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Last active May 25, 2022 23:15
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Create and retrieve rich data tool - building, retrieving and modifying rich data using valuesAsJson. This tool was created as a one-off example demonstrating the capabilities of the valuesAsJson API and it is not supported or maintained by Microsoft
name: Create and retrieve rich data tool
description: >-
Create and retrieve rich data tool - building, retrieving and modifying rich
data using valuesAsJson. This tool was created as a one-off example
demonstrating the capabilities of the valuesAsJson API and it is not supported
or maintained by Microsoft
host: EXCEL
api_set: {}
content: >
/** Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. Licensed under the MIT License. */
const defaultType: string = "String";
function textInputWithLabel(inputID: string, labelText: string, altText:
string): JQuery<HTMLElement>[] {
return [
$("<td>").append($("<label/>", { for: inputID, class: "labels" }).text(labelText)),
$("<td>").append($("<input/>", { class: "inputBox " + inputID, type: "text", id: inputID, alt: altText }))
function checkboxWithLabel(inputID: string, labelText: string, altText:
string): JQuery<HTMLElement> {
return $("<div/>", { class: "checkboxes" })
.append($("<input/>", { type: "checkbox", class: inputID, checked: true, alt: altText }))
function stringContent(): JQuery<HTMLElement> {
return basicContent("String");
function booleanContent(): JQuery<HTMLElement> {
return basicContent("Boolean");
function doubleContent(): JQuery<HTMLElement> {
return basicContent("Double");
function basicContent(contentType: string): JQuery<HTMLElement> {
return $("<tr/>", { id: contentType, class: "fieldValueContents" }).append(
textInputWithLabel("basicValue", "Value: ", "value input box")
function webImageContent(): JQuery<HTMLElement>[] {
return [
$("<tr/>", { id: "WebImage", class: "fieldValueContents" }).append(
textInputWithLabel("url", "Image url: ", "Image url input box")
$("<tr/>").append(textInputWithLabel("altText", "[Recommended] Alt-text: ", "Alt-text input box"))
function formattedNumberContent(): JQuery<HTMLElement>[] {
return [
$("<tr/>", { id: "FormattedNumber", class: "fieldValueContents" }).append(
textInputWithLabel("number", "Number: ", "Number input box")
$("<tr/>").append(textInputWithLabel("format", "Format: ", "Format input box"))
function unsupportedContent(): JQuery<HTMLElement> {
return $("<tr/>", { id: "Unsupported", class: "fieldValueContents" })
.append($("<td/>").append($("<label/>", { for: "unsupportedValue", class: "labels" }).text("unsupportedValue: ")))
$("<input>", {
class: "inputBox unsupportedValue",
disabled: true,
type: "text",
name: "unsupportedValue",
id: "unsupportedValue",
alt: "unsupportedValue input box"
function createOptionsFromList(list: string[]): JQuery<HTMLElement>[] {
var options = [];
list.forEach(function(val) {
const noSpaceVal = val.replace(" ", "");
options.push($("<option/>", { class: "type" + noSpaceVal, value: noSpaceVal }).text(val));
return options;
function specificFieldContent(): JQuery<HTMLElement> {
var content = entityContents(defaultType);
var select = $("<select/>", {
id: "dataTypeSelectEntity",
name: "dataType",
class: "dataTypeSelectEntity ms-Button ms-Button-label buttons",
style: "display:block"
select[0].onchange = function() {
var options = (select[0] as HTMLSelectElement).options;
var valueType = options.item(options.selectedIndex).value;
var options = createOptionsFromList(["String", "Double", "Boolean", "Web Image", "Formatted Number"]);
for (var i = 0; i < options.length; ++i) {
select.append($("<option/>", { class: "typeUnsupported", value: "Unsupported", disabled: true }).text("Unsupported"));
var table = $("<table/>", { id: "fieldTable" }).append(
return $("<div/>", { id: "specificField", class: "specificFieldContents formContents solidBorder" })
function entitySectionContent(): JQuery<HTMLElement> {
var fields = $(`<div class="fields"/>`).append(specificFieldContent());
var section = $(`<div class="collapsibleSection" aria-expanded="true"/>`).append(fields);
var newFieldButton = $("<button/>", {
