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Last active December 27, 2019 02:28
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Console hotkeys
## Readline
GNU readline is a commonly used library for line-editing; it is used for example by Bash, FTP, and many more (see the details of [readline][5] package under "Required By" for more examples). readline is also customizable (see man page for details).
`Ctrl+l` - Clear the screen
`Ctrl+b` - Move cursor one character to the left
`Ctrl+f` - Move cursor one character to the right
`Alt+b` - Move cursor one word to the left
`Alt+f` - Move cursor one word to the right
`Ctrl+a` - Move cursor to start of the line
`Ctrl+e` - Move cursor to end of the line
### Copy & Paste
`Ctrl+u` - Cut everything from line start to cursor
`Ctrl+k` - Cut everything from the cursor to end of the line
`Alt+d` - Cut the current word after the cursor
`Ctrl+w` - Cut the current word before the cursor
`Ctrl+y` - Paste the previous cut text
`Alt+y` - Paste the second latest cut text
`Alt+Ctrl+y` - Paste the first argument of the previous command
`Alt+.`/`_` - Paste the last argument of the previous command
### History
`Ctrl+p` - Move to the previous line
`Alt+n` - Move to the next line
`Ctrl+s` - Search
`Ctrl+r` - Reverse search
`Ctrl+j` - End search
`Ctrl+g` - Abort search (restores original line)
`Alt+r` - Restores all changes made to line
### Completion
`Tab` - Auto-complete a name
`Alt+?` - List all possible completions
`Alt+*` - Insert all possible completions
source: [arch wiki](
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