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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Example of audiovisual stimulus in TVB with MEG evoked analysis in MNE
import matplotlib as mpl
import numpy as np
from import loadmat
import mne
from import RawArray
from import create_info
except ImportError:
from import create_info
from tvb.simulator.lab import *
# see
tvb_data_path = '/home/duke/proj/vibes/tvb-data/tvb_data'
# read lead field & map region labels (because lead field was computed
# in Brainstorm, ch order doesn't match)
import json
with open('map_4d_to_mne.json', 'r') as fd:
map_4d_to_mne = json.load(fd)
labels = loadmat(tvb_data_path + '/../tvb-meg-channel-names.mat')
mnenames = [map_4d_to_mne.get(nm[0], '?') for nm in labels['meg_names'][0]]
megnames = [c for c in mnenames if c.startswith('MEG')]
G = loadmat(tvb_data_path + '/../tvb-lead-fields.mat')['meg']
G = G[np.isfinite(G).all(axis=1)]
assert G.shape[0] == 248
# read connectivity
conn = connectivity.Connectivity.from_file(tvb_data_path + '/connectivity/')
conn.speed = 1.0
# setup region lead field (as w/ freesurfer labels)
rmap = np.loadtxt(tvb_data_path + '/regionMapping/original_region_mapping.txt').astype(np.int32)
Gr = []
for ri in r_[:conn.weights.shape[0]]:
Gr.append(G[:, rmap==ri].sum(axis=1))
Gr = np.array(Gr)
# stimulus
eqn_t = equations.PulseTrain()
'T': 1e3/2.0, # 2 Hz
'tau': 5.0,
'onset': 500.0
stimpatt = np.zeros((conn.weights.shape[0], ))
stimpatt[[35, 72]] = 0.05 # r & l V1
stimpatt[[0, 37]] = 0.5 # r & l A1
# oscillator parameters
regime = {'a': -2.5, 'b': -10.0, 'c': 0.0, 'd': 0.02,# * 8,
'I': 0.0}
# create simulator
sim = simulator.Simulator(
model = models.Generic2dOscillator(**regime),
connectivity = conn,
coupling = coupling.Linear(a=0.1),
integrator = integrators.HeunStochastic(
dt = 0.5,
noise = noise.Additive(
nsig = np.array([2**-14.0,]))),
monitors = (monitors.TemporalAverage(period=1e3/2034.5),),
stimulus = patterns.StimuliRegion(
temporal = eqn_t,
connectivity = conn,
weight = stimpatt)
# perform the simulation
tf = 6e4
ys = []
ts = []
for (t,tavg), in sim(simulation_length=tf):
if t > 0.0:
if len(ts)%1000==0:
print t
ts = np.array(ts)
ys = np.array(ys)
# convert stimulus to mne event array
pt = sim.stimulus(spatial_indices=0)[0]
_ts = r_[:len(pt)]
onsets = _ts[(pt[:-1]==0.)*(pt[1:]>0.)]
_ = np.ones((onsets.shape[0],))
events = c_[onsets, _*0, _]
event_id = {'stim': 1}
# setup mne raw
meg = ys[:, 0, :, 0].dot(Gr).T
nchan = meg.shape[0]
raw = RawArray(meg/1e9,
1e3/(ts[1] - ts[0]),
['mag' for _ in range(nchan)])
raw.filter(5, 100)
# epoch on stimulus
epochs = mne.Epochs(raw, events, event_id, -0.1, 0.5)
# evoked
evoked = epochs.average()
fig = evoked.plot(show=True)
# topomap
lay = mne.layouts.read_layout('magnesWH3600')
for i, ix in enumerate(np.r_[:0.1:20j].reshape((4, 5))):
fig = evoked.plot_topomap(times=ix, layout=lay)
fig.savefig('avevoked-topo-%d.png' % (i,))
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