id: "addField",
class: "ms-Button ms-Button-label buttons",
alt: "add another field to current section",
style: "margin-left:20px;"
}).text("Add another field");
/** Add a new field to selected section in the entity contents */
newFieldButton[0].onclick = function() {
return section;
function entityDefaultSection(): JQuery<HTMLElement> {
var defaultSection = $(`<div id="defaultSection" class="sectionContents formContents solidBorder"/>`);
var label = $("<label/>", { class: "sectionHeader" }).text("Default section: ");
defaultSection.append([label, entitySectionContent()]);
return defaultSection;
function entitySection(): JQuery<HTMLElement> {
var element = $("<div/>", { class: "sectionContents formContents solidBorder" });
var table1 = $(`
<table id="sectionTable">
<tr class="columnTitle">
<button class="ms-Button ms-Button-label arrows" onclick="moveSectionUp(this)" alt="button to move section up" title="move section up">&#9650</button>
<button class="ms-Button ms-Button-label arrows" onclick="moveSectionDown(this)" alt="button to move section down" title="move section down">&#9660</button>
<td><label class="sectionHeader">Section Title:</label></td>
<td><input class="inputBox sectionTitle" alt="section title input box"/></td>
<button class="ms-Button ms-Button-label arrows sectionToggle" onclick="collapseSection(this)" alt="collapse section" title="collapse section" style="visibility:visible">&#x2228</button>
var removeSectionButton = $("<button/>", {
class: "ms-Button ms-Button-label buttons",
alt: "delete current section and its contents"
}).text("Delete Section and its Contents");
/** Remove the selected section in the entity contents */
removeSectionButton[0].onclick = function() {
return element;
/** When data type is selected */
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#dataTypeSelect").change(function() {
var value = $("#dataTypeSelect option:selected");
function getTypeContent(valueType: string): JQuery<HTMLElement> |
JQuery<HTMLElement>[] {
switch (valueType) {
case "String":
return stringContent();
case "Double":
return doubleContent();
case "Boolean":
return booleanContent();
case "FormattedNumber":
return formattedNumberContent();
case "WebImage":
return webImageContent();
case "Entity":
return entityContent();
case "Unsupported":
return unsupportedContent();
/** Html for entity contents section */
function entityContents(valueType: string): JQuery<HTMLElement> {
var trKey = $(`<tr>
<td rowspan="3">
<button class="ms-Button ms-Button-label arrows" onclick="moveFieldUp(this)" alt="button to move field up" title="move field up">&#9650</button>
<button class="ms-Button ms-Button-label arrows" onclick="moveFieldDown(this)" alt="button to move field down" title="move field down">&#9660</button>
<td><label class="labels">Key:</label></td>
<td><input class="inputBox fieldName" alt="key input box"/></td>
var tdMetadata = $(`<td colspan="4" class="center settings"/>`);
if (valueType == "WebImage") {
tdMetadata.append(checkboxWithLabel("mainImage", "Make Main Image", "main image checkbox"));
checkboxWithLabel("cardView", "Card View", "cardview checkbox"),
checkboxWithLabel("autoComplete", "Autocomplete", "autoComplete checkbox"),
checkboxWithLabel("calcCompare", "Calc Compare", "calcCompare checkbox"),
checkboxWithLabel("dotNotation", "Dot Notation", "dotNotation checkbox"),
$("<label/>").text("Sublabel: "),
$("<input/>", { class: "sublabel", alt: "sublabel input box" })
var trMetadata = $(`<tr class="metadata" style="visibility:collapse"/>`).append(tdMetadata);
var trButtons = $(`<tr/>`);
var tdButtons = $(`<td colspan="4"/>`);
var buttonRemoveField = $(
`<button class="ms-Button ms-Button-label buttons" onclick="removeField(this)" alt="delete current field">Delete Field</button>`
var buttonToggleMetadata = $(
`<button class="ms-Button ms-Button-label buttons" alt="toggle to expand or collapse metadata properties of field">More Settings</button>`
/** Function for expanding or collapsing additional metadata contents of a
particular input field in the entity contents */
buttonToggleMetadata[0].onclick = function() {
var visibility = trMetadata[0].style.visibility;
