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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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// thanks to @ericmsuzanne for this function
@function map-set($map, $key, $value) {
$new: ($key: $value);
@return map-merge($map, $new);
// Introducing Map-Extends
// Cross media query extends using maps
// 1. Create an map, with a name key.
// 2. Add your css as per normal, just with commas instead of semi colons
// $menu-object: (
// name: menu-object,
// list-style: none,
// margin: 0
// );
// 3. Nesting is not possible, well, it could be done but I'm not sure that it's worth it
// 4. Call the mixin by passing in the name of the object you wish to use, and the current breakpoint name
// eg. core, mob, desktop, et al
// The first time the obj mixin is called a %placeholder class is created and immediately extended
// The next time the obj mixin is called, the %placeholder class is used
// Benefits. You can create a bunch of ui/util components that you can use throughout your codebase
// without having to worry about breakpoints, You could start a project with a load of ui patterns and not
// worry about bloat as the objects aren't going to be processed until they are actually used.
// If for example the
// .menu {
// @include obj($menu-object, 'core');
// }
// .sub-menu {
// @include obj($menu-object, 'core');
// }
// called from within the desktop breakpoint file
// .side-menu {
// @include obj($menu-object, 'desktop');
// }
// .another-menu {
// @include obj($menu-object, 'desktop');
// }
// .menu, .sub-menu {
// list-style: none;
// margin: 0;
// }
// @media screen and (min-width: 954px) {
// .side-menu, .another-menu {
// list-style: none;
// margin: 0;
// }
// }
// init extend map, this map will keep a record of all of the extend objects created
$extend : ();
@mixin obj($map, $bp: $current_breakpoint) {
// if we're passing in a map
@if type-of($map) == map {
// init name variable
$name: null;
// loop through the map values
@each $j in $map {
// if the key is name
@if nth($j,1) == name {
// update the name value
$name: map-get($map, name);
// set the placeholder
$placeholder: #{$name}-#{$bp};
@if map-has-key($extend, $placeholder) {
// map exists so extend it
@extend %#{$placeholder};
// call placeholder class
} @else {
// add the name to the extends object
// the next time the mixin is called with the same object
// the placeholder class will not need to be generated
$extend: map-set($extend, $placeholder, true) !global;
// create placeholder class
// jump to the root context
@at-root {
// create the placeholer class
%#{$placeholder} {
// loop through the map values,
@each $i in $map {
// nth(1) == property
$a: nth($i,1);
// nt(2) == value
$b: nth($i,2);
@if $a != name {
#{$a}: #{$b};
// now we can call out placeholder
@extend %#{$placeholder};
@else {
@warn "the first argument must be a map";
// ui object shorthand mixin
@mixin ui-obj($name, $bp: base) {
@include obj(map-get($o-ui, $name), base);
// util object shorthand mixin
@mixin util-obj($name, $bp: base) {
@include obj(map-get($o-utils, $name), base);
// yup
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