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Created February 8, 2017 23:17
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Example Hexagons! maps
color {
background: [
{ r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1, dynamicDarkness: 8.7, pulse: {r: 0.1764, g: 0.098, b: 0.0039, a: 0}, hue: { min: 0, max: 360, increment: 0.5, pingPong: false } }
{ r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1, dynamicDarkness: 9.5, pulse: {r: 0.0039, g: 0.098, b: 0.1764, a: 0}, hue: { min: 0, max: 360, increment: 0.5, pingPong: false } }
walls: { r: 1, g: 0.6078, b: 0.6078, a: 0.9019, main: true, pulse: {r: 0.1960, g: -0.2941, b: 0.4901, a: 0}, hue: { min: 0, max: 360, increment: 0.5, pingPong: false } }
pulseMax: 1.5
pulseIncrement: 0.025
switch: 1
local function acceleradiantWall(side, speed, acceleration, speedMin, speedMax)
side = side,
thickness = patterns.THICKNESS,
speed = speed * patterns.getBaseSpeed(),
acceleration = acceleration,
speedMin = speedMin * patterns.getBaseSpeed(),
speedMax = speedMax * patterns.getBaseSpeed()
local function pACBarrage()
local difficulty = game.getProperty("difficulty.difficulty")
local sides = game.getProperty("sides.start")
local delay = patterns.getPerfectDelay(patterns.THICKNESS) * 3.7
local startSide = game.random(10)
for i = 0, sides - 2 do
acceleradiantWall(startSide + i, (9 + game.random(1)), -1.1 * difficulty, 1, 12)
timeline.wait(delay * 2.5)
local function pACBarrageMulti()
local difficulty = game.getProperty("difficulty.difficulty")
local sides = game.getProperty("sides.start")
local delay = patterns.getPerfectDelay(patterns.THICKNESS) * 3.7
local startSide = game.random(10)
for i = 0, sides - 2 do
acceleradiantWall(startSide + i, 10, -1.09 * difficulty, 0.31, 10)
acceleradiantWall(startSide + i, 0, 0.05 * difficulty, 0, 4)
acceleradiantWall(startSide + i, 0, 0.09 * difficulty, 0, 4)
acceleradiantWall(startSide + i, 0, 0.12 * difficulty, 0, 4)
timeline.wait(delay * 8)
local function pACBarrageMultiAltDir