if (visibility != "collapse") {
trMetadata[0].style.visibility = "collapse";
} else {
trMetadata[0].style.visibility = "visible";
tdButtons.append([buttonRemoveField, buttonToggleMetadata]);
return $(`<div id="entityContents"/>`).append(
$(`<table id="fieldTable"/>`).append(
.append([trMetadata, trButtons])
/** Html for type entity */
function entityContent(): JQuery<HTMLElement> {
var div = $(`<div class="contentPadding"/>`);
var iconlabel = $(`<label class="labels"> Entity Icon: </label>`);
var contentLabel = $(`<label class="labels contentPadding">Entity Contents:</label>`);
var select = $(`<select id="iconSelect" name="dataType" class="ms-Button ms-Button-label buttons"/>`);
var options = createOptionsFromList([
for (var i = 0; i < options.length; ++i) {
var sections = $(`<div class="sections"/>`).append(entityDefaultSection())
var label = $(`<label for="displayString" class="labels">Entity Display Text: </label>`);
var input = $(`<input class="inputBox displayString" type="text" id="displayString" alt="display text input box"/>`);
var providerTable = $(`<div id="entityContents" class="solidBorder formContents"/>`).append(
$(`<table id="fieldTable"/>`).append(
textInputWithLabel("providerDescription", "Description: ", "Provider description input box")
$("<tr/>").append(textInputWithLabel("providerTarget", "Provider address: ", "Provider source input box"))
.append($("<tr/>").append(textInputWithLabel("providerLogo", "Logo address: ", "Provider logo input box")))
var referencedValuesLabel = $(`<label for="referencedValues" class="labels">Referenced values: </label>`);
var referencedValuesInput = $(
`<input class="inputBox displayString" type="text" id="referencedValues" alt="referencedValues text isplay box" disabled/>`
var referencedValuesClearButton = $("<button/>", {
id: "clearReferencedValue",
class: "ms-Button ms-Button-label buttons",
text: "Clear referencedValues"
var referencedValuesDiv = $("<div/>", { id: "referencedValuesDiv" })
referencedValuesDiv[0].style.display = "none";
referencedValuesClearButton[0].onclick = function() {
referencedValuesDiv[0].style.display = "none";
var collapseProviderInfo = $("<button/>", {
class: "ms-Button ms-Button-label sectionToggle arrows",
alt: "collapse section",
title: "collapse section"
collapseProviderInfo[0].onclick = function() {
if (providerTable[0].style.display == "none") {
providerTable[0].style.display = "block";
collapseProviderInfo[0].setAttribute("alt", "collapse section");
collapseProviderInfo[0].setAttribute("title", "collapse section");
} else {
providerTable[0].style.display = "none";
collapseProviderInfo[0].setAttribute("alt", "expand section");
collapseProviderInfo[0].setAttribute("title", "expand section");
var providerInfo = $("<div/>", { class: "contentPadding" })
.append($("<label/>", { class: "labels" }).text("Provider info: "))
var element = $(`<tr id="Entity"/>`).append(
$(`<td colspan="2"/>`)
.append([label, input])
`<button id="addSection" onclick="addSection()" class="ms-Button ms-Button-label buttons" style="margin-left:20px;" alt="add another section to entity contents">Add another section</button>`
return element;
/** Html for when boolean, string or double are selected */
function setSelectedType(selected: JQuery<HTMLElement>[] |
JQuery<HTMLElement>) {
var element = $(`<div class= "backgroundColorForm solidBorder"/>`);
/** Add another section in entity contents */
function addSection() {
/** Add a new field to the entity contents */
function addField(element: HTMLButtonElement) {
//append specificFieldContents to fields div
const fieldsDiv = element.parentElement.previousElementSibling;
/** Move a field down in the entity contents order */
function moveFieldDown(element: HTMLButtonElement) {
const curSpecificField = element.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement
.parentElement as HTMLDivElement;
const nextSpecificField = curSpecificField.nextElementSibling as HTMLDivElement;
if (nextSpecificField) {
} else {
const curSectionContents = curSpecificField.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement as HTMLDivElement;
const nextSectionContents = curSectionContents.nextElementSibling as HTMLDivElement;
