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Forked from timgremore/index.html.haml
Created September 26, 2012 06:29
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Ember.js, document collection and polling...written in CoffeeScript
- title "#{}"
%h1= yield(:title)
= form_tag(assessment_game_documents_path(@game)) do
%script{ type: "text/x-handlebars" }
{{#collection Game.DocumentsCollectionView contentBinding="Game.documentsController"}}
%li {{}}
window.Game ||= Ember.Application.create
ready: () ->
setInterval(() ->
, 10000)
Game.Document = Ember.Object.extend
name: null,
description: null
Game.documentsController = Ember.ArrayController.create
content: [],
createDocument: (name, description) ->
document = Game.Document.create
name: name,
description: description
refresh: () ->
$.getJSON("index.json", (data) ->
for item in data
Game.documentsController.createDocument item["document"]["name"], item["document"]["description"]
Game.DocumentsCollectionView = Ember.CollectionView.extend
itemView: Ember.View.extend
mouseDown: (evt) ->
alert "You clicked on " + this.get('content')
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