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Last active September 27, 2017 09:13
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Pour utiliser : ./game --console
(** Entry point of the game application. *)
exception Exit
open Common
open Vector
open Printf
open Quad
let votre_prog = [
(* configuration *)
let x_space = 32
let y_space = 32
(*let width = 20
let height = 20*)
let karel_width = 20
let karel_height = 20
let grid_color = Graphics.cyan
let back_color = Graphics.white
let text_color =
let wall_color =
let karel_color =
let karel_back = Graphics.white
(*let karel_speed = 1.*)
(* beeper definition *)
let beeper_width = 16
let beeper_height = 16
let beeper_drawing = [
CIRCLE (beeper_width / 2);
FILL_CIRCLE (beeper_width * 2 / 6)
(* option processing *)
let just_compile = ref false
let time = ref 500
let itime = ref 0
let debug = ref false
let console = ref false
let opts = [
("-c", Arg.Set just_compile, "Stop after compilation and print quadruplets.");
("-t", Arg.Set_int time, "time in ms between moves of the robot (default 500)");
("-i", Arg.Set_int itime, "time in ms between two instructions (not used by default)");
("-d", Arg.Set debug, "dump to stderr the executed quads");
("--console", Arg.Set console, "");
let doc = "Karel Game Emulator (GUI)"
(**** application ***)
let run prog world =
let karel_speed =
if !itime = 0
then (float_of_int !time) /. 1000.
else (float_of_int !itime) /. 1000. in
let centerx x ox = ox + x * x_space + x_space / 2 in
let centery y oy = oy - y * y_space - y_space / 2 in
let draw_karel window state ox oy =
let ((x, y, dir, _), _) = state in
let xc, yc = centerx x ox, centery y oy in
let xl = xc - karel_width / 2 in
let xr = xc + karel_width / 2 in
let yt = yc + karel_height / 2 in
let yb = yc - karel_height / 2 in
Graphics.set_color karel_back;
Graphics.fill_rect xl yb karel_width karel_height;
Graphics.set_color karel_color;
Graphics.draw_poly [| (xl, yt); (xr, yt); (xr, yb); (xl, yb) |];
let pts = (List.nth
(fun _ -> [| (xl, yb); (xc, yt); (xr, yb) |]);
(fun _ -> [| (xl, yb); (xr, yc); (xl, yt) |]);
(fun _ -> [| (xl, yt); (xc, yb); (xr, yt) |]);
(fun _ -> [| (xr, yb); (xl, yc); (xr, yt) |])
(dir - 1)) () in
Graphics.fill_poly pts in
let clear_karel window (state: Karel.karel) ox oy =
let ((x, y, _, _), (_, map)) = state in
let xc, yc = centerx x ox, centery y oy in
let xl = xc - karel_width / 2 in
let xr = xc + karel_width / 2 in
let yt = yc + karel_height / 2 in
let yb = yc - karel_height / 2 in
Graphics.set_color back_color;
Graphics.fill_rect xl yb karel_width karel_height;
Graphics.set_color grid_color;
Graphics.moveto xl yc;
Graphics.lineto xr yc;
Graphics.moveto xc yt;
Graphics.lineto xc yb;
if (Karel.map_beeper map x y) > 0
then draw xc yc beeper_drawing in
let draw_grid window kstate widget =
let (x, y, _, h) = Ui.widget_get_box window (Ui.widget_name widget) in
let (_, (_, (ww, wh, _))) = kstate in
let draw = Graphics.draw_poly_line in
let y = y + h - 1 in
(* display grid *)
Graphics.set_color grid_color;
for i = 0 to ww - 1 do
draw [|
(x + i * x_space + x_space / 2, y);
(x + i * x_space + x_space / 2, y - wh * y_space)
