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Created July 17, 2012 02:46
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Draft of changes to salt-cloud
The generic libcloud template used to create the connections and deploy the
cloud virtual machines
# Import python libs
import os
import sys
import subprocess
# Import libcloud
from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
from libcloud.compute.deployment import MultiStepDeployment, ScriptDeployment, SSHKeyDeployment
# Import salt libs
import saltcloud.utils
# Import paramiko
import paramiko
'ap-northeast-1': Provider.EC2_AP_NORTHEAST,
'ap-southeast-1': Provider.EC2_AP_SOUTHEAST,
'eu-west-1': Provider.EC2_EU_WEST,
'sa-east-1': Provider.EC2_SA_EAST,
'us-east-1': Provider.EC2_US_EAST,
'us-west-1': Provider.EC2_US_WEST,
'us-west-2': Provider.EC2_US_WEST_OREGON,
DEFAULT_LOCATION = 'us-east-1'
def get_conn(location):
Return a conn object for the passed vm data
if location not in EC2_LOCATIONS:
return None
driver = get_driver(EC2_LOCATIONS[location])
return driver(
def ssh_pub(vm_):
Deploy the primary ssh authentication key
ssh = ''
if 'ssh_auth' in vm_:
if not os.path.isfile(vm_['ssh_auth']):
return None
ssh = vm_['ssh_auth']
if not ssh:
if not os.path.isfile(__opts__['ssh_auth']):
return None
ssh = __opts__['ssh_auth']
return SSHKeyDeployment(open(os.path.expanduser(ssh)).read())
def script(vm_):
Return the script deployment object
minion = saltcloud.utils.minion_conf_string(__opts__, vm_)
return ScriptDeployment(
def avail_images(location=None):
Return a dict of all available vm images on the cloud provider with
relevant data
conn = get_conn(location)
images = conn.list_images()
ret = {}
for img in images:
ret[] = {}
for attr in dir(img):
if attr.startswith('_'):
ret[][attr] = getattr(img, attr)
return ret
def avail_sizes(location=None):
Return a dict of all available vm images on the cloud provider with
relevant data
conn = get_conn(location)
sizes = conn.list_sizes()
ret = {}
for size in sizes:
ret[] = {}
for attr in dir(size):
if attr.startswith('_'):
ret[][attr] = getattr(size, attr)
return ret
def get_image(conn, vm_):
Return the image object to use
images = conn.list_images()
if not 'image' in vm_:
return images[0]
if isinstance(vm_['image'], int):
return images[vm_['image']]
for img in images:
if == vm_['image']:
return img
def get_size(conn, vm_):
Return the vm's size object
sizes = conn.list_sizes()
if not 'size' in vm_:
return sizes[0]
if isinstance(vm_['size'], int):
return sizes[vm_['size']]
for size in sizes:
if == vm_['size']:
return size
if == vm_['size']:
return size
def get_location(vm_):
Return the AWS region to use
return vm_.get('location', __opts__.get('EC2.location', DEFAULT_LOCATION))
def get_availability_zone(conn, vm_):
Return the availability zone to use
zones = conn.list_locations()
az = None
if 'availability_zone' in vm_:
az = vm_['availability_zone']
elif 'EC2.availability_zone' in __opts__:
az = __opts__['EC2.availability_zone']
if az is None:
# Default to first zone
return zones[0].availability_zone
for zone in zones:
if zone.availability_zone == az:
return az
def ssh_username(vm_):
Return the ssh_username
return vm_.get('ssh_username', __opts__.get('EC2.ssh_username', 'ec2-user'))
def keyname(vm_):
Return the keyname
return vm_.get('EC2.keyname', __opts__.get('EC2.keyname', ''))
def securitygroup(vm_):
Return the securitygroup
return vm_.get(
__opts__.get('EC2.securitygroup', 'default')
def list_nodes():
Return a list of the vms that are on the provider
conn = get_conn()
nodes = conn.list_nodes()
ret = {}
for node in nodes:
ret[] = {
'image': node.image,
'private_ips': node.private_ips,
'public_ips': node.public_ips,
'size': node.size,
'state': node.state}
return ret
def create(vm_):
Create a single vm from a data dict
location = get_location(vm_)
print('Creating Cloud VM {0} in {1}'.format(vm_['name'], location))
conn = get_conn(location)
kwargs = {'ssh_username': ssh_username(vm_),
'ssh_key': __opts__['EC2.private_key']}
kwargs['name'] = vm_['name']
kwargs['deploy'] = script(vm_)
kwargs['image'] = get_image(conn, vm_)
kwargs['size'] = get_size(conn, vm_)
ex_keyname = keyname(vm_)
if ex_keyname:
kwargs['ex_keyname'] = ex_keyname
ex_securitygroup = securitygroup(vm_)
if ex_securitygroup:
kwargs['ex_securitygroup'] = ex_securitygroup
data = conn.deploy_node(**kwargs)
except Exception as exc:
err = ('The following exception was thrown by libcloud when trying to '
'run the initial deployment: \n{0}\n\nThe vm {1} has been '
'created but Salt could not be intsalled. Please verify that '
'your ssh keys are in order and that the security group is '
'accepting inbound connections from port 22.\n').format(
exc, vm_['name']
return False
cmd = ('ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -t -i {0} {1}@{2} "sudo '
), shell=True)
print('Created Cloud VM {0} with the following values:'.format(
for key, val in data.__dict__.items():
print(' {0}: {1}'.format(key, val))
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