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Last active September 21, 2015 13:53
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Atom Keyboard Shortcuts

Atom Keyboard Shortcuts


shift + ⌘ + p -- toggle command palette

⌘ + / -- toggle line/selection comment

alt + shift + s -- show available snippets

File Navigation

⌘ + t or ⌘ + p -- toggle file fuzzy finder

ctrl + g -- go to line

⌘ + r -- go to symbol

shift + ⌘ + { or shift + ⌘ + } -- go to previous or next file

⌘ + F2 -- set bookmark

F2 -- go to next bookmark

View/Window Manipulation

⌘ + \ -- toggle tree-view sidebar

ctrl + ⌘ + f -- toggle fullscreen


⌘ + f -- find in file

⌘ + g -- find next

shift + ⌘ + f -- find in project

⌘ + e -- use selection for find

Word Manipulation

ctrl + t -- swap characters on cursor left and right side

option + backspace -- delete text to beginning of word

option + delete or fn + option + backspace -- delete text to end of word

Line Manipulation

⌘ + ] or ⌘ + [ -- indent or outdent current line

⌘ + enter -- insert new line after current line

⌘ + shift + enter -- insert new line before current line

ctrl + shift + k -- delete current line

ctrl + ⌘ + up + ctrl + ⌘ + down -- move current line up or down

shift + ⌘ + d -- duplicate current line

⌘ + j -- join current and next lines


⌘ + d -- select current word/token

⌘ + l -- select current line

option + shift + left or option + shift + right -- select to beginning or end of word

shift + ⌘ + left or shift + ⌘ + right -- select to first/last character of line

shift + ⌘ + down or shift + ⌘ + down -- select to top/bottom of document

ctrl + shift + up or ctrl + shift + down -- add selection above or below

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