if (nextSectionContents) {
const nextSectionFields = $(nextSectionContents).find(".fields");
/** Move a section down in the entity contents order */
function moveSectionDown(element: HTMLButtonElement) {
const curSpecificSection = element.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement
.parentElement as HTMLDivElement;
const nextSpecificSection = curSpecificSection.nextElementSibling as HTMLDivElement;
if (nextSpecificSection) {
/** Move a field up in the entity contents order */
function moveFieldUp(element: HTMLButtonElement) {
const curSpecificField = element.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement
.parentElement as HTMLDivElement;
const prevSpecificField = curSpecificField.previousElementSibling as HTMLDivElement;
if (prevSpecificField) {
} else {
const curSectionContents = curSpecificField.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement as HTMLDivElement;
const prevSectionContents = curSectionContents.previousElementSibling as HTMLDivElement;
if (prevSectionContents) {
const prevSectionFields = $(prevSectionContents).find(".fields");
/** Move a section up in the entity contents order */
function moveSectionUp(element: HTMLButtonElement) {
const curSpecificSection = element.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement
.parentElement as HTMLDivElement;
const prevSpecificSection = curSpecificSection.previousElementSibling as HTMLDivElement;
if (prevSpecificSection && != "defaultSection") {
/** Function for expanding section contents in the entity contents */
function expandSection(element: HTMLButtonElement) { = "block";
`<button class="ms-Button ms-Button-label arrows sectionToggle" onclick="collapseSection(this)" alt="collapse section" title="collapse section">&#x2228</button>`
/** Function for collapsing section contents in the entity contents */
function collapseSection(element: HTMLButtonElement) { = "none";
`<button class="ms-Button ms-Button-label arrows sectionToggle" onclick="expandSection(this)" alt="expand section" title="expand section" >&#x2227 </button>`
/** Function for printing the inputted data into the console */
function printAsJson() {
/** Function for assigning the inputted data to the active cell as the
appropriate data type */
function createValueAsJson(): Excel.CellValue {
var values = $("#dataTypeSelect option:selected");
switch (values.val()) {
case "String":
var stringValue = $("#basicValue")
return {
type: Excel.CellValueType.string,
basicValue: stringValue
} as Excel.StringCellValue;
case "Double":
var doubleValue = Number($("#basicValue").val());
if (!isNaN(doubleValue)) {
return {
type: Excel.CellValueType.double,
basicValue: doubleValue
} as Excel.DoubleCellValue;
} else {
alert("Type 'Double' selected but input was not a double.");
case "Boolean":
var booleanValue = $("#basicValue")
if (booleanValue.toLowerCase() === "true") {
return {
type: Excel.CellValueType.boolean,
basicValue: true
} as Excel.BooleanCellValue;
} else if (booleanValue.toLowerCase() === "false") {
return {
type: Excel.CellValueType.boolean,
basicValue: false
} as Excel.BooleanCellValue;
} else {
alert("Type 'Boolean' selected but input was not a boolean.");
case "Entity":
return setEntity();
case "WebImage":
var url = $("#url")
var altText = $("#altText")
return {
type: Excel.CellValueType.webImage,
address: url,
altText: altText
case "FormattedNumber":
var doubleValue = Number($("#number").val());
var format = $("#format").val();
if (!isNaN(doubleValue)) {
return {
type: Excel.CellValueType.formattedNumber,
basicValue: doubleValue,
numberFormat: format
} as Excel.FormattedNumberCellValue;
} else {
alert("Type 'FormattedNumber' selected but input was not a number.");
async function setData() {
await (context) => {
const activeCell = context.workbook.getActiveCell();
activeCell.valuesAsJson = [[createValueAsJson()]];
await tryCatch(context.sync);
/** Function for assigning the inputted entity contents to an entity */
function setEntity() {
const display: string = $("#displayString")
var iconName: string = $("#iconSelect option:selected").val() as string;
const referencedValues: string = $("#referencedValues").val() as string;
