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Created June 1, 2015 07:40
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intro to scalacheck
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#Property-based testing with ScalaCheck
## Test
layout: false
## Test
### Why?
- find bug
- quality
- ......
## Test
### Why?
### What?
- white box
* Unit
* integration
* .red[**Property-based**]
* ...
- black box
* user
* .red[**QA**]
* ...
template: inverse
## Unit Testing vs Property-based Testing
## Unit Testing
- [wiki](
In computer programming, unit testing is a software testing method by which individual units of source code, sets of one or more computer program modules together with associated control data, usage procedures, and operating procedures, are tested to determine whether they are fit for use.
## Unit Testing
System.out.println(max(1, 2) == 2);
assert max(1, 2) == 2;
[assert trap!](
java -ea MathUtilTest
## Unit Testing
- Framework
* Hibernate to ORM
* jQuery to js
* Taf
* ...
- jUnit
public void testMax() {
int z = MathUtil.max(1, 2);
assertEquals(2, z);
## Unit Testing
- jUnit
public void testMax2() {
int z = MathUtil.max(2, 1);
assertEquals(2, z);
public void testMax3() {
int z = MathUtil.max(2, 2);
assertEquals(2, z);
public void testMax4() {
int z = MathUtil.max(2, -1);
assertEquals(2, z);
Passed. yeah...
template: image
<img src="images/manual-labour.jpg" />
# Manual labour
template: inverse
<img src="images/jx.jpg" height="100%" />
# Are you sure ok?
## Unit Testing
System.out.println(MathUtil.max(-2, 1));// 2!!!!
Failed! oh, no...
template: inverse
<img src="images/whats_wrong.jpg" height="100%" />
template: inverse
#[writing the minimal code that will make the test pass](
class: middle
public static int max(int a, int b) {
return 2;
template: image
<img src="images/wtf2.jpg" height="100%" />
template: inverse
##[The Enterprise Developer From Hell, or "EDFH"](
a burned-out, always lazy and often malicious programmer
template: inverse
#More test case?
class: middle
public void testMax2() {
int z = MathUtil.max(-2, 1);
assertEquals(1, z);
public static int max(int a, int b) {
if (a < 0)
return b;
return 2;
template: image
<img src="images/jx2.jpg" height="100%" />
template: image
<img src="images/AreYouKidding.jpg" height="100%" />
template: inverse
# How to fix?
template: inverse
# No Magic Number!
template: inverse
# Random!
class: middle
# Expected Value?
public void testMax2() {
Random r = new Random();
int a = r.nextInt();
int b = r.nextInt();
int max = MathUtil.max(a, b);
* assertEquals(?, max);
class: middle
# Expected Value?
public void testMax2() {
Random r = new Random();
int a = r.nextInt();
int b = r.nextInt();
int max = MathUtil.max(a, b);
int expectedValue = b;
if (a > b) {
expectedValue = a;
assertEquals(expectedValue, max);
# Duplicate
## [DRY(Don't repeat yourself)]('t_repeat_yourself)
A bad idea to have your tests duplicate the code that you are testing!
## [Code smell](
In computer programming, code smell is any symptom in the source code of a program that possibly indicates a deeper problem.
template: image
<img src="images/duplicate_code.jpg" height="100%" />
template: image
<img src="images/duplicate_code2.jpg" height="100%" />
template: inverse
# [Property](
In the abstract, property is that which belongs to or with something, whether as an .red[**attribute**] or as a .red[**component**] of said thing.
## Property demos
- a: Int + b: Int > a
- .red[a: Int + 1 > a]
- list.reverse.length == list.length
- list.sort.sort == list.sort
- (a + b).startsWith(a)
- (a + b).length > a.length && (a + b).length > b.length
- .red[s.toUpperCase.toLowerCase == s.toLowerCase]
- .red[new String(s.getBytes(c), c) == s]
- s.substring(0, n) + s.substring(n, s.length) == s
- .red[quickSort(array) == bubbleSort(array)(duplicate?)]
- (i :: l).size == (l.size + 1)
- ...
- b < 0
- overflow
- ""
- unicode, codec
- 因为是random所以不是必现,出现很少的fail,用UT单独记录下来保存
## Property based testing
- Focus on the properties of the function -- the "requirements"
These properties should be things that are true for any correct implementation.
- Different from min, add, sub?
* max(a, b) == max(b, a)
* max(a, b) > a || max(a, b) > b
* max(a, b) >= a && max(a, b) >= b
* max(a, b) == a || max(a, b) == b
* ...
