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Created July 3, 2014 01:00
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body, input, button {
font-size: 20pt;
<form id="userBday" >
<input id="month" placeholder="month" />
<input id="day" placeholder="day" />
<input id="year" placeholder="year" />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
<script src=""></script>
* Exercise 2 Part 1: ofAge
// Write a function named `ofAge` that:
var ofAge = function(age){
// takes 1 argument: age.
// calculate if that age is 21 or above.
if(age >= 21) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Output true or false based on if the age is above age
console.assert(ofAge(21) === true);
console.assert(ofAge(22) === true);
console.assert(ofAge(18) === false);
console.assert(ofAge(0) === false);
console.assert(ofAge(-2) === false);
* Exercise 2 Part 2: getAge
function calculateAge(birthMonth, birthDay, birthYear) {
// Get Todays Date
var todayDate = new Date(),
todayYear = todayDate.getFullYear(),
todayMonth = todayDate.getMonth(),
todayDay = todayDate.getDate();
// Calculate Age
var age = todayYear - birthYear;
// Check month discrepancies
if (todayMonth < (birthMonth - 1)) {
// Check day discrepancies
if (((birthMonth - 1) == todayMonth) && (todayDay < birthDay)) {
// @return {Number} age
return age;
console.assert(calculateAge(12,1,1988) === 25);
console.assert(calculateAge(6,11,1990) === 24);
console.assert(calculateAge(8,19,1988) === 25);
console.assert(calculateAge(10,24,1988) === 25);
console.assert(calculateAge(4,11,1989) === 25);
console.assert(calculateAge(1,1,2000) === 14);
* Exercise 2 Part 3: checkOfAge
// Write a function named `checkOfAge` that:
var checkOfAge = function(month, day, year) {
// takes 3 arguments: month, day, year.
// Use the calculateAge function to calculate the age.
var age = calculateAge(month,day,year);
// calculate if that age is 21 or above.
var checkAge = ofAge(age)
// Output true or false based on if the age is above age
return checkAge;
console.assert(checkOfAge(12,01,1988) === true);
console.assert(checkOfAge(1,1,1993) === true);
console.assert(checkOfAge(1,1,2001) === false);
$("#userBday").on('submit', function(e){
var month = $("#month").val()
var day = $("#day").val()
var year = $("#year").val()
var checkAge = checkOfAge(month,day,year);
alert('TURN DOWN FOR WHAT!!!');
window.location = '';
} else {
alert('Sorry. You\'re too young');
window.location = "";
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