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Created November 20, 2009 11:54
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@import "../Extensions/CPViewController/CPViewController.j"
@import "../Extensions/CPActiveRecord/CPActiveRecord.j"
@implementation TableViewController : UIViewController
CPArray data;
CPActiveRecord record @accessors;
@outlet CPTableView tableView;
- (void)awakeFromCib
// CPLog("TableViewController");
[tableView setDataSource:data];
[tableView setTarget:self];
[tableView setDelegate:self];
[tableView setDoubleAction:@selector(doubleClick:)];
[[record class] addObserver:self selector:@selector(recordDidLoad:)];
if (data != array)
data = array;
[tableView setDataSource:data];
[tableView reloadData];
- (void)recordDidLoad:(CPNotification)aNotification
//CPLog("Set Tableview data");
// CPLog("Record : " + record);
if([record isKindOfClass:CPActiveRecord])
// CPLog("Record is ActiveRecord Subclass");
[self setData:[[record class] all]];
- (void)doubleClick:(CPNotification)aNotification
@implementation CPArray (CPTableDataSource)
- (id)tableView:(CPTableView)aTableView objectValueForTableColumn:(CPTableColumn)aTableColumn row:(int)rowIndex
// ([[self objectAtIndex:rowIndex] title]);
return [[self objectAtIndex:rowIndex] title];
- (int)numberOfRowsInTableView:(CPTableView)aTableView
return [self count];
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