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Created April 24, 2012 21:07
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Ember template precompiler for play
import sbt._
import Keys._
import PlayProject._
object ApplicationBuild extends Build {
val emberOptions = SettingKey[Seq[String]]("ember-options")
val emberEntryPoints = SettingKey[PathFinder]("ember-entry-points")
def EmberCompiler(ember: String) = {
val compiler = new com.netwallet.ember.EmberCompiler(ember)
(_ ** "*.handlebars"),
{ (name, min) => "javascripts/" + name + ".pre" + (if (min) ".min.js" else ".js") },
{ (handlebarsFile, options) =>
val (jsSource, dependencies) = compiler.compileDir(handlebarsFile, options)
// Any error here would be because of Handlebars, not the developer;
// so we don't want compilation to fail.
import scala.util.control.Exception._
val minified = catching(classOf[CompilationException])
.opt(play.core.jscompile.JavascriptCompiler.minify(jsSource, Some(handlebarsFile.getName())))
(jsSource, minified, dependencies)
val appName = "NetWallet"
val appVersion = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
val appDependencies = Seq(
// Add your project dependencies here,
val main = PlayProject(appName, appVersion, appDependencies, mainLang = SCALA).settings(
// Add your own project settings here
emberEntryPoints <<= (sourceDirectory in Compile)(base => base / "assets" / "templates"),
emberOptions := Seq.empty[String],
resourceGenerators in Compile <+= EmberCompiler(ember = "ember-0.9.6.js")
package com.netwallet.ember
import play.api._
class EmberCompiler(ember: String) {
import org.mozilla.javascript._
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scalax.file._
* find a file with the given name in the current directory or any subdirectory
private def findFile(name: String): Option[File] = {
def findIn(dir: File): Option[File] = {
for (file <- dir.listFiles) {
if (file.isDirectory) {
findIn(file) match {
case Some(file) => return Some(file)
case None => // keep trying
} else if (file.getName == name) {
return Some(file)
findIn(new File("."))
private lazy val compiler = {
val ctx = Context.enter; ctx.setOptimizationLevel(-1)
val global = new Global; global.init(ctx)
val scope = ctx.initStandardObjects(global)
// set up global objects that emulate a browser context
// make window an alias for the global object
var window = this,
document = {
createElement: function(type) {
return {
firstChild: {}
getElementById: function(id) {
return [];
getElementsByTagName: function(tagName) {
return [];
location = {
protocol: 'file:',
hostname: 'localhost',
href: 'http://localhost:80',
port: '80'
console = {
log: function() {},
info: function() {},
warn: function() {},
error: function() {}
// make a dummy jquery object just to make ember happy
var jQuery = function() { return jQuery; };
jQuery.ready = function() { return jQuery; };
jQuery.inArray = function() { return jQuery; };
jQuery.jquery = "1.7.1";
var $ = jQuery;
// our precompile function uses Ember to do the precompilation,
// then converts the compiled function to its string representation
function precompile(string) {
return Ember.Handlebars.precompile(string).toString();
1, null)
// load ember
val emberFile = findFile(ember).getOrElse(throw new Exception("ember: could not find " + ember))
ctx.evaluateString(scope, Path(emberFile).slurpString, ember, 1, null)
val precompileFunction = scope.get("precompile", scope).asInstanceOf[Function]
(source: File) => {
val handlebarsCode = Path(source).slurpString.replace("\r", ""), precompileFunction, scope, scope, Array(handlebarsCode)).asInstanceOf[String]
def compileDir(root: File, options: Seq[String]): (String, Seq[File]) = {
val dependencies = Seq.newBuilder[File]
val output = new StringBuilder
output ++= "(function() {\n" +
"var template = Ember.Handlebars.template,\n" +
" templates = Ember.TEMPLATES = Ember.TEMPLATES || {};\n\n"
def addTemplateDir(dir: File, path: String) {
for {
file <- dir.listFiles.toSeq.sortBy(_.getName)
name = file.getName
} {
if (file.isDirectory) {
addTemplateDir(file, path + name + "/")
else if (file.isFile && name.endsWith(".handlebars")) {
val templateName = path + name.replace(".handlebars", "")
println("ember: processing template %s".format(templateName))
val jsSource = compile(file, options)
dependencies += file
output ++= "templates['%s'] = template(%s);\n\n".format(templateName, jsSource)
addTemplateDir(root, "")
output ++= "})();\n"
(output.toString, dependencies.result)
private def compile(source: File, options: Seq[String]): String = {
try {
} catch {
case e: JavaScriptException =>
val line = """.*on line ([0-9]+).*""".r
val error = e.getValue.asInstanceOf[Scriptable]
throw ScriptableObject.getProperty(error, "message").asInstanceOf[String] match {
case msg @ line(l) => CompilationException(
case msg => CompilationException(
case e =>
throw CompilationException(
"unexpected exception during Ember compilation (file=%s, options=%s, ember=%s): %s".format(
source, options, ember, e
case class CompilationException(message: String, file: File, atLine: Option[Int]) extends PlayException(
"Compilation error", message) with PlayException.ExceptionSource {
def line = atLine
def position = None
def input = Some(scalax.file.Path(file))
def sourceName = Some(file.getAbsolutePath)
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