- !(max(1, 1) > 1)
- max(a, b) = Int.MaxValue
## Property based testing
public void testMaxIsBiggerThanBoth() {
Random r = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
int a = r.nextInt();
int b = r.nextInt();
int max = max(a, b);
System.out.printf("a=%d, b=%d, max=%d", a, b, max);
assert max >= a && max >= b;
public void testMaxIsOneOf() {
Random r = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
int a = r.nextInt();
int b = r.nextInt();
int max = max(a, b);
System.out.printf("a=%d, b=%d, max=%d", a, b, max);
assert max == a || max == b;
### Refactor code
- How to pass code?
- Function as value
- Single Abstract Method interfaces
- Lambda
### Refactor code
interface Function4 { public boolean apply(int a, int b, int max, int max2); }
public void testAll(Function4 f) {
Random r = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
int a = r.nextInt();
int b = r.nextInt();
int max = max(a, b);
int max2 = max(b, a);
System.out.printf("a=%d, b=%d, max=%d, max2=%d", a, b, max, max2);
assert f.apply(a, b, max, max2);
public void testMaxIsBiggerThanBothWithTestAll() {
testAll(new Function4() {
public boolean apply(int a, int b, int max, int max2) {
return max >= a && max >= b;
public void testMaxIsOneOfWithTestAll() {
testAll(new Function4() {
public boolean apply(int a, int b, int max, int max2) {
return max == a || max == b;
## Property based testing
### Do it better
- only integer
- 4 parameters, 2 no need
- what's wrong?
- 100 randoms? no config
- ...
## Property based testing
### Framework to rescue
* jUnit to UT
* Hibernate to ORM
* jQuery to js
* Taf
* ...
template: inverse
## ScalaCheck
# Property based testing frameworks
- [Haskell: QuickCheck](
- [Scala: ScalaCheck](
- [C++: CppQuickCheck](
- [Javascript: jsverify](
- [Erlang: proper](
- [Java: junit-quickcheck](
- [Php: eris](
- google: XXXLanguage property based testing...
class: center, middle
# ScalaCheck[Generate -> Run(Property) -> Shrink]
### Gen
- Gen.choose
Gen.choose(1, 100)
- oneOf
Gen.oneOf(1, 3, 6)
- frequency
Gen.frequency((1, 'a'), (2, 'b'))
- gen.sample
- combination
val myGen2 = for {
n <- choose(1, 50)
m <- choose(n, 2 * n)
} yield (n, m)
### Gen
- custom type
import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary.arbitrary
import org.scalacheck.Gen.{oneOf, const}
sealed trait Tree
case class Node(left: Tree, right: Tree, v: Int) extends Tree
case object Leaf extends Tree
val genLeaf: Gen[Tree] = const(Leaf)
val genNode: Gen[Node] = for {
v <- arbitrary[Int]
left <- genTree
right <- genTree
} yield Node(left, right, v)
def genTree = oneOf(genLeaf, genNode)
### Gen
- statistics
* classify
import org.scalacheck.Prop._
def ordered(list: List[Int]) = list == list.sorted
val prop1 = forAll { list: List[Int] =>
classify(ordered(list), "ordered") {
classify(list.length > 5, "large", "small") {
list.reverse.reverse == list
### Property
- forAll
- p.check
forAll {(a: Int, b: Int) =>
val max = MathUtil.max(a, b)
max >= a || max >= b
### Property
- combination
* &&, all
* ||, atLeastOne
* ==
val p1 = forAll {(a: Int, b: Int) =>
val max = MathUtil.max(a, b)
max >= a || max >= b
val p2 = forAll {(a: Int, b: Int) =>
val max = MathUtil.max(a, b)
max >= a || max >= b
(p1 && p2).check
### Property
- conditional
* ==>
* condition is hard or impossible to fulfill
* pass, fail, undecided
forAll { n: Int =>
n + 1 > n
forAll { n: Int =>
(n != Int.MaxValue) ==> {
n + 1 > n
### Property Pattern
### Shrink
- forAll, forAllNoShrink
forAll { list: List[Int] =>
list.sorted == list
forAllNoShrink { list: List[Int] =>
list.sorted == list
implicitly[Shrink[(String, Int)]].shrink(("adfe", 5)).force
### Config
def myParameter = new Parameters.Default {
override val minSuccessfulTests = 200
override val workers = 5
### More
- Statefull
* Commands
- Database
- Network
- Concurrency
- ...
### Good
- More abstract
- More general, Test coverage
* Radom
* Corner case
- More concise
- Test readability
- Maintenance
- Test case simplification
- .red[**Property-based tests force you to think!**]
- .red[**Property-based tests force you to have a clean design!**]
template: inverse
## FAQ
## Refs
- [](
- [](
- [](
- [](
- [](
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