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Last active November 11, 2023 13:49
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Latlong to Locator (Gridsquare) PHP Example
// Example Lat/Long aka IO91js
$latitude = "51.756435";
$longitude = "-1.246042";
echo latlong_to_locator($latitude, $longitude);
function latlong_to_locator ($latitude, $longitude) {
Converts WGS84 coordinates into the corresponding Maidenhead Locator
if ($longitude >= 180 || $longitude <= -180) {
return "Longitude Value Incorrect";
if ($latitude >= 90 || $latitude <= -90) {
return "Latitude Value Incorrect";
$longitude += 180;
$latitude += 90;
$letterA = ord('A');
$numberZero = ord('0');
$locator = chr($letterA + intval($longitude / 20));
$locator .= chr($letterA + intval($latitude / 10));
$locator .= chr($numberZero + intval(($longitude % 20) / 2));
$locator .= chr($numberZero + intval($latitude % 10));
$locator .= chr($letterA + intval(($longitude - intval($longitude / 2) * 2) / (2 / 24)));
$locator .= chr($letterA + intval(($latitude - intval($latitude / 1) * 1 ) / (1 / 24)));
return $locator;
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