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Created July 30, 2019 14:27
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Faust RPC test
#!/usr/bin/env python
from typing import AsyncIterable
import faust
from faust import StreamT
app = faust.App('RPCTest1')
topic = app.topic('RPC__test_1')
async def rpc_call(stream: StreamT[float]) -> AsyncIterable[float]:
async for value in stream:
print("rpc-test-1 rpc_call value: {}".format(value))
yield value * 10
if __name__ == '__main__':
#!/usr/bin/env python
from typing import AsyncIterable
import faust
from faust import StreamT
app = faust.App('RPCTest2')
topic = app.topic('RPC__test_2')
async def rpc_call(stream: StreamT[float]) -> AsyncIterable[float]:
async for value in stream:
print("rpc-test-2 rpc_call value: {}".format(value))
yield value * 20
if __name__ == '__main__':
#!/usr/bin/env python
from typing import AsyncIterable
import faust
from faust import StreamT
# Main App.
app = faust.App('RPCTestClient')
app_topic = app.topic('RPC__test_app')
# RPC Client App.
rpc_app = faust.App('RPCClientApp', reply_create_topic=True)
rpc_topic_1 = rpc_app.topic('RPC__test_1')
rpc_topic_2 = rpc_app.topic('RPC__test_2')
# RPC 'RPC__test_1' topic client agent.
async def rpc_test_1_noop(stream: StreamT[float]) -> AsyncIterable[float]:
# This is never called. Only used to create RPC client agent.
async for value in stream:
print("rpc-test-client rpc_test_1_noop value: {}".format(value))
yield 3.14
# RPC 'RPC__test_2' topic client agent.
async def rpc_test_2_noop(stream: StreamT[float]) -> AsyncIterable[float]:
# This is never called. Only used to create RPC client agent.
async for value in stream:
print("rpc-test-client rpc_test_2_noop value: {}".format(value))
yield 3.14
# Main App agent that makes RPCs to 'RPC__test_1' and 'RPC__test_2'.
async def process(stream: StreamT[float]) -> None:
async for value in stream:
print("rpc-test-client process value: {}".format(value))
res = await rpc_test_1_noop.ask(value=value)
print("rpc-test-client process res: {}".format(res))
res = await rpc_test_2_noop.ask(value=res)
print("rpc-test-client process res: {}".format(res))
# Test sending value to main Apps 'RPC__test_app' topic.
async def _sender() -> None:
value = 5
print("rpc-test-client _sender value: {}".format(value))
await app_topic.send(value=value)
# Start RPC Client App in client mode.
async def on_startup(app):
print('STARTING UP: %r' % (app,))
await rpc_app.start_client()
print('START UP COMPLETED: %r' % (app,))
# Start main App.
if __name__ == '__main__':
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