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Created April 17, 2011 13:36
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Save madrobby/924037 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
First conversion of JavaScript code to CoffeeScript
# Two things are important to note:
# 1) The code is fugly, because it was a JavaScript/iPad experiment.
# I know that it is ugly, so pretty please don't comment on that part.
# 2) I tried to use as many CoffeeScript features as possible,
# including but not limited to list comprehensions,
# heredocs, destructuring assignment and also the "do" operator
# I welcome comments about stuff that is not CoffeeScripty enough, or what I should
# write differently.
cities = [
[-10, 'Honolulu', 'HAST UTC-10']
[-7, 'San Francisco', 'PDT UTC-7']
[-5, 'Chicago', 'CDT UTC-5']
[-4, 'New York', 'EDT UTC-4']
[-3, 'Rio de Janeiro', 'BRT UTC-3']
[0, 'London', 'GMT UTC']
[2, 'Vienna', 'CET UTC+1']
[5.5, 'Mumbai', 'IST UTC+5:30'],
[8, 'Hong Kong', 'HKT UTC+8']
[9, 'Tokyo', 'JST UTC+9']
[10, 'Sydney', 'EST UTC+10']
[12, 'Auckland', 'NZST UTC+12']].reverse()
citiesright = false
config =
format: "ampm"
months = 'January February March April May June July August September October November December'.split ' '
ua = navigator.userAgent
webkit = ua.indexOf('AppleWebKit/') > -1
moz = ua.indexOf('Gecko') > -1 and not webkit
opera = ua.indexOf('Opera') > -1
ie = ua.indexOf('MSIE') > -1
offsp = null
transprop =
if webkit then 'webkitTransform'
else if ie then 'msTransform'
else if moz then 'MozTransform'
else if opera then 'OTransform'
else 'transform'
transstr =
if webkit then '-webkit-transform'
else if ie then '-ms-transform'
else if moz then '-moz-transform'
else if opera then '-o-transform'
transitionstr =
if webkit then '-webkit-transition'
else if ie then '-ms-transition'
else if moz then '-moz-transition'
else if opera then '-o-transition'
supportsTouch = document.createTouch?
scale = 72
now = new Date
current = now
day = current.getDate()
month = current.getMonth()
nowminutes = now.getHours() * 60 + now.getMinutes()
localoffset = now.getTimezoneOffset()
dragging = off
Function::delay = (seconds) -> setTimeout @, seconds * 1000
Date::addDays = (days) -> new Date @getTime()+(days * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)
$ = (id) ->
document.getElementById id
html = (id, html = '') ->
$(id).innerHTML = html
css = (id, style) ->
$(id).style.cssText += ';' + style
anim = (id, transform, opacity = 1, dur = 0.5) ->
css id, "#{transitionstr}:all #{dur}s; #{transstr}:
#{transform}; opacity:#{opacity}"
translateX = (element, x, anim = false) ->
return if isNaN x += ";#{transitionstr}:all 0.4s;" if anim[transprop] = if webkit and supportsTouch
ctx = $('canvas').getContext '2d'
defaultg = ctx.createLinearGradient 0, 0, 230, 0
activeg = ctx.createLinearGradient 0, 0, 230, 0
localg = ctx.createLinearGradient 0, 0, 230, 0
roundg = ctx.createLinearGradient 0, 0, 0, 23
topg = ctx.createLinearGradient 0, 0, 0, 23
bottomg = ctx.createLinearGradient 0, 23, 0, 0
defaultg.addColorStop stop[0], stop[1] for stop in [
[0, '#4b4c4d'], [0.249,'#4b4c4d'], [0.25,'#575b5c']
[0.329,'#575b5c'], [0.33,'#6b7071'], [0.749,'#6b7071']
[0.75,'#575b5c'], [0.909,'#575b5c'], [0.91,'#4b4c4d']
[1, '#4b4c4d']]
activeg.addColorStop stop[0], stop[1] for stop in [
[0, '#5485b1'], [0.249,'#5485b1'], [0.25,'#3cafc5']
[0.329,'#3cafc5'], [0.33,'#55c8e4'], [0.749,'#55c8e4']
[0.75,'#3cafc5'], [0.909,'#3cafc5'], [0.91,'#5485b1']
[1, '#5485b1']]
localg.addColorStop stop[0], stop[1] for stop in [
[0, '#8abb29'], [0.249,'#8abb29'], [0.25,'#a5df3b']
[0.329,'#a5df3b'], [0.33,'#b8ff41'], [0.749,'#b8ff41']
