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Created October 29, 2013 15:21
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Save mageekguy/7216691 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Bobo la tête !
->assert('Server should throw an exception is it can not create its socket')
$server = new testedclass(),
$infoLogger = new \mock\aixia\ka\at\server\logger(),
$socketTagger = new \mock\aixia\ka\socket\tagger(),
$this->function->socket_create = false,
$this->function->socket_last_error = $errorCode = rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX),
$this->function->socket_strerror = $errorMessage = uniqid(),
$this->function->socket_close = function() {}
->exception(function() use ($server) { $server->start(uniqid(), rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX)); })
->hasMessage('Unable to start server: ' . $errorMessage)
->mock($infoLogger)->call('log')->withArguments('Unable to start server: ' . $errorMessage)->once()
->assert('Server should throw an exception is it can not bind its socket')
$this->function->socket_create = $socket = 'Server socket',
$this->function->socket_bind = false,
$this->function->socket_last_error = $errorCode = rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX),
$this->function->socket_strerror = $errorMessage = uniqid()
->exception(function() use ($server, & $ip, & $port) { $server->start($ip = uniqid(), $port = rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX)); })
->hasMessage('Unable to bind a socket to \'' . $ip . ':' . $port . '\': ' . $errorMessage)
->mock($infoLogger)->call('log')->withArguments('Unable to bind a socket to \'' . $ip . ':' . $port . '\': ' . $errorMessage)->once()
->assert('Server should throw an exception is it can not listen to its socket')
$this->function->socket_bind = true,
$this->function->socket_listen = false
->exception(function() use ($server, & $ip, & $port) { $server->start($ip = uniqid(), $port = rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX)); })
->hasMessage('Unable to listen to \'' . $ip . ':' . $port . '\': ' . $errorMessage)
->mock($infoLogger)->call('log')->withArguments('Unable to listen to \'' . $ip . ':' . $port . '\': ' . $errorMessage)->once()
->assert('Server should do nothing if there is no client')
$this->function->socket_listen = true,
$this->function->socket_select = 0,
$this->calling($socketTagger)->getTag = $serverSocketTag = uniqid(),
$clientFactory = new \mock\aixia\ka\at\server\client\factory(),
$controller = new \mock\aixia\ka\at\server\controller(),
$this->calling($controller)->serverShouldRun = true,
$this->calling($controller)->serverShouldRun[2] = false,
->object($server->start(uniqid(), rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX)))->isIdenticalTo($server)
$this->function('socket_select')->wasCalledWithArguments(array($serverSocketTag => $socket), array($serverSocketTag => $socket), array($serverSocketTag => $socket), null, null)->once()
->assert('Server should read socket if a client knocking on the door')
$this->function->socket_accept = false,
$this->function->socket_select = function(& $read, & $write, & $except) use ($serverSocketTag, $socket) { $read = array($serverSocketTag => $socket); return 1; }
->object($server->start(uniqid(), rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX)))->isIdenticalTo($server)
$this->function('socket_select')->wasCalledWithArguments(array($serverSocketTag => $socket), array($serverSocketTag => $socket), array($serverSocketTag => $socket), null, null)
->assert('Server should build a client then socket accept connection')
$this->calling($controller)->serverShouldRun[2] = true,
$this->calling($controller)->serverShouldRun[3] = false,
$this->calling($socketTagger)->getTag[1] = $serverSocketTag,
$this->calling($socketTagger)->getTag[2] = $client1SocketTag = uniqid(),
$this->calling($socketTagger)->getTag[3] = $client2SocketTag = uniqid(),
$this->function->socket_accept[1] = $client1Socket = uniqid(),
$this->function->socket_accept[2] = $client2Socket = uniqid(),
$this->function->socket_accept[3] = false,
$this->calling($clientFactory)->build[1] = $client1 = new \mock\aixia\ka\at\server\client(uniqid()),
$this->calling($clientFactory)->build[2] = $client2 = new \mock\aixia\ka\at\server\client(uniqid()),
$this->calling($client1)->getNetworkName = $client1NetworkName = uniqid(),
$this->calling($client1)->getHeartbeat = $client1Heartbeat = new \mock\aixia\ka\at\command\request\heartbeat(),
$this->calling($client2)->getNetworkName = $client2NetworkName = uniqid(),
$this->calling($client2)->getHeartbeat = $client2Heartbeat = new \mock\aixia\ka\at\command\request\heartbeat()
->object($server->start(uniqid(), rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX)))->isIdenticalTo($server)
->assert('Server should authenticate clients')
$this->calling($controller)->serverShouldRun[3] = true,
$this->calling($controller)->serverShouldRun[5] = false,
$this->function->socket_select[1] = function(& $read, & $write, & $except) use ($serverSocketTag, $socket) { $read = array($serverSocketTag => $socket); return 1; },
$this->function->socket_select[2] = function(& $read, & $write, & $except) use ($client1SocketTag, $client1Socket) { $read = array($client1SocketTag => $client1Socket); return 1; },
$this->function->socket_select[3] = function(& $read, & $write, & $except) use ($serverSocketTag, $socket) { $read = array($serverSocketTag => $socket); return 1; },
$this->function->socket_select[4] = function(& $read, & $write, & $except) use ($client2SocketTag, $client2Socket) { $read = array($client2SocketTag => $client2Socket); return 1; }
->object($server->start(uniqid(), rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX)))->isIdenticalTo($server)
->withArguments('Client ' . $client1NetworkName . ' knocks on the door')->once()
->withArguments('Client ' . $client2NetworkName . ' knocks on the door')->once()
->assert('Server should log invalid client')
$this->calling($client1)->getHeartbeat->throw = new \exception($exceptionMessage = uniqid())
->object($server->start(uniqid(), rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX)))->isIdenticalTo($server)
->mock($infoLogger)->call('log')->withArguments('Unable to get valid heartbeat from ' . $client1NetworkName . ', kick it!')->once()
->assert('Server should get clients response')
$this->calling($client1)->getModemId[1] = null,
$this->calling($client1)->getModemId = uniqid(),
$this->calling($client1)->getResponse = null,
$this->calling($client1)->getResponse[2] = $client1Response = new command\response(uniqid()),
$this->calling($client2)->getModemId[1] = null,
$this->calling($client2)->getModemId = uniqid(),
$this->calling($client2)->getResponse = null,
$this->calling($client2)->getResponse[2] = $client2Response = new command\response(uniqid()),
$this->calling($controller)->serverShouldRun[5] = true,
$this->calling($controller)->serverShouldRun[8] = false,
$this->function->socket_select[5] = function(& $read, & $write, & $except) use ($client1SocketTag, $client1Socket) { $read = array($client1SocketTag => $client1Socket); return 1; },
$this->function->socket_select[6] = function(& $read, & $write, & $except) use ($client1SocketTag, $client1Socket, $client2SocketTag, $client2Socket) { $read = array($client1SocketTag => $client1Socket, $client2SocketTag => $client2Socket); return 1; },
$this->function->socket_select[7] = function(& $read, & $write, & $except) use ($client2SocketTag, $client2Socket) { $read = array($client2SocketTag => $client2Socket); return 1; }
->object($server->start(uniqid(), rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX)))->isIdenticalTo($server)
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