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Created June 15, 2016 09:20
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BorgBackup handler for backupninja : example configuration file
## This is an example borgbackup configuration file.
## Here you can find all the possible borgbackup options, details of
## what the options provide and possible settings. The defaults are set
## as the commented out option, uncomment and change when
## necessary. Options which are uncommented in this example do not have
## defaults, and the settings provided are recommended.
## The defaults are useful in most cases, just make sure to configure the
## destination host and user.
## default is 0, but set to 19 if you want to lower the priority.
## an example setting would be:
## nicelevel = 19
## Default
# nicelevel = 0
## default is yes. set to no to skip the test if the remote host is alive
## Default:
# testconnect = no
## source section
## (where the files to be backed up are coming from)
## how many days, weeks and months of data to keep
## for more info see : borg prune -h
## Default:
# keepdaily = 7
# keepweekly = 4
# keepmonthly = -1
## A few notes about includes and excludes:
## 1. include, exclude statements support globbing with '*'
## 2. Symlinks are not dereferenced. Moreover, an include line whose path
## contains, at any level, a symlink to a directory, will only have the
## symlink backed-up, not the target directory's content. Yes, you have to
## dereference yourself the symlinks, or to use 'mount --bind' instead.
## Example: let's say /home is a symlink to /mnt/crypt/home ; the following
## line will only backup a "/home" symlink ; neither /home/user nor
## /home/user/Mail will be backed-up :
## include = /home/user/Mail
## A workaround is to 'mount --bind /mnt/crypt/home /home' ; another one is to
## write :
## include = /mnt/crypt/home/user/Mail
## 3. All the excludes come after all the includes. The order is not otherwise
## taken into account.
## files to include in the backup
include = /opt
include = /srv
include = /etc
include = /root
include = /home
include = /usr/local
## files to exclude from the backup
include = /var
exclude = /var/lock
exclude = /var/run
exclude = /var/cache
exclude = /var/tmp
exclude = /var/lib/mongodb/journal
exclude = /var/lib/clamav
exclude = /var/lib/mlocate
exclude = /var/lib/postgresql
exclude = /var/lib/mysql
## destination section
## (where the files are copied to)
## put the backups under this directory, this must be set!
## an example setting would be:
## directory = /backups
## Default:
# directory =
## the machine which will receive the backups.
## an example setting would be:
## host = backuphost
## Default
# host =
## make the files owned by this user. you must be able to
## `su -c "ssh backupuser@backhost"` without specifying a password.
## an example setting would be:
## user = backupuser
## Default:
# user =
## archive name, should be unique every day.
## Format tags available :
## {now}, {utcnow}, {fqdn}, {hostname}, {user}, {pid}
## for more info see : borg create -h
## Default:
# archive = {now:%Y-%m-%d}
## compression algorithm
## can be "none", "lz4", "zlib", "zlib,0..zlib,9", "lzma", "lzma,0..lzma,9".
## - "none" stands for "no compression"
## - "lz4" is super fast, but low compression
## - "zlib" is less fast, but higher compression
## - "lzma" is even slower, even higher compression
## for more info see : borg create -h
## Default:
# compression = lz4
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