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Last active June 15, 2019 10:09
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About me -- looking for startup opportunities
  • I speak and write English fluently (learnt a lot during my PhD). Come try my delicious and refreshing french-flavoured accent! 😄
  • I enjoy contributing to open-source projects; when I do, it is mostly a way of scratching a developer itch on one of my tools. I sent pull requests to ocaml-minisatocaml-qbf, ocamlyices2 and opam (OCaml), gitlab-ce (Ruby on rails, Rspec), boost-graph (C++).
  • I authored and am the maintainer of various projects: homebrew-amc (Ruby, Travis CI), touist (OCaml) and four vscode-extensions (they use Typescript; one of them has 29k download! 😊).
  • From my experience, open-source promotes tolerance when it comes to discuss and accept other's patches as well as leading people to give friendly and constructive critics (most of the time though; mileage may vary, see this email Linus wrote to one of his contributors).
  • I love functional programming; I have 3 years of experience using OCaml building a compiler and solver for propositional logic. I also did some ReasonML. I discovered Elixir and Erlang a couple of days ago and so far, I love it. Still a lot to learn though, but I start to get the hang of it.
  • I am very interested by micro-service architectures. I did some side-projects using Go, gRPC (e.g. maelvls/users-grpc) with Kubernetes. I had a lot of fun with it (thanks to Go's excellent 'dev experience'). I also played with Elixir which also benefits from a very polished 'dev experience'. I also played a lot with Rust and compared it to Go (rust-chat, touist-server). Rust is is by far the fastest 'modern' language, but not the easiest to learn: borrow checker, lifetimes, traits...
  • Throughout my work, I like to improve the 'developer experience' (DX) by improving the tooling as well as the overall DevOps workflow. I think that a good developer experience keeps retaining and gaining good developers. If given the opportunity, I wish to contribute in that regard.
  • I worked with multiple automation and continuous integration tools (, Travis CI, Gitlab CI, Circle CI and Appveyor; pull request lifecycle using bots and Slack ChatOps integration with Slack). On the CI/CD side, I also collaborated with the Homebrew 'tap' people: How to automate the build of bottles on your Homebrew tap.
  • I experimented with Docker, Kubernetes using Terraform, Helm, Traefik and Prometheus/Grafana; both on AWS EKS and GCP GKE (see maelvls/awx-gke-terraform and maelvls/terraform-touist).
  • I have some knowledge on machine learning (more specifically, deep learning) as it was one of the topics during the first 6 months of my PhD (see my masters-thesis).
  • I can bring some knowledge about routing problems, more specifically shortest path algorithms. During an internship at Mobigis, I developed a shortest-path algorithm based on Dijkstra for carpooling on actual geographic data; I also contributed to the open-source boost-graph library (mainly written in C++11). I also worked on vehicle routing (vehicule-routing-report in French).
  • On the teamwork side, I worked in various project agile setups (Scrum and Kanban) in teams ranging from 2 to 6 people. I enjoy sharing ideas around team workflows and ways of shipping smoother and faster.
  • As a last note, I really think pair-programming and code reviews can make us developers grow and learn from others, not only about code but also finding the best tooling and shortcuts (Emacs, IDEs, command line tools...) and such.

Administrative details:

  • I am available for hire starting on (around) July 15th, 2019.
  • I am available for interviews or technical assessments every week day after 6pm or on Saturdays.
  • On the matter of compensation, 2500 euros per month would fit me perfectly (net salary including everything like bonuses or things alike), depending on the job attractiveness (e.g. technologies, remote possibilities, possibility to attend to tech conferences...)
  • Contact information:, +33786484391,
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