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Created November 4, 2019 08:03
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
th, td {
border-bottom: 1px solid #999;
padding: 4px;
text-align: left;
td:nth-child(n+3) {
text-align: center;
<th>is supported</th>
<tbody id="results">
function newElement(name, attrs, children) {
var element = document.createElement(name);
if (attrs) {
for (var name in attrs) {
if (!attrs.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
element.setAttribute(name, attrs[name]);
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if (children[i] instanceof Element) {
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element.innerText += children[i];
return element;
function isSupported(code, expected) {
var actual;
try {
actual = eval(code);
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof SyntaxError) {
return false;
} else {
throw e; // rethrow
return actual === expected ? true : console.log(actual);
var tests = [
name: "const",
url: "",
code: "const a = 2 * 3; a",
expected: 6
name: "let",
url: "",
code: "let a = 3 * 4; a",
expected: 12
name: "配列の分割代入",
url: "",
code: "var [a, b] = [4, 5]; a * b",
expected: 20
name: "オブジェクトの分割代入",
url: "",
code: "var { a, b } = { a: 5, b: 6 }; a * b",
expected: 30
name: "可変長引数",
url: "",
code: "function join(...args) { return args.join(' ') }; join(6, 7, 8)",
expected: "6 7 8"
name: "デフォルト引数",
url: "",
code: "function split(str, splitter = ',') { return str.split(splitter) }; split('8,9,10')[0]",
expected: "8"
name: "アロー関数",
url: "",
code: "var double = a => a * 2; double(10)",
expected: 20
name: "getter",
url: "",
code: "var o = { get prop() { return 'a' } }; o.prop",
expected: "a"
name: "setter",
url: "",
code: "var o = { set prop(val) { = val } }; o.prop = 11;",
expected: 11
name: "簡略なプロパティ定義",
url: "",
code: "var a = 12; var o = { a }; o.a",
expected: 12
name: "簡略なメソッド定義",
url: "",
code: "var o = { method() { return 13 } }; o.method()",
expected: 13
name: "計算されたプロパティ名",
url: "",
code: "var name = 'foo'; var o = { [name]: 'bar' };",
expected: "bar"
name: "スプレッドプロパティ",
url: "",
code: "var a = { y: 16, z: 17 }; var b = { x: 14, y: 15, ...a }; b.x === 14 && b.y === 16 && b.z === 17",
expected: true
name: "class宣言",
url: "",
code: "class C { constructor() { this.ok = 18 } }; (new C).ok",
expected: 18
name: "テンプレートリテラル",
url: "",
code: "var a = 19; `${a - 1}, ${a}, ${a + 1}`",
expected: "18, 19, 20"
name: "Array.prototype.forEach()",
url: "",
code: "var i = 0; [20, 21, 22].forEach(function (n) { i += n }); i",
expected: 63
name: "for...of",
url: "",
code: "var i = 0; for (var e of [22, 23, 24]) { i += e }; i",
expected: 69
var tbody = document.getElementById("results");
for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {
var test = tests[i];
tbody.appendChild(newElement("tr", null, [
newElement("td", null, [
newElement("a", { href: test.url }, [])
newElement("td", null, [
newElement("code", null, [test.code])
newElement("td", null, [
newElement("code", null, [typeof test.expected === "string" ? '"' + test.expected + '"' : test.expected])
newElement("td", null, [
isSupported(test.code, test.expected) ? 'o' : 'x'
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