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Last active January 1, 2021 08:15
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Vim As Your Editor Cheat Sheet

Vim As Your Editor Cheat Sheet 🤓

This is a cheat sheet for the Vim As Your Editor series by ThePrimeagen

Part 1 - The Basic Vim Movements

j and k - move down and up

h and l - move left and right

w - move to the start of the next word

b - move to the start of the current/last word

yy - yank (copy) line

p - paste line under

dd - delete line

u - undo

SHIFT+V - enter visual line mode (aka highlight line)

y - copy highlighted text

d - delete highlighted text

v - enter visual mode (aka highlight current character)

i - enter insert mode (to insert text like in a normal text editor)

ESC - exit insert/visual mode

CTRL+C - ditto

CTRL+[ - ditto

dw - delete word

dj - delete current line and line below it

yw - yank word

yj - yank current line and line below it

:w - save file

Part 2 - Foundation for Speed

o - insert line below

SHIFT+O - insert line above

SHIFT+P - paste line above

a - enter insert mode after current character

SHIFT+I - enter insert mode before current line

SHIFT+A - enter insert mode after current line

/ - start searching

n - jump to next search result

SHIFT+N - jump to previous search result

* - search for next occurrence of current word

# - search for previous occurrence of current word

Part 3 - Horizontal Speed

f<char> - move forwards to character specified

t<char> - move forwards to one character before one specified

SHIFT+F<char> - move backwards to character specified

SHIFT+T<char> - move backwards to one character after one specified

; - repeat movement

x - delete character

s - replace character

cw - replace word

dt<char> - delete until one character before one specified

ct<char> - replace until one character before one specified

SHIFT+D - delete rest of line

SHIFT+C - replace rest of line

SHIFT+X - replace line

Part 4 - Vertical Domination

gg - move to top of file

SHIFT+G - move to bottom of file

:<line> - move to line

<line>g - ditto

<number>j - move down multiple times

} - move to next paragraph

{ - move to previous paragraph

CTRL-D - move 1/2 page downwards

CTRL-U - move 1/2 page upwards

% - move to matching bracket

di{ - delete content of brackets

d<number>i{ - delete content of multiple surrounding brackets

da{ - delete enclosing brackets and their content

Part 5 - Going Full Vim - File Movements, Buffers, Splits

:e src/**/<tab> - find and open file

CTRL+p - fuzzy file search (requires fzf)

CTRL+^ - switch between two files

CTRL+o - move backwards through history

CTRL+i - move forwards through history

mh - set local mark h

'h - move to local mark h

mH - set global mark H

'H - move to global mark H

CTRL+w o - close all other buffers

CTRL+w v - split vertically

CTRL+w s - split horiSontally

:resize 10 - set split size to 10 rows

:vertical resize 10 - set split size to 10 columns

CTRL+w = - set split size evenly

CTRL+w r - rotate split buffers

CTRL+w SHIFT+H - switch between vertical and horizontal split

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