[0.75,'#a5df3b'], [0.909,'#a5df3b'], [0.91,'#8abb29']
[1, '#8abb29']]
roundg.addColorStop 0, 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'
roundg.addColorStop 1, 'rgba(0,0,0,0.4)'
topg.addColorStop 0, 'rgba(255,255,255,0.3)'
topg.addColorStop 0.025, 'rgba(255,255,255,0)'
bottomg.addColorStop 0, 'rgba(255,255,255,0.3)'
bottomg.addColorStop 0.025, 'rgba(255,255,255,0)'
rr = (w, h, rad) ->
ctx.moveTo rad, 0
ctx.lineTo w - rad, 0
ctx.bezierCurveTo w, 0, w, 0, w, rad
ctx.lineTo w, h - rad
ctx.bezierCurveTo w, h, w, h, w - rad, h
ctx.lineTo rad, h
ctx.bezierCurveTo 0, h, 0, h, 0, h - rad
ctx.lineTo 0, rad
ctx.bezierCurveTo 0, 0, 0, 0, rad, 0
drawBox = (x, y, w, h, gradient = defaultg) ->
ctx.translate x, y
ctx.fillStyle = gradient
ctx.clearRect 0, 0, w, h
rr w, h, 18
ctx.fillStyle = roundg
rr w, h, 18
ctx.fillStyle = topg
rr w, h, 18
ctx.fillStyle = bottomg
rr w, h, 18
hr2p = (hr) -> 50 + (-hr * (100 / scale))
ext = [hr2p(-12 - 24), hr2p(12)]
ext.push Math.abs(ext[1])+Math.abs(ext[0])
cel = []
tz = (id, city, zone, zonedesc) ->
cityWidth = ((700 / scale * 24) | 0) - 5 + 'px'
dy = current.addDays(-1)
dt = current.addDays(1)
el = document.createElement('div')
timeel = document.createElement('div')
nameel = document.createElement('div')
el.className = "city-wrapper#{if (-zone * 60) == localoffset then ' local' else ''}" = "city_#{id}"
el.innerHTML = """
<div class="city" style="width:#{cityWidth}" id="city_#{id}_1">#{months[dy.getMonth()]} #{dy.getDate()}</div>
<div class="city" style="width:#{cityWidth}" id="city_#{id}_2">#{months[current.getMonth()]} #{current.getDate()}</div>
<div class="city" style="width:#{cityWidth}" id="city_#{id}_3">#{months[dt.getMonth()]} #{dt.getDate()}</div>
$('cities').appendChild el
timeel.className = 'city-time'
$('time_info').appendChild timeel += ";top:#{(11 - id) * 60}px"
nameel.className = 'city-name'
nameel.innerHTML = "#{city}<span class='tz'>#{zonedesc}</span>"
$('cities_info').appendChild nameel += ";top:#{110 + id * 60}px"
css "city_#{id}", "left:#{hr2p(zone + 24)}%"
offsetLeft = $("city_#{id}").offsetLeft
c1 = $("city_#{id}_1")
x = c1.offsetLeft + offsetLeft
y = c1.offsetTop + (80 + (11 - id) * 60)
w = c1.offsetWidth
h = c1.offsetHeight
drawBox x, y, w, h
c2 = $("city_#{id}_2")
x2 = c2.offsetLeft + offsetLeft
y2 = c2.offsetTop + (80 + (11 - id) * 60)
w2 = c2.offsetWidth
h2 = c2.offsetHeight
drawBox x2, y2, w2, h2
c3 = $("city_#{id}_3")
x3 = c3.offsetLeft + offsetLeft
y3 = c3.offsetTop + (80 + (11 - id) * 60)
w3 = c3.offsetWidth
h3 = c3.offsetHeight
drawBox x3, y3, w3, h3
cel.push [
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
false, false, false
[x, y, w, h]
[x2, y2, w2, h2]
[x3, y3, w3, h3]
(-zone * 60) == localoffset
renderinfo = ->
n = offsp
p = n - cOffL + 48
cbase = now + localoffset / 60
i = cities.length
while i--
celc = cel[i]
c = cbase + celc[14]
c1 = c < 0
c3 = c >= 24
c2 = c >= 0 and !c3
if c1 and !celc[9]
celc[6].className = 'city active'
celc[9] = true
drawBox(celc[17][0], celc[17][1], celc[17][2], celc[17][3], if celc[20] then localg else activeg)
else if not c1 and celc[9]
celc[6].className = 'city'
celc[9] = false
drawBox(celc[17][0], celc[17][1], celc[17][2], celc[17][3])
if c2 and !celc[10]
celc[7].className = 'city active'
celc[10] = true
drawBox(celc[18][0], celc[18][1], celc[18][2], celc[18][3], if celc[20] then localg else activeg)
else if not c2 and celc[10]
celc[7].className = 'city'
celc[10] = false
drawBox(celc[18][0], celc[18][1], celc[18][2], celc[18][3])
if c3 and !celc[11]
celc[8].className = 'city active'
celc[11] = true
drawBox(celc[19][0], celc[19][1], celc[19][2], celc[19][3], if celc[20] then localg else activeg)
