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Created October 3, 2013 09:19
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Nagios and Shinken hubot script
# Description:
# This script receives pages in the formats
# /usr/bin/curl -d host="$HOSTALIAS$" -d output="$SERVICEOUTPUT$" -d description="$SERVICEDESC$" -d type=service -d state="$SERVICESTATE$" $CONTACTADDRESS1$
# /usr/bin/curl -d host="$HOSTNAME$" -d output="$HOSTOUTPUT$" -d type=host -d state="$HOSTSTATE$" $CONTACTADDRESS1$
# Author:
# maethor
# based on oremj (
irc = require('irc')
module.exports = (robot) ->
bold = (text) ->
"\x02" + text + "\u000f"
underline = (text) ->
"\x1f" + text + "\u000f"
room = process.env.NAGIOS_CHANNEL '/nagios', (req, res) ->
host = irc.colors.wrap('orange',
output = irc.colors.wrap('white', req.body.output)
state = req.body.state
if state == 'OK' or state == 'UP'
state_color = 'light_green'
else if state == 'CRITICAL' or state == 'DOWN'
state_color = 'light_red'
else if state == 'WARNING'
state_color = 'yellow'
state_color = 'orange'
state = irc.colors.wrap(state_color, state)
if req.body.type == 'host'
robot.messageRoom "#{room}", "shinken: #{host} is #{bold(state)}: #{output}"
service = req.body.description
robot.messageRoom "#{room}", "shinken: #{host}:#{service} is #{bold(state)}: #{output}"
res.writeHead 204, { 'Content-Length': 0 }
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