const fields = valuesFromQuery(".fieldName");
const values = fieldValuesContentsFromQuery();
const cardViews = valuesFromQuery(".cardView");
const autoCompletes = valuesFromQuery(".autoComplete");
const calcCompares = valuesFromQuery(".calcCompare");
const dotNotation = valuesFromQuery(".dotNotation");
const sublabels = valuesFromQuery(".sublabel");
var mainImage = valuesFromQuery(".mainImage");
var providerInfo = [
var mainImageExists = false;
var mainImageKey;
var sectionArray = [];
var jqSectionContents = $(".sectionContents");
var fDefaultSection: Boolean = true;
while (jqSectionContents.length > 0) {
const first = jqSectionContents.first();
var children = first.find(".fieldName");
var sectionTitle = first.find(".sectionTitle");
var properties = [];
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) {
var val = $(children[i]).val();
// first section is the default; Not really a section
if (fDefaultSection) {
fDefaultSection = false;
jqSectionContents = jqSectionContents.slice(1);
var sectionEntry = {
layout: "List",
title: sectionTitle.val(),
properties: properties
jqSectionContents = jqSectionContents.slice(1);
var entity: Excel.EntityCellValue = {
type: Excel.CellValueType.entity,
text: display,
properties: {},
layouts: {
card: {},
compact: {}
if (providerInfo[0][0] != "" || providerInfo[1][0] != "" || providerInfo[2][0] != "") {
entity.provider = {
description: providerInfo[0][0],
logoTargetAddress: providerInfo[1][0],
logoSourceAddress: providerInfo[2][0]
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i) {
var curSectionFields = [];
const field = fields[i];
var value = values[i];
if (field == "" || value == "") {
var featureIntegration = {};
if (!cardViews[i]) {
featureIntegration["cardView"] = true;
if (!autoCompletes[i]) {
featureIntegration["autoComplete"] = true;
if (!calcCompares[i]) {
featureIntegration["calcCompare"] = true;
if (!dotNotation[i]) {
featureIntegration["dotNotation"] = true;
var propertyMetadata = {};
if (Object.keys(featureIntegration).length > 0) {
propertyMetadata["excludeFrom"] = featureIntegration;
if (sublabels[i] != "") {
propertyMetadata["sublabel"] = sublabels[i];
if (value.type == "WebImage") {
if (mainImage[0] && !mainImageExists) {
mainImageKey = field;
mainImageExists = true;
mainImage = mainImage.slice(1);
if (Object.keys(propertyMetadata).length > 0) {
value["propertyMetadata"] = propertyMetadata;
}[field] = value;
if (mainImageExists) {
entity.layouts.card = {
mainImage: {
property: mainImageKey
sections: sectionArray
} else {
entity.layouts.card = {
sections: sectionArray
if (referencedValues != "") {
entity.referencedValues = JSON.parse(referencedValues);
if (iconName != "Generic") {
entity.layouts.compact["icon"] = iconName;
return entity;
/** Helper Function for retrieving jquery values for setEntity() */
function valuesFromQuery(query: string) {
var jq = $(query);
var result = [];
while (jq.length > 0) {
const first = jq.first();
if ("input[type=checkbox]")) {
} else {
jq = jq.slice(1);
return result;
/** Helper Function for retrieving fieldValue contents for jquery for
setEntity() */
function fieldValuesContentsFromQuery() {
var jqFieldContents = $(".fieldValueContents");
var jqBasicValue = $(".basicValue");
var jqUrl = $(".url");
var jqNumber = $(".number");
var jqFormat = $(".format");
var jqAltText = $(".altText");
var jqUnsupportedValue = $(".unsupportedValue");
var values = [];
while (jqFieldContents.length > 0) {
const first = jqFieldContents.first();
var valueType = first.attr("id");
var value;
switch (valueType) {
case "String":
value = {
type: Excel.CellValueType.string,
basicValue: jqBasicValue
} as Excel.StringCellValue;
jqBasicValue = jqBasicValue.slice(1);
case "FormattedNumber":
var doubleValue = Number(jqNumber.first().val());
if (!isNaN(doubleValue)) {
value = {
type: Excel.CellValueType.formattedNumber,
basicValue: doubleValue,
numberFormat: jqFormat
} else {
alert("Type 'FormattedNumber' selected but input was not a number.");
jqNumber = jqNumber.slice(1);
jqFormat = jqFormat.slice(1);
case "Double":
var doubleValue = Number(jqBasicValue.first().val());
if (!isNaN(doubleValue)) {
value = {
type: Excel.CellValueType.double,
