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Created December 28, 2017 16:20
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if (!defined('EVENT_ESPRESSO_VERSION')) {
exit('No direct script access allowed');
* EEG_Mock_Onsite
* Just approves payments where billing_info[ 'credit_card' ] == 1.
* If $billing_info[ 'credit_card' ] == '2' then its pending.
* All others get refused
* @package Event Espresso
* @subpackage
* @author Mike Nelson
class EEG_New_Payment_Method_Offsite extends EE_Offsite_Gateway{
* This gateway supports all currencies by default. To limit it to
* only certain currencies, specify them here
* @var array
protected $_currencies_supported = EE_Gateway::all_currencies_supported;
* Example of site's login ID
* @var string
protected $_login_id = null;
* Whether we have configured the gateway integration object to use a separate IPN or not
* @var boolean
protected $_override_use_separate_IPN = null;
* @return EEG_New_Payment_Method_Offsite
public function __construct() {
//if the gateway you are integrating with sends a separate instant-payment-notification request
//(instead of sending payment information along with the user)
//set this to TRUE
$this->set_uses_separate_IPN_request( true ) ;
* Override's parent so this gateway integration class can act like one that uses
* a separate IPN or not, depending on what is set in the payment methods settings form
* @return boolean
public function uses_separate_IPN_request() {
if( $this->_override_use_separate_IPN_request !== null ) {
$this->set_uses_separate_IPN_request( $this->_override_use_separate_IPN_request );
return parent::uses_separate_IPN_request();
* @param arrat $update_info {
* @type string $gateway_txn_id
* @type string status an EEMI_Payment status
* }
* @param type $transaction
* @return EEI_Payment
public function handle_payment_update($update_info, $transaction) {
wp_mail('' , 'update info' , print_r($update_info , true));
wp_mail('' , 'update 2' , print_r($_REQUEST , true));
$payment = $this->_pay_model->get_payment_by_txn_id_chq_nmbr($update_info['vpc_TransactionNo'] );
if($payment instanceof EEI_Payment && isset( $update_info[ 'vpc_TxnResponseCode' ] ) !== false ){
if( $update_info[ 'vpc_AcqResponseCode' ] === '00' ){
$payment->set_status( $this->_pay_model->approved_status() );
$payment->set_gateway_response( str_replace( '+', ' ', $update_info['vpc_Message'] ) );
$payment->set_amount( floatval( $update_info['vpc_Amount'] / 100 ) );
}elseif( $update_info[ 'vpc_AcqResponseCode' ] === array('B', 'U', 'E', '2')){
$payment->set_status( $this->_pay_model->declined_status() );
$payment->set_gateway_response( $vpc_Message );
$payment->set_status( $this->_pay_model->failed_status() );
$payment->set_gateway_response( $vpc_Message );
wp_mail("" , "Debug Email" , print_r($payment, true));
wp_mail("" , "Debug 2Email" , print_r($payment, true));
return $payment;
* @param EEI_Payment $payment
* @param type $billing_info
* @param type $return_url
* @param type $cancel_url
private function _log_clean_response( $response, $payment ) {
$cleaned_response_data = $response;
$this->log( array('MIGS Response' => $cleaned_response_data), $payment );
public function set_redirection_info($payment, $billing_info = array(), $return_url = NULL, $notify_url = NULL, $cancel_url = NULL) {
global $auto_made_thing_seed;
if( empty( $auto_made_thing_seed ) ) {
$auto_made_thing_seed = rand(1,1000000);
$payment->set_txn_id_chq_nmbr( $auto_made_thing_seed++ );
$transaction = $payment->transaction();
$primary_registrant = $transaction->primary_registration();
$data = array(
"vpc_AccessCode" => $accessCode,
'vpc_Amount' => str_replace( array(',', '.'), '', number_format( $payment->amount(), 2) ),
"vpc_Command" => 'pay',
"vpc_Locale" => 'en',
'vpc_MerchTxnRef' => substr( $dbg_prefix . date( 'YmdHis' ) . '-' . rand( 0, 99999 ), 0, 40 ),
"vpc_Merchant" => $merchantId,
"vpc_Currency" => 'EGP',
'vpc_OrderInfo' => substr( sprintf( __('Payment of %2$s for %2$s', 'event_espresso'), $payment->amount(), $primary_registrant->reg_code() ), 0, 34 ),
"vpc_ReturnURL" => $return_url,
"vpc_Version" => '1',
'vpc_SecureHashType' => 'SHA256' ,
'amount' => $payment->amount(),
'gateway_txn_id' => $payment->txn_id_chq_nmbr(),
'return_url' => $return_url,
'uses_separate_IPN_request' => $this->uses_separate_IPN_request(),
'ipn_url' => $notify_url,
'notifyURL' =>$notify_url,
$payment->set_redirect_args( array(
'amount' => $payment->amount(),
'gateway_txn_id' => $payment->txn_id_chq_nmbr(),
'return_url' => $return_url,
'uses_separate_IPN_request' => $this->uses_separate_IPN_request(),
'ipn_url' => $notify_url,
$hash = null;
foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
if (in_array($k, array('vpc_SecureHash', 'vpc_SecureHashType'))) {
if ((strlen($v) > 0) && ((substr($k, 0, 4)=="vpc_") || (substr($k, 0, 5) =="user_"))) {
$hash .= $k . "=" . $v . "&";
$hash = rtrim($hash, "&");
$secureHash = strtoupper(hash_hmac('SHA256', $hash, pack('H*', $secretHash)));
$paraFinale = array_merge($data, array('vpc_SecureHash' => $secureHash));
$payment->set_redirect_url( '' . http_build_query($paraFinale));
return $payment;
// End of file EEG_Mock_Onsite.php
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