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Last active August 29, 2015 13:55
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dt <- data.table(dat, key="product,year")
# Create a table that list all years for all products.
py <- CJ(product=levels(dt[, product]),
# Create a mapping table from old to new products.
# The new products are named product, so that I can
# join them with the original data and get a new colulmn
# with the old product category
mapping <- data.table(
old.product=c("Mobile", "Mobile",
"Video rental shop", "Video rental shop"),
product=c("Mobile", "Smartphone",
"Online movie rental", "Video rental shop"),
# Add a column for year, so that when I join this mapping
# table expands to original data
mapping <- mapping[py]
setkeyv(mapping, key(dt))
# Create a temporary table that includes the price changes
# that is based on the original data, but expanded with the
# mapping table, so that for each product I have all years.
tmp <- dt[mapping][, category:=NULL]
setnames(tmp, c("product", "old.product", "price.change"),
c("new.product", "product", "new.price.change"))
setkeyv(tmp, c("product", "year"))
# Join the temporary table with the original data
dt <- dt[tmp]
# Remove the tables I no longer need
rm(tmp, mapping, py)
# Set the price change to either the original price change
# or take the price change of the old product
dt[, price.change:=ifelse(,
# Remove columns I no longer need
dt[, `:=`(new.price.change=NULL,
setnames(dt, "new.product", "product")
# Add a column that calculates the price change
# for each product
# Plot the result
xyplot(price.index ~ year | category,
groups=product, data=dt,
scales=list(cex=c(1.1, 1.1), # increase font size
alternating=1, # axes labels left/bottom
tck = c(1,0)), # ticks only with labels
par.settings = my.settings,
cex=1.1, # change size of symbols and countries
xlab=list(label="Year", fontsize=14),
ylab=list(label="Price index", fontsize=14),
par.strip.text=list(col="white", font=2),
panel.groups=function(x,y, group.number,...){
panel.grid(v=-1, h=-1, lty=3)
p <- levels(dt$product)[group.number]
xt <- x[x==max(x)] # find latest year
yt <- y[x==max(x)] # find value at latest year
panel.text(xt, yt, labels=p,
pos=2, # show labels on right side
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