basicValue: doubleValue
} as Excel.DoubleCellValue;
} else {
alert("Type 'Double' selected but input was not a double.");
jqBasicValue = jqBasicValue.slice(1);
case "Boolean":
var booleanValue = jqBasicValue
if (booleanValue.toLowerCase() === "true") {
value = {
type: Excel.CellValueType.boolean,
basicValue: true
} as Excel.BooleanCellValue;
} else if (booleanValue.toLowerCase() === "false") {
value = {
type: Excel.CellValueType.boolean,
basicValue: false
} as Excel.BooleanCellValue;
} else {
alert("Type 'Boolean' selected but input was not a boolean.");
jqBasicValue = jqBasicValue.slice(1);
case "WebImage":
value = {
type: Excel.CellValueType.webImage,
address: jqUrl.first().val(),
altText: jqAltText.first().val()
} as Excel.WebImageCellValue;
jqUrl = jqUrl.slice(1);
jqAltText = jqAltText.slice(1);
case "Unsupported":
value = JSON.parse(
jqUnsupportedValue = jqUnsupportedValue.slice(1);
jqFieldContents = jqFieldContents.slice(1);
return values;
/** Function for removing a selected input field in the entity contents */
function removeField(element: HTMLButtonElement) {
// removes specificField
/** Function for retrieving the contents of a selected entity and putting
them in the form boxes */
function getEntity(value) {
var sections;
if (value.layouts != undefined && value.layouts.card != undefined) {
sections = value.layouts.card.sections;
// If there is no section, make one
if (sections == undefined) {
const propertyKeys = Object.keys(;
sections = [
layout: "List",
properties: propertyKeys
if (value.referencedValues != undefined) {
$("#referencedValuesDiv")[0].style.display = "block";
} else {
if (value.provider != undefined) {
if (value.provider.description != undefined) {
if (value.provider.description != undefined) {
if (value.provider.description != undefined) {
var propertyKeysOrdered = [];
for (var i = 0; i < sections.length; ++i) {
if (i != 0) {
var sectionKeys = sections[i].properties;
for (var j = 0; j < sectionKeys.length; ++j) {
const propertyName = sectionKeys[j];
const propertyValue =[propertyName];
const entityContentsDiv = $(".dataTypeSelectEntity")
switch (propertyValue.type) {
case "Double":
case "Boolean":
case "FormattedNumber":
case "WebImage":
const firstMetadataElement = $(".cardView")
firstMetadataElement.before(`<div class="checkboxes">
<input type="checkbox" class="mainImage" alt="main image checkbox"/>
<label>Make Main Image</label>
case "String":
// write the entity's data into the table
if (value.layouts == undefined || value.layouts.compact == undefined) $("#iconSelect").val("Generic");
else if (value.layouts.compact["icon"] != undefined) {
var jqFields = $(".fieldName");
var jqCardView = $(".cardView");
var jqAutoComplete = $(".autoComplete");
var jqCalcCompare = $(".calcCompare");
var jqDotNotation = $(".dotNotation");
var jqSublabel = $(".sublabel");
var jqBasicValue = $(".basicValue");
var jqUrl = $(".url");
var jqNumber = $(".number");
var jqFormat = $(".format");
var jqAltText = $(".altText");
var jqMainImage = $(".mainImage");
var jqUnsupportedValue = $(".unsupportedValue");
for (var i = 0; i < propertyKeysOrdered.length; ++i) {
const propertyName = propertyKeysOrdered[i];
const propertyValue =[propertyName];
switch (propertyValue.type) {
case "Double":
case "Boolean":
case "String":
jqBasicValue = jqBasicValue.slice(1);
case "WebImage":
jqUrl = jqUrl.slice(1);
jqAltText = jqAltText.slice(1);
if (value.layouts != undefined)
if (value.layouts.card["mainImage"] != undefined) {
if ( == propertyName) {
jqMainImage.first().prop("checked", true);
case "FormattedNumber":
jqNumber = jqNumber.slice(1);
jqFormat = jqFormat.slice(1);
jqUnsupportedValue = jqUnsupportedValue.slice(1);
var featureIntegration: Excel.CellValuePropertyMetadataExclusions = {
cardView: false,
autoComplete: false,
calcCompare: false,
dotNotation: false
var sublabel = "";
if (typeof propertyValue.propertyMetadata == "object") {
if (typeof propertyValue.propertyMetadata.excludeFrom == "object") {
featureIntegration = Object.assign(featureIntegration, propertyValue.propertyMetadata.excludeFrom);
if (typeof propertyValue.propertyMetadata.sublabel == "string") {
