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Created May 29, 2012 09:05
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Scientific Computing with Python

Scientific Computing with Python

Why Python?

  • Programming is fun again!
  • Free (as in beer and as in speech)
  • Steep learning curve
  • Highly readable, easy to code
  • Batteries included
  • Package management
  • Scales pretty well (ie. namespaces, proper OO)

Difference to Matlab

  • Indexing starts at 0, not 1. Look:

When to use

Use Matlab when...

  • you only do throw-away scripts
  • you need to build GUIs to interact (but don't need to deploy them)
  • you want print-ready graphs

Use R when...

  • you do data analysis, and data analysis only

Use python when...

  • you want code that scales well with your project
  • you collaborate with others on the code
  • you want parallel computing, Sockets, interface C, C++ or Fortran,
  • you want to parse a string

Setting up your Environment:

  • We'll need python, ipython, matplotlib, numpy, scipy and PIL (the python image library)
  • For nerds:
    • install python2.7
    • install pip (curl | python)
    • using pip, install the other stuff (ie. pip install matplotlib)
  • Alternative distributions (haven't used any of them):
  • At any rate, we can the interactive ipython console with ipython qtconsole --pylab inline
  • I we feel fancy, we'll run the console in the browser: ipython notebook --pylab inline Why?
    • Everything you do is saved automatically.
    • Start it from a folder in your dropbox and you have the same environment on all your machines
    • You can even tell your code cells to be just Markdown-Formatted text-cells. This way you can annotate your code, log results, etc. A proper lab book!

Further Reading:

# Scientific Computing with Python
## Why Python?
* Programming is fun again!
* Free (as in beer and as in speech)
* Steep learning curve
* Highly readable, easy to code
* Batteries included
* Package management
* Scales pretty well (ie. namespaces, proper OO)
### Difference to Matlab
* Indexing starts at `0`, not `1`. Look:
## When to use
### Use Matlab when...
* you only do throw-away scripts
* you need to build GUIs to interact (but don't need to deploy them)
* you want print-ready graphs
### Use R when...
* you do data analysis, and data analysis _only_
### Use python when...
* you want code that scales well with your project
* you collaborate with others on the code
* you want parallel computing, Sockets, interface C, C++ or Fortran,
* you want to [parse a string](
## Setting up your Environment:
* We'll need python, ipython, matplotlib, numpy, scipy and PIL (the python image library)
* For nerds:
* install python2.7
* install pip (`curl | python`)
* using pip, install the other stuff (ie. `pip install matplotlib`)
* Alternative distributions (haven't used any of them):
* [Spyeder](
* [Enthought Python](
* [Sage]( (Supports symbolic computation, not 100% python compatible though)
* [Python(x,y)](, Windows only
* At any rate, we can the interactive ipython console with `ipython qtconsole --pylab inline`
* I we feel fancy, we'll run the console in the browser: `ipython notebook --pylab inline` Why?
* Everything you do is saved automatically.
* Start it from a folder in your dropbox and you have the same environment on all your machines
* You can even tell your code cells to be just Markdown-Formatted text-cells. This way you can annotate your code, log results, etc. A proper lab book!
## Further Reading:
* [Numpy for Matlab Users](
* Cheat [Sheet for Matlab]( and [R users](
* The Excellent [SciPy Lectures](
* Some interesting [matplotlib recipes](
import this
love = this
this is love # True
love is True # False
love is False # True
love is not True or False, love is love # (True, True)
import antigravity
import inspect
print inspect.getsource(antigravity)
# import webbrowser
# If you haven't started ipython with --pylab, then do this:
# from pylab import *
# Constructing Arrays
x = array([0,2,3,4]) # Matlab: a = [0,2,3,4];
# Basic plotting
x = arange(11)
a = 2 * pi/10
y = sin(a*x)
plot(x, y)
# If you're not on --pylab inline, do this to show the plot in a new window:
# show()
# Matlab: X = [0, 1, 2, 3 ; 10, 11, 12, 13 ; 20, 21, 22, 23]
X = array([[0, 1, 2, 3], [10,11,12,13], [20,21,22,23]])
print X
# Array Slicing
X[1, 2] # Row, Column
# Caveat: Pass-by-Reference!
b = X[:,2]
print b
b[1] = 99
print X
# Work-Around: copy first.
Y = X.copy()
Y[1,2] = 42
print Y
print X
# Other ways of crating arrays:
print zeros(5)
print ones((2,4))
print identity(3)
# Gotchas:
a = array(1,2,3,4)
# Logical indexing:
x = rand(100)
x[x < .5] = 0
scatter(range(100), x)
# Polar plots
r = rand(200)
phi = rand(200) * 2 * pi
polar(phi, r, 'ro')
# Hexbins FTW!
num_data = 5000.0
x = arange(num_data) / num_data + .2
y = x * random.normal(x, 10)
scatter(x, y)
hexbin(x, y, gridsize=30)
# Functions: indent blocks with 4 spaces
def hello_world(name, times=3):
print "Say", name*times
# Data Types:
print [1, 2, "dog", True] # Lists
print {1,1,2,3,5} # Sets
print {"Barca": 1, "Real Madrid": 2}
# List indexing and slicing
a = range(6)
print a
print a[2]
print a[1:2]
print a[:2]
print a[3:]
print a[-1]
print a[2:-2]
print a[-2:1:-1]
# List comprehension:
[x**3 for x in a]
[x**3 for x in a if x % 2 == 1]
# Can also construct sets this way:
word = "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"
{letter for letter in word} # Strings are sequences -> we can iterate over them
# Or even dicts
{letter: word.count(letter) for letter in word}
# Loops are always loops over sequences:
for item in ["eggs", "sugar", "milk"]:
print "buy", item
for index, item in enumerate(["eggs", "sugar", "milk"]):
print "({number:02}) {stuff}".format(number=index, stuff=item)
# Being clever:
for v in enumerate(["eggs", "sugar", "milk"]):
print "({}) {}".format(*v)
In [68]:
# More functions:
def flex(*args, **kwargs):
print ", ".join([str(arg) for arg in args]) # List comprehension: convert items to string
for key in kwargs:
print key, "=", kwargs[key]
return 23, 42
x, y = flex("hello", 99 ,dog="Bark")
print x + 7
# Read and display image
upf = imread("upf.png")
# Convert to grayscayle and display upright
upf_grey = mean(upf, cmap=cm.gray)
# Make a cheap line filter
sobel_h = array([[1,2,1], [0,0,0], [-1,-2,-1]])
sobel_v = sobel_h.transpose()
from scipy.signal import convolve2d
edges_h = convolve2d(upf_grey, sobel_h)
edges_v = convolve2d(upf_grey, sobel_v)
edges = hypot(edges_h, edges_v)
# But actually, scipy does that:
from scipy import ndimage
edges_h = ndimage.sobel(upf_grey, axis=0)
edges_v = ndimage.sobel(upf_grey, axis=1)
edges = hypot(edges_h, edges_v)
# make a feature-mappy thing
edge_feature = ndimage.gaussian_filter(edges, 10)
import Image
luminance = Image.fromarray(upf_grey).convert('L')
luminance_feature = ndimage.gaussian_filter(luminance, 10)
attention = 0.3 * luminance_feature + 0.7 * edge_feature
from scipy.ndimage import filters
maxima = filters.maximum_filter(attention, 10)
minima = filters.minimum_filter(attention, 10)
diff = (maxima - minima > 25) * 1.0 # arbitrary threshold
maxima_smooth = ndimage.gaussian_filter(diff, 15)
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