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Forked from sturadnidge/steamGetFloatValue.js
Created July 31, 2018 02:21
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Gets the float value of a Steam inventory item
'use strict';
/*jshint node:true */
// npm install lodash colors minimist request sync-request
var _ = require('lodash'),
colours = require('colors/safe'),
parseArgs = require('minimist'),
request = require('request'),
requestSync = require('sync-request'),
usage = 'usage: STEAM_API_KEY=<steam api key> node steamGetFloatValue.js -u <item URL> || -s <steam id> -i <asset id> [ -g <game id> ]';
var argv = parseArgs(process.argv.slice(2), {string: 's' }); // force -s value to string, JS can't handle a number that large
var apiKey = process.env.STEAM_API_KEY,
gameId = argv.g || '730',
itemId = argv.i,
steamId = argv.s,
itemUrl = argv.u;
if (!apiKey) {
console.log('STEAM_API_KEY environment variable not set.'));
if (!itemUrl && (!itemId || !steamId)) {
console.log('missing item or steam id'));
if (itemUrl) {
// split itemUrl on slashes
var arrItemUrl = itemUrl.split('/');
// if a vanity profile is present
if (arrItemUrl[3] === 'id') {
// convert name to steamID
steamId = getSteamIdFromSteamName(arrItemUrl[4]);
} else {
steamId = arrItemUrl[4].toString();
// split 7th array item on underscore
var arrItemId = arrItemUrl[6].split('_');
// assetid is 3rd item in underscore split array
itemId = arrItemId[2];
var url = '' +
gameId + '/GetPlayerItems/v0001/?key=' +
apiKey + '&SteamID=' + steamId;
var userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36';
var options = {
url: url,
headers: {
'User-Agent': userAgent
// main
//console.log('trying url ' + url);
doApiCall(options, gameId, steamId, itemId);
// end main
function doApiCall(options, gameId, steamId, itemId) {
request.get(options, function(err, res, body) {
//console.log('got response: ' + res);
if (!res || res.statusCode === 503) {
console.log(colours.yellow('Steam API crapping out, trying again'));
//sleep 1 sec then doApiCall();
setTimeout(doApiCall(options, gameId, steamId, itemId), 1000);
} else {
// body comes back as JSON
var inventory = JSON.parse(body);
// if we get a good response, search inventory for item id
if (inventory && inventory.result.status === 1) {
// console.log('looking for item ' + itemId);
var item = _.find(inventory.result.items, { 'id': parseInt(itemId) });
if (item) {
var float = _.find(item.attributes, { 'defindex': 8 });
console.log('found item ' +, steamId, itemId)) +
' / id: ' + +
' / original_id : ' + item.original_id +
' / float value: ' +,7))
} else {
console.log('item id ' + itemId + ' not found in user inventory'));
} else {
console.log('got an empty or bad response - check user id'));
function getSteamIdFromSteamName(steamName) {
var resolveVanityUrl = '' +
apiKey + '&vanityurl=' + steamName;
var res = requestSync('GET', resolveVanityUrl);
var result = JSON.parse(res.getBody());
if (result.response.success == 1) {
console.log('using steamID: ' + result.response.steamid);
return result.response.steamid.toString();
} else {
throw 'steamId not returned';
function getMarketHashName(gameId, steamId, itemId) {
var inventoryJsonUrl = '' + steamId + '/inventory/json/' + gameId + '/2/trading=1';
var res = requestSync('GET', inventoryJsonUrl);
var result = JSON.parse(res.getBody());
if (result.success) {
var classId = result.rgInventory[itemId.toString()].classid,
instanceId = result.rgInventory[itemId.toString()].instanceid;
return result.rgDescriptions[classId + '_' + instanceId].market_hash_name;
} else {
throw 'JSON inventory not returned';
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