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maggie44 / golang_udp_relay.go
Created April 8, 2023 19:34
Golang UDP to UDP relay
package udp_relay
import (
log ""
var (
// Max buffer size for the socket io
maggie44 /
Last active October 21, 2024 10:09
Apple and Windows Electron signing and notarising via Electron Builder and GitHub Actions.

Electron Builder Signing and Notarising Process via GitHub Actions (Apple and Windows)

This gist provides details of how to build, sign and notarize Electron apps for macOS and Windows using Electron Builder via a GitHub Action.

Step 1: Add Electron Builder aftersign process

Electron Builder takes care of a lot of the signing process. But part of the process to notarize the app with Apple involves submitting the app to Apple for review. This is done through the electron-notarize package. Add the following code to your repository as afterSignHook.js.

"use strict";