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Last active July 1, 2019 21:20
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A C++ demonstration of using #infotheory to estimate mutual information between two variables
// Infotheory demo to estimate MI between two 2D random vars
// C++ demo
// Madhavun Candadai
// Nov 2018
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include "VectorMatrix.h" // download this file from the repo and place in same folder as src
#include "InfoTools.h" // download this file from the repo and place in same folder as src
using namespace std;
double D_RAND_MAX = RAND_MAX; // typecasting to double
int main(){
// Setup
int dims = 4; // dimensionality of all random vars combined
int nReps = 1; // number of shifted binnings over which data is binned and averaged
int binCounts = 50;
// number of bins along each dimension of the data
TVector<int> nBins; // declaring TVector list
nBins.SetBounds(1,dims); // defininig bounds
nBins.FillContents(binCounts); // filling all places
// min value or left edge of binning for each dimension
TVector<double> mins;
// max value or right edge of binning for each dimension
TVector<double> maxs;
// Creating an empty list for now to represent the datapoint
TVector<double> datapoint;
// Creating the object
InfoTools it(dims, nReps);
// specifying the binning
it.setEqualIntervalBinning(nBins, mins, maxs);
// Adding data
for(int n=0; n<1000; n++){
// create a random datapoint
for(int d=1; d<=dims; d++){// since bounds for datapoint is [1,dims]
datapoint[d] = rand()/D_RAND_MAX;
// Invoking information theoretic tools
TVector<int> varIDs; // list to identify different vars in the data
varIDs[1] = 0; varIDs[2] = 0; // random var 1 is along dims 1 and 2
varIDs[3] = 1; varIDs[4] = 1; // random var 2 is along dims 3 and 4
// Computing mutual info between random var 1 and random var 2
double mi = it.mutualInfo(varIDs);
mi /= dims*log2(binCounts);
cout << "Mutual information between the two random 2D data = " << mi << endl;
// changing varID to find mutual info between dim 1 of var 1 and var2
varIDs[1] = 0; varIDs[2] = -1; // -1 will cause that dim to be ignored
varIDs[3] = 1; varIDs[4] = -1;
// Computing mutual info between dim 1 of two 2D random vars
mi = it.mutualInfo(varIDs);
mi /= dims*log2(binCounts);
cout << "Mutual information between first dimension of two random 2D data = " << mi << endl;
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