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Created October 9, 2011 21:38
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## Continue from the above R code
year.start.pos <- regexpr("year =", bibfile, perl=TRUE)
year.lines <- which( year.start.pos > 0 )
year.split <- strsplit(bib[year.lines], "[ =,]", perl=TRUE)
Pub.year <- as.numeric(sapply(year.split, "[[", 6))
tradPub <-
names(tradPub) <- c("year", "traditional paper")
## Get information about the online published PDF files
webPub <-
## look only at the PDF files
pdfs <- regexpr(".pdf", as.character(webPub[,2]))
webPub.modified <- webPub[pdfs > 0, 3]
webPub.modified <- strsplit(na.omit(as.character(webPub.modified)), "[ -]")
webPub.year <- as.numeric(sapply(webPub.modified, "[[", 3))
webPub <-
names(webPub) <- c("year", "online PDF")
## Merge information about the online and traditional books
totalPub <- merge(tradPub, webPub, all=TRUE)
totalPub[] <- 0
## Calculate the cumulative statistics
cumPub <- data.frame(year=totalPub$year, apply(totalPub[,2:3], 2, cumsum ))
names(cumPub) <- c("year", "traditional paper",
"online PDF")
## We use the googleVis package to create area charts
cumPlot <- gvisAreaChart(cumPub, "year",
options=list(title="Number of R related books available",
incPlot <- gvisAreaChart(totalPub, "year",
options=list(title="Number of R
related books published",
inccumPlot <- gvisMerge(incPlot, cumPlot)
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