for i = 0 to wh - 1 do
draw [|
(x, y - i * y_space - y_space / 2);
(x + ww * x_space, y - i * y_space - y_space / 2)
(* draw walls *)
let draw_cell xc yc (w, b) =
let xl = x + xc * x_space in
let xr = xl + x_space - 1 in
let yt = y - yc * y_space + 1 in
let yb = yt - y_space + 1 in
let draw = Graphics.draw_poly_line in
Graphics.set_color wall_color;
if Karel.has_wall Karel.north w then
draw [| (xl, yt); (xr, yt) |];
if Karel.has_wall Karel.east w then
draw [| (xr, yt); (xr, yb) |];
if Karel.has_wall Karel.south w then
draw [| (xl, yb); (xr, yb) |];
if Karel.has_wall Karel.west w then
draw [| (xl, yt); (xl, yb) |];
if b > 0 then
Vector.draw (centerx xc x) (centery yc y) beeper_drawing in
let (_, world) = kstate in
Karel.iter_map world draw_cell;
(* draw karel *)
draw_karel window kstate x y in
let handle_x window event =
Ui.window_quit window in
let rec exec window =
if Vm.ended (Ui.get_app window) then window else
let pc = Vm.get_pc (Ui.get_app window) in
let disasm = Printf.sprintf "%04d %s" pc (Quad.to_string prog.(pc)) in
let window = Ui.console_add window "console" disasm in
if !debug then Printf.fprintf stderr "%s\n" disasm;
let window = Ui.set_app window (Vm.step (Ui.get_app window) prog) in
if Vm.ended (Ui.get_app window)
Ui.statusbar_display_untimed (Ui.widget_config window "status" [Ui.TEXT_COLOR]) "status" "Stopped!"
else if !itime <> 0 then window
match prog.(Vm.get_pc (Ui.get_app window)) with
| Quad.INVOKE (d, _, _) when d = Karel.move || d = Karel.turn_left
-> window
| _
-> exec window
| Karel.Error m ->
let window = Ui.statusbar_display_untimed (Ui.widget_config window "status" [Ui.TEXT_COLOR]) "status" m in
Ui.set_app window (Vm.stop (Ui.get_app window))
| Vm.Error (_, m) ->
let window = Ui.statusbar_display_untimed (Ui.widget_config window "status" [Ui.TEXT_COLOR]) "status" ("VM Error: " ^ m) in
Ui.set_app window (Vm.stop (Ui.get_app window)) in
let rec handle_time window =
let (x, y, w, h) = Ui.widget_get_box window "world" in
clear_karel window (Vm.get_istate (Ui.get_app window)) x (y + h - 1);
let window = exec window in
draw_karel window (Vm.get_istate (Ui.get_app window)) x (y + h -1);
Ui.window_handle_timeout window karel_speed handle_time in
let grid (widget: 'a Ui.widget) window msg =
let kstate = Vm.get_istate (Ui.get_app window) in
match msg with
-> draw_grid window kstate widget; (Ui.NOTHING, window)
-> let (_, (_, (w, h, _))) = kstate in
(Ui.SIZE (x_space * w, y_space * h), window)
| _
-> Ui.default_inst widget window msg in
let kstate = Karel.init_state world in
let vstate = Vm.new_state Karel.invoke kstate in
let window = Ui.window_make "Karel 1.0" vstate in
let window = Ui.widget_make window "world" grid in
(*let window = Ui.label_make window "status" "Welcome to karel!" in*)
let window = Ui.statusbar_make window "status" "Welcome to karel!" in
let window = Ui.vbox_make window "vbox" ["world"; "status"] in
let window = Ui.console_make window "console" "XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" in
let window = Ui.hbox_make window "hbox" ["console"; "vbox"] in
let window = Ui.window_set_top window "hbox" in
