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Created August 19, 2016 20:01
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Stupid and simple Dynamic DNS script based on Linode
require 'open-uri'
require 'json'
require 'net/http'
DOMAINID = "Your DomainID"
RESOURCEID = "The AAA resource ID already created in the DNS dashboard"
TARGET = "[remote_addr]" # Drop the brackets when using literal IPs. With [remote_addr] Linode will use the IP from where the request is received
# Uncomment this line if the SSL certificate is complaining. Disclosure:This is not a safe method
current_ip = Net::HTTP.get(URI(""))
request = open("{API_KEY}&api_action=domain.resource.list&DomainID=#{DOMAINID}&ResourceID=#{RESOURCEID}",
{ssl_verify_mode: OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE}).read
ip_in_records = JSON.parse(request)["DATA"].first["TARGET"] #Assuming the API KEY can only access one domain
unless ip_in_records == current_ip
puts "Actualizamos IP. Ip en el registo: #{ip_in_records}; Ip a la que se actualizara: #{current_ip}"
request = open("{API_KEY}&api_action=domain.resource.update&DomainID=#{DOMAINID}&ResourceID=#{RESOURCEID}&Target=#{TARGET}").read
puts request
puts "La IP no ha cambiado"
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