else if not c3 and celc[11]
celc[8].className = 'city'
celc[11] = false
drawBox(celc[19][0], celc[19][1], celc[19][2], celc[19][3])
celc[12].innerHTML = formattime now + celc[14] + (localoffset / 60)
if not celc[16]
celc[16] = true
celc[15].style.cssText += ";top:#{celc[13].offsetTop}px"
translateX $('time_info'), 15 + n + cOffL
if n<170 and not citiesright
translateX $('cities_info'), cOffL + 550, true
citiesright = true
else if n>500 and citiesright
translateX $('cities_info'), cOffL, true
citiesright = false
updateinfo = ->
html 'localtime', formattime now
tn = document.createTextNode ' '
$('localtime').appendChild tn
formattime = (time) ->
time = 24 - Math.abs time % 24 if time < 0
time = time % 24 if time >= 24
mins = Math.abs ((time * 60) % 60) | 0
mins = "0#{mins}" if mins < 10
time = time | 0
if config.format == "ampm"
suffix = "am"
[time, suffix] = [time % 12, "pm"] if time >= 12
time = 12 if time == 0
"#{time}:#{mins} #{suffix}"
timeselector = (px) ->
p = hr2p -now - localoffset / 60
d = -((p / 100) * 700) + 700 / (24 / now)
if px
css 'now', 'left:0px'
translateX $('now'), px
offsp = px
css 'now', "left:#{p}%"
offsp = p * 7
currenttime = (time) ->
p = hr2p(-time - localoffset / 60)
d = -((p / 100) * 700) + 700 / (24 / time)
css 'cnow', 'left:'+p+'%'
html 'clocaltime', formattime(time)
setupGrid = ->
html 'cities'
html 'cities_info'
cel = []
i = cities.length
while i--
tz i, cities[i][1], cities[i][0], cities[i][2]
translateX $('cities_info'), cOffL
cOffL = $('content').offsetLeft
if webkit
(-> anim('wrapper','rotateY(0deg)'))
currenttime nowminutes / 60
now = nowminutes / 60
css 'canvas', "left:#{cOffL}px"
updateLocalTime = ->
localNow = new Date
currenttime localNow.getHours() + localNow.getMinutes() / 60
setInterval updateLocalTime, 1000
move = (event) ->
return if not dragging
pageX = event.pageX
pageX = event.touches[0].pageX if event.touches?
now = (pageX - cOffL - 350) / 700 * scale - localoffset / 60
timeselector pageX - cOffL
event.preventDefault() if event.touches?
if window.orientation?
window.changeorientation = do ->
$('wrapper').className = "o#{orientation}"
cOffL = $('content').offsetLeft
wrapper = $('wrapper')
wrapper[if supportsTouch then "ontouchstart" else "onmousedown"] = (event) ->
element =
element = element.parentNode if element.nodeType isnt 1
return if element.tagName? and element.tagName in ['A', 'IMG']
if event.touches?
return if event.touches[0].pageY < 50
return if event.touches[0].pageX < cOffL
dragging = on
wrapper[if supportsTouch then "ontouchmove" else "onmousemove"] = move
wrapper[if supportsTouch then "ontouchend" else "onmouseup"] = -> dragging = off
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o-sam-o commented Sep 4, 2012

Is open sourced? It's a great utility but I need UTC. I'd love it if I could select one or more of the timezones.

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I love the way everytimezone works, but it misses a few timezones that are important to me as well. While the code isn't exactly open sourced, you can download the source from the website to modify it.

These days, the site uses a separate data.js file, which you can modify to include the timezones you want to work with. For UTC, you just add [0.0,"UTC","UTC",true] into the data array (see )

P.S. I guess if you want to reverse engineer the javascript, you can just run the code through and then if you use coffeescript to compile the above code into javascript, you can kinda guess at what the original variable names need to be changed back to. Too much work for me to bother with ;)

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