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Last active July 27, 2017 02:06
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Save maedoc/8187958 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
NDArray traits type based on IPython's traitlets module.
I was taking the IPython.utils.traitlets for a spin;
the only really useful thing missing was an NDArray
which validates on certain shape and type constraints
and notifies for interesting kinds of inequalities
id(x)==id(y), (x==y).all(), allclose(x, y).
>>> class HasArrays(HasTraits):
... # insist only on value being an instance of `numpy.ndarray`
... a = NDArray()
... # insist on data type
... b = NDArray(dtype='i')
... # insist on shape, e.g. three columns, N rows
... c = NDArray(shape=(-1, 3))
import unittest
from IPython.utils.traitlets import Instance, TraitError, HasTraits
from numpy import ndarray, can_cast, allclose, dtype, array, zeros
__all__ = ['NDArray']
class NDArray(Instance):
def __init__(self, **metadata):
# How to do with just an enum?
self.eq = metadata.pop('eq', 'id')
valideq = 'id all allclose'.split(' ')
if self.eq not in valideq:
msg = 'eq=%r invalid, expect one of %r' % (self.eq, valideq)
raise ValueError(msg)
super(NDArray, self).__init__(
args=(map(abs, metadata.get('shape', ())), ),
allow_none=metadata.pop('allow_none', False),
def info(self):
info = super(NDArray, self).info()
dt = self.get_metadata('dtype')
if dt:
info += ', of %r' % (dtype(dt), )
shape = self.get_metadata('shape')
if shape:
if self.get_metadata('bcast'):
info += ', broadcasting to %r'
info += ', with shape %r'
info %= (shape, )
return info
def validate(self, obj, value):
# this just checks instance
val = super(NDArray, self).validate(obj, value)
# maybe check dtype castable
# TODO exact dtype match
dt = self.get_metadata('dtype')
if dt:
if not can_cast(dtype(dt), value.dtype):
msg = 'Expected type castable with %r, received %r'
msg %= (dtype(dt), value.dtype)
raise TraitError(msg)
# maybe check shape
shape = self.get_metadata('shape')
if shape:
# TODO implement implicit transpose, shape of (-1, 3), value.shape(3, -1), transpose it.
# TODO implement exact shape mode, len(shape) == len(value.shape)
if len(shape) > len(value.shape):
msg = 'Expected at least %d dimensions, received %d'
msg %= (len(shape), len(value.shape))
raise t.TraitError(msg)
# broadcast mode, ignore 1s and start from right
if self.get_metadata('bcast'):
for i, (e, v) in enumerate(zip(reversed(shape), reversed(value.shape))):
if not (e==-1 or (e==1 or v==1) or e==v):
msg = 'Expected axis %d to have dim %d, received %d'
msg %= (len(value.shape) - i, e, v)
raise TraitError(msg)
# normal, ignore -1 and start from left
for i, (e, v) in enumerate(zip(shape, value.shape)):
if not (e==-1 or e==v):
msg = 'Expected axis %d to have dim %d, received %d'
msg %= (i, e, v)
raise TraitError(msg)
return val
def __set__(self, obj, value):
new = self._validate(obj, value)
old = self.__get__(obj)
# handle array equality as requested
if self.eq == 'id':
same = id(new) == id(old)
# place in common try-catch because both
# can fail due to non-broadcastable shapes
same = (old==new).all() if self.eq=='all' else allclose(old, new)
except ValueError:
same = False
if not same:
obj._trait_values[] = new
obj._notify_trait(, old, new)
# Tests
class TestEq(unittest.TestCase):
def test_id(self):
self.assertEqual(NDArray(eq='id').eq, 'id')
def test_all(self):
self.assertEqual(NDArray(eq='all').eq, 'all')
def test_allclose(self):
self.assertEqual(NDArray(eq='allclose').eq, 'allclose')
def test_badeq(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
class TestAllowNone(unittest.TestCase):
def test_non_default(self):
self.assertEqual(NDArray(allow_none=True)._allow_none, True)
def test_default(self):
self.assertEqual(NDArray()._allow_none, False)
class TestInfo(unittest.TestCase):
def test_plain(self):
self.assertEqual(NDArray().info(), 'a ndarray')
def test_allow_none(self):
self.assertEqual(NDArray(allow_none=True).info(), 'a ndarray or None')
def test_shape(self):
self.assertEqual(NDArray(shape=(-1, 2)).info(), 'a ndarray, with shape (-1, 2)')
def test_bcast(self):
self.assertEqual(NDArray(shape=(-1, 2), bcast=True).info(), 'a ndarray, broadcasting to (-1, 2)')
def test_dtype(self):
self.assertEqual(NDArray(dtype='f32').info(), "a ndarray, of dtype('float32')")
class TestValidation(unittest.TestCase):
class TestBed(HasTraits):
x = NDArray()
y = NDArray(dtype='i')
z = NDArray(dtype='f')
A = NDArray(shape=(3, 4))
B = NDArray(shape=(-1, 3))
C = NDArray(shape=(1, 3, -1), bcast=True)
def test_instance_check(self):
tb = self.TestBed()
with self.assertRaises(TraitError):
tb.x = 'foo'
x = array([1.0, 2.0])
tb.x = x
self.assertEqual(id(tb.x), id(x))
def test_dtype_check(self):
tb = self.TestBed()
f = array([1.0], 'd')
i = array([1], 'i')
tb.x = f
tb.y = f
with self.assertRaises(TraitError):
tb.z = i
def test_shape_normal(self):
tb = self.TestBed()
tb.A = zeros((3, 4))
with self.assertRaises(TraitError):
tb.A = zeros((4, 5))
def test_shape_free(self):
tb = self.TestBed()
for n in [1, 5, 10]:
tb.B = zeros((n, 3))
for n in [1, 5, 10]:
tb.B = zeros((n, 3, 2, 3))
with self.assertRaises(TraitError):
tb.B = zeros((2, 4))
def test_shape_bcast(self):
tb = self.TestBed()
tb.C = zeros((2, 3, 4))
tb.C = zeros((5, 4, 3, 1))
tb.C = zeros((1, 3, 1, 2))
tb.C = zeros((1, 2, 3, 4))
with self.assertRaises(TraitError):
tb.C = zeros((1, 3, 2, 2))
class TestEquality(unittest.TestCase):
class TestBed(HasTraits):
A = NDArray(eq='id')
_A_has_changed = False
def _A_changed(self):
self._A_has_changed = True
B = NDArray(eq='all')
_B_has_changed = False
def _B_changed(self):
self._B_has_changed = True
C = NDArray(eq='allclose')
_C_has_changed = False
def _C_changed(self):
self._C_has_changed = True
def test_eq_id(self):
tb = self.TestBed()
x = array([1, 2, 3]).astype('f')
# set A first time, id has changed
tb.A = x
tb._A_has_changed = False
# second time, no change in id
tb.A = x
tb._A_has_changed = False
# third time, id changes but not values
tb.A = x.copy()
# 'all' first, see change
tb.B = x
tb._B_has_changed = False
# but doesn't change on copy as with id testing
tb.B = x.copy()
# 'allclose' first, see change
tb.C = x
tb._C_has_changed = False
# doesn't change on small variations
tb.C = x.copy() + 1e-10
tb._C_has_changed = False
# but does change on large variations
tb.C = x.copy() + 1e-1
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