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Last active January 4, 2016 02:49
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  • Save maethu/8557987 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save maethu/8557987 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. multipath support
from collections import namedtuple
import logging
from Acquisition import aq_parent
from DateTime import DateTime
from import INavigationRoot
from plone.registry.interfaces import IRegistry
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from Products.CMFPlone.browser.navtree import getNavigationRoot
from Products.CMFPlone.utils import base_hasattr
from zope.component import getUtility
from zope.dottedname.resolve import resolve
logger = logging.getLogger('')
Row = namedtuple('Row', ['index', 'operator', 'values'])
def parseFormquery(context, formquery, sort_on=None, sort_order=None):
if not formquery:
return {}
reg = getUtility(IRegistry)
# Make sure the things in formquery are dictionaries
formquery = map(dict, formquery)
query = {}
for row in formquery:
operator = row.get('o', None)
function_path = reg["%s.operation" % operator]
# The functions expect this pattern of object, so lets give it to
# them in a named tuple instead of jamming things onto the request
row = Row(index=row.get('i', None),
values=row.get('v', None))
kwargs = {}
parser = resolve(row.operator)
kwargs = parser(context, row)
# Special path handling - since multipath queries are possible
if 'path' in query and 'path' in kwargs:
if not isinstance(query['path']['query'], list):
query['path']['query'] = [query['path']['query']]
#query['path']['query'] = paths
if not query:
# If the query is empty fall back onto the equality query
query = _equal(context, row)
# Check for valid indexes
catalog = getToolByName(context, 'portal_catalog')
valid_indexes = [index for index in query if index in catalog.indexes()]
# We'll ignore any invalid index, but will return an empty set if none of
# the indexes are valid.
if not valid_indexes:
"Using empty query because there are no valid indexes used.")
return {}
# Add sorting (sort_on and sort_order) to the query
if sort_on:
query['sort_on'] = sort_on
if sort_order:
query['sort_order'] = sort_order
return query
# Query operators
def _contains(context, row):
return _equal(context, row)
def _equal(context, row):
return {row.index: {'query': row.values, }}
def _isTrue(context, row):
return {row.index: {'query': True, }}
def _isFalse(context, row):
return {row.index: {'query': False, }}
def _between(context, row):
tmp = {row.index: {
'query': sorted(row.values),
'range': 'minmax',
return tmp
def _largerThan(context, row):
tmp = {row.index: {
'query': row.values,
'range': 'min',
return tmp
def _lessThan(context, row):
tmp = {row.index: {
'query': row.values,
'range': 'max',
return tmp
def _currentUser(context, row):
"""Current user lookup"""
mt = getToolByName(context, 'portal_membership')
user = mt.getAuthenticatedMember()
return {row.index: {
'query': user.getUserName(),
def _lessThanRelativeDate(context, row):
""" "Between now and N days from now." """
# INFO: Values is the number of days
values = int(row.values)
except ValueError:
values = 0
now = DateTime()
start_date = now.earliestTime()
end_date = now + values
end_date = end_date.latestTime()
row = Row(index=row.index,
values=(start_date, end_date))
return _between(context, row)
def _moreThanRelativeDate(context, row):
""" "Between now and N days ago." """
# INFO: Values is the number of days
values = int(row.values)
except ValueError:
values = 0
now = DateTime()
start_date = now - values
start_date = start_date.earliestTime()
end_date = now.latestTime()
row = Row(index=row.index,
values=(start_date, end_date))
return _between(context, row)
def _betweenDates(context, row):
start_date = DateTime(row.values[0])
except DateTime.DateTimeError:
start_date = DateTime(0)
end_date = DateTime(row.values[1])
except DateTime.DateTimeError:
row = Row(index=row.index,
return _largerThan(context, row)
row = Row(index=row.index,
values=(start_date, end_date))
return _between(context, row)
def _today(context, row):
now = DateTime()
start_date = now.earliestTime()
end_date = now.latestTime()
row = Row(index=row.index,
values=(start_date, end_date))
return _between(context, row)
def _afterToday(context, row):
row = Row(index=row.index,
return _largerThan(context, row)
def _beforeToday(context, row):
row = Row(index=row.index,
return _lessThan(context, row)
def _path(context, row):
values = row.values
if not '/' in values:
# It must be a UID
values = '/'.join(getPathByUID(context, values))
# take care of absolute paths without nav_root
nav_root = getNavigationRoot(context)
if not values.startswith(nav_root):
values = nav_root + values
tmp = {row.index: {'query': values, }}
return tmp
def _relativePath(context, row):
# Walk through the tree
obj = context
for x in [r for r in row.values.split('/') if r]:
if x == "..":
if INavigationRoot.providedBy(obj):
parent = aq_parent(obj)
if parent:
obj = parent
if base_hasattr(obj, x):
child = getattr(obj, x, None)
if child and base_hasattr(child, "getPhysicalPath"):
obj = child
row = Row(index=row.index,
return _path(context, row)
# Helper functions
def getPathByUID(context, uid):
"""Returns the path of an object specified by UID"""
catalog = getToolByName(context, 'portal_catalog')
brains = catalog.unrestrictedSearchResults(dict(UID=uid))
if brains:
return brains[0].getPath()
return ''
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