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Created September 22, 2010 11:47
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// In a method that returns a NodeSeq.
// compiles
val seq = for {
moduleId <- S.param("moduleId")
moduleInstanceId <- S.param("id")
backupId <- S.param("backupId")
} yield bind("backup", xhtml, "path" -> backupId)
seq openOr (redirectTo("/"))
// doesn't compile
for {
moduleId <- S.param("moduleId")
moduleInstanceId <- S.param("id")
backupId <- S.param("backupId")
} yield {
bind("backup", xhtml, "path" -> backupId)
} openOr (redirectTo("/"))
// error
// [error] /Users/Mads/dev/projects/reverse_backup/productwebgui/src/main/scala/com/reversebackup/webgui/snippet/ ala:21: type mismatch;
// [error] found : net.liftweb.common.Box[String]
// [error] required: scala.xml.NodeSeq
// [error] moduleId <- S.param("moduleId")
// [error] ^
// [error] one error found
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teigen commented Sep 22, 2010

// compiles
(for {
moduleId <- S.param("moduleId")
moduleInstanceId <- S.param("id")
backupId <- S.param("backupId")
} yield {
bind("backup", xhtml, "path" -> backupId)
}) openOr (redirectTo("/"))

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face-palm of course! :) Thanks!

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