sublabel = propertyValue.propertyMetadata.sublabel;
jqCardView.first().prop("checked", !featureIntegration.cardView);
jqAutoComplete.first().prop("checked", !featureIntegration.autoComplete);
jqCalcCompare.first().prop("checked", !featureIntegration.calcCompare);
jqDotNotation.first().prop("checked", !featureIntegration.dotNotation);
jqFields = jqFields.slice(1);
jqCardView = jqCardView.slice(1);
jqAutoComplete = jqAutoComplete.slice(1);
jqCalcCompare = jqCalcCompare.slice(1);
jqDotNotation = jqDotNotation.slice(1);
jqSublabel = jqSublabel.slice(1);
/** Function for retrieving the contents of a selected cell and putting them
in the form boxes */
async function getData() {
await (context) => {
const activeCell = context.workbook.getActiveCell();
await context.sync();
const value = activeCell.valuesAsJson[0][0];
var valueType = value.type == "LinkedEntity" ? "Entity" : value.type;
switch (value.type) {
case "String":
case "Double":
case "Boolean":
const basicValue = value.basicValue;
if (basicValue) {
} else {
case "WebImage":
case "FormattedNumber":
case "Entity":
case "LinkedEntity":
/** Function for clearing the input boxes */
async function clearForm() {
$(".cardView").prop("checked", true);
$(".autoComplete").prop("checked", true);
$(".calcCompare").prop("checked", true);
$(".dotNotation").prop("checked", true);
$(".mainImage").prop("checked", false);
/** Default helper for invoking an action and handling errors. */
async function tryCatch(callback) {
try {
await callback();
} catch (error) {
alert("Error in running script:\n\n" + error + ".");
language: typescript
content: "<section class=\"ms-font-m main\">\n\t<h1>\n\t\tCreate and Retrieve Data\n\t</h1>\n\t<p>\n\t\tChoose the type of data you want to insert from the dropdown below or select a cell and press <b>Get Data</b> to\n\t\tretrieve its data:\n\t</p>\n\n\t<div>\n\t\t<button id=\"getData\" onclick=\"getData()\" class=\"ms-Button ms-Button-label buttons\">Get Data</button>\n\t\t<label> | </label>\n\t\t<button id=\"setData\" onclick=\"setData()\" class=\"ms-Button ms-Button-label buttons\" alt=\"set entered data into active cell\">Set</button>\n\t\t<button id=\"printAsJson\" onclick=\"printAsJson()\" class=\"ms-Button ms-Button-label buttons\" alt=\"print entered data as json into the console\">Print as Json</button>\n\t\t<label> | </label>\n\t\t<button id=\"clearForm\" onclick=\"clearForm()\" class=\"ms-Button ms-Button-label buttons\" alt=\"clear current contents of input boxes\">Clear</button>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<select id=\"dataTypeSelect\" name=\"dataType\" class=\"ms-Button ms-Button-label buttons\">\n\t\t\t\t<option class=\"typeString\" value=\"String\" selected>String</option>\n\t\t\t\t<option class=\"typeDouble\" value=\"Double\">Double</option>\n\t\t\t\t<option class=\"typeBoolean\" value=\"Boolean\">Boolean</option>\n\t\t\t\t<option class=\"typeEntity\" value=\"Entity\">Entity</option>\n\t\t\t\t<option class=\"typeImage\" value=\"WebImage\">Web Image</option>\n\t\t\t\t<option class=\"typeFNV\" value=\"FormattedNumber\">Formatted Number</option>\n\t\t\t</select>\n\n\t<div id=\"dataTypeContents\">\n\t\t<div class=\"backgroundColorForm solidBorder\">\n\t\t</div>\n\t</div>\n\n\t<div>\n\t\t<button id=\"getData\" onclick=\"getData()\" class=\"ms-Button ms-Button-label buttons\">Get Data</button>\n\t\t<label> | </label>\n\t\t<button id=\"setData\" onclick=\"setData()\" class=\"ms-Button ms-Button-label buttons\" alt=\"set entered data into active cell\">Set</button>\n\t\t<button id=\"printAsJson\" onclick=\"printAsJson()\" class=\"ms-Button ms-Button-label buttons\" alt=\"print entered data as json into the console\">Print as Json</button>\n\t\t<label> | </label>\n\t\t<button id=\"clearForm\" onclick=\"clearForm()\" class=\"ms-Button ms-Button-label buttons\" alt=\"clear current contents of input boxes\">Clear</button>\n\t</div>\n\n</section>\n\n<section class=\"ms-font-m main\">\n\t<br><a\n\t\thref=\"\">Learn\n\t\tmore about valuesAsJson</a><br>\n</section>"
language: html
content: |2-
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language: css
libraries: |
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