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Created October 31, 2008 13:03
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Little personal snippets and tools
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
puts $[0]), ARGV[1])
case "$1" in
xmms2 list |
egrep '^->' -A 5 -B 5 |
sed 's/^ //g' |
gsub ' \(\d\d:\d\d\)' '' |
gsub '^->(.+)$' '<b>\1</b>' |
gsub '\[(\d+)/\d+\]' '\1 -')
notify-send -t 4000 'Playlist:' "$playlist"
id=$(xmms2 list | head -n-2 |
sed 's/^ //g' |
gsub '^->' "" |
gsub ' \(\d\d:\d\d\)' '' |
gsub '\[(\d+)/\d+\]' "\1" |
ruby -Ku -e '
${ |l|
puts l.split(" ")[0], l.gsub(/^\d+ /, "")
' |
zenity --list --width 500 --height 600 --column '#' --column 'Song')
xmms2 jump $id
exit 0
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