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Created August 6, 2012 14:36
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Invoke matlab from python
import os
import subprocess
import tempfile
import numpy as np
def processMatrix(in_, funcStr):
"""Process the given matrix with MATLAB.
Uses temporary files to save the real and imaginary parts of the
matrix, then invokes MATLAB from the commandline to process the
matrix with the code given in funcStr. The output is then saved
into two other temporary files and loaded back into python.
funcStr is a string of MATLAB code that will be executed. In that
code, the matrix to be operated on is called 'in' and the result should
be stored into the variable 'out'. The real and imaginary parts of
'out' will then be saved into temporary files, loaded back into
python, and returned as a numpy array.
in_re_file, in_re_name = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='mlab_', text=True)
in_im_file, in_im_name = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='mlab_', text=True)
out_re_file, out_re_name = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='mlab_', text=True)
out_im_file, out_im_name = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='mlab_', text=True)
print 'in_re:', in_re_name
print 'in_im:', in_im_name
print 'out_re:', out_re_name
print 'out_im:', out_im_name
np.savetxt(in_re_name, in_.real)
np.savetxt(in_im_name, in_.imag)["matlab",
"in_re = load('%s'); "
"in_im = load('%s'); "
"in = in_re + 1i*in_im; "
"%s; "
"out_re = real(out); "
"out_im = imag(out); "
"save '%s' out_re -ascii -double; "
"save '%s' out_im -ascii -double; "
"quit" % (in_re_name, in_im_name, funcStr, out_re_name, out_im_name)
out_re = np.loadtxt(out_re_name)
out_im = np.loadtxt(out_im_name)
out = out_re + 1j*out_im
return out
def getPhysical(rho):
"""An example of using processMatrix: compute a physical density matrix using semidefinite programming"""
funcStr = (
"rho = in; "
"[m n] = size(rho); "
"rhoVar = sdpvar(n, n, 'hermitian', 'complex'); "
# constraints: unit trace and positive semidefinite
"F = set(trace(rhoVar) == 1); "
"F = F + set(rhoVar >= 0); "
"solvesdp(F, trace((rhoVar-rho) * (rhoVar-rho))); "
# twoNormDist = sqrt(double(real(trace((rhoVar-rho) * (rhoVar-rho)))));
"out = double(rhoVar); "
return processMatrix(rho, funcStr)
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