let window = Ui.window_handle_event window "" (Ui.KEY 'x') handle_x in
let window = Ui.window_handle_timeout window karel_speed handle_time in
Ui.window_run window
let process prog (world: =
if !just_compile then
Quad.print_prog prog
ignore (run prog world)
let scan args =
let make prog =
let file = open_in prog in
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel file in
Parser.prog Lexer.scan lexbuf;
Comp.get_program ()
| Parsing.Parse_error -> print_fatal lexbuf prog "syntax error"
| Common.LexerError msg -> print_fatal lexbuf prog msg
| Common.SyntaxError msg -> print_fatal lexbuf prog msg in
let load_world path =
let file = open_in path in
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel file in
try Wlexer.scan lexbuf;
| Parsing.Parse_error -> print_fatal lexbuf path "syntax error in world file"
| Common.LexerError msg -> print_fatal lexbuf path msg in
match args with
| [] when !console -> run (Array.of_list votre_prog) Karel.empty_world
| [ world ] when !console -> run (Array.of_list votre_prog) (load_world world)
| [ prog ] -> process (make prog) Karel.empty_world
| [ world; prog] -> process (make prog) (load_world world)
| _ -> Arg.usage opts "ERROR: syntax: game program [map]"
let _ =
let free_args = ref [] in
Arg.parse opts (fun arg -> free_args := arg :: !free_args) doc;
scan !free_args
OCAMLC = ocamlc -thread -g
OCAMLYACC = ocamlyacc
OCAMLLEX = ocamllex
SOURCES = \ \ \ \ \
wparser.mly \
wlexer.mll \ \
parser.mly \
lexer.mll \ \ \
OBJECTS = $(patsubst %.mll,%.cmo,$(patsubst %.mly,%.cmo,$(patsubst,%.cmo,$(SOURCES))))
CLEAN = $(OBJECTS) parser.mli *.cmi *.cmo *.cmx *.automaton *.output
all: game console
rm -rf $(CLEAN)
game: $(OBJECTS)
$(OCAMLC) -o $@ unix.cma threads.cma graphics.cma $(OBJECTS) $(OBJECT:.cmo=.cmi)
wparser.mly \
wlexer.mll \ \
parser.mly \
lexer.mll \ \
CONSOLE_OBJECTS = $(patsubst %.mll,%.cmo,$(patsubst %.mly,%.cmo,$(patsubst,%.cmo,$(CONSOLE_SOURCES))))
CLEAN += $(CONSOLE_OBJECTS) parser.mli
$(OCAMLC) -o $@ unix.cma threads.cma graphics.cma $(CONSOLE_OBJECTS) $(CONSOLE_OBJECT:.cmo=.cmi)
parser.cmo: parser.cmi common.cmo vm.cmo karel.cmo
parser.cmi: comp.cmo common.cmo vm.cmo karel.cmo
lexer.cmo: parser.cmi common.cmo
wparser.cmo: wparser.cmi karel.cmo
wlexer.cmo: wparser.cmi common.cmo
game.cmo: lexer.cmo parser.cmo common.cmo comp.cmo quad.cmo ui.cmo vm.cmo wparser.cmo wlexer.cmo
comp.cmo: common.cmo quad.cmo
ui.cmo: quad.cmo vm.cmo
karel.cmo: vm.cmo quad.cmo
console.cmo: vm.cmo
$(OCAMLC) -c $< -o $@
%.cmi: %.mli
$(OCAMLC) -c $< -o $@ %.mli: %.mly
$(OCAMLYACC) -v $< %.mll
$(OCAMLLEX) $< -o $@
DIST = \
*.mly \
*.mll \
samples \
Makefile \
if [ test -d $(ARC) ]; then rm -rf $(ARC); fi
mkdir $(ARC)
cp -R $(DIST) $(ARC)
./ < parser.mly > $(ARC)/parser.mly
./ < lexer.mll > $(ARC)/lexer.mll
tar cvfz $(ARC).tgz $(ARC)
cd karel; make
TO_SAVE=lexer.mll parser.mly
@test -d $(SAVE) || mkdir $(SAVE)
@cp $(TO_SAVE) $(SAVE)
@touch "$(SAVE)/Do not modify this!"
@echo "Save done!"
@test -d $(SAVE) || (echo "No save found!"; exit 1)
@cp $(patsubst %,$(SAVE)/%,$(TO_SAVE)) .
@echo "Restore done!"
./game samples/around.karel samples/empty.wld
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