"
"type": "uint256[3]",
"name": "min_amounts"
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"type": "function",
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"name": "remove_liquidity_imbalance",
"outputs": [],
"inputs": [
"type": "uint256[3]",
"name": "amounts"
"type": "uint256",
"name": "max_burn_amount"
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function",
"gas": 6951851
"name": "calc_withdraw_one_coin",
"outputs": [
"type": "uint256",
"name": ""
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"type": "uint256",
"name": "_token_amount"
"type": "int128",
"name": "i"
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"type": "function",
"gas": 1102
"name": "remove_liquidity_one_coin",
"outputs": [],
"inputs": [
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"name": "_token_amount"
"type": "int128",
"name": "i"
"type": "uint256",
"name": "min_amount"
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"type": "function",
"gas": 4025523
"name": "ramp_A",
"outputs": [],
"inputs": [
"type": "uint256",
"name": "_future_A"
"type": "uint256",
"name": "_future_time"
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"type": "function",
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"outputs": [],
"inputs": [],
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function",
"gas": 148637
"name": "commit_new_fee",
"outputs": [],
"inputs": [
"type": "uint256",
"name": "new_fee"
"type": "uint256",
"name": "new_admin_fee"
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"type": "function",
"gas": 110461
"name": "apply_new_fee",
"outputs": [],
"inputs": [],
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function",
"gas": 97242
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"outputs": [],
"inputs": [],
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function",
"gas": 21895
"name": "commit_transfer_ownership",
"outputs": [],
"inputs": [
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"name": "_owner"
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"type": "function",
"gas": 74572
"name": "apply_transfer_ownership",
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"inputs": [],
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function",
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"name": "revert_transfer_ownership",
"outputs": [],
"inputs": [],
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function",
"gas": 21985
"name": "admin_balances",
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"name": ""
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"type": "uint256",
"name": "i"
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"type": "function",
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"inputs": [],
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function",
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"inputs": [],
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function",
"gas": 111389
"name": "kill_me",
"outputs": [],
"inputs": [],
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function",
"gas": 37998
"name": "unkill_me",
"outputs": [],
"inputs": [],
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function",
"gas": 22135
"name": "coins",
"outputs": [
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"name": ""
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"type": "uint256",
"name": "arg0"
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"type": "function",
"gas": 2220
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"name": ""
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"type": "uint256",
"name": "arg0"
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"type": "function",
"gas": 2250
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"name": ""
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"type": "function",
"gas": 2171
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"name": ""
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"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function",
"gas": 2201
"name": "owner",
"outputs": [
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"name": ""
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"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function",
"gas": 2231
"name": "initial_A",
"outputs": [
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"name": ""
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"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function",
"gas": 2261
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"outputs": [
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"name": ""
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"type": "function",
"gas": 2291
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"name": ""
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"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function",
"gas": 2321
"name": "future_A_time",
"outputs": [
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"name": ""
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"type": "function",
"gas": 2351
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"outputs": [
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"name": ""
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"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function",
"gas": 2381
"name": "transfer_ownership_deadline",
"outputs": [
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"name": ""
"inputs": [],
"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function",
"gas": 2411
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"name": ""
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"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function",
"gas": 2441
"name": "future_admin_fee",
"outputs": [
"type": "uint256",
"name": ""
"inputs": [],
"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function",
"gas": 2471
"name": "future_owner",
"outputs": [
"type": "address",
"name": ""
"inputs": [],
"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function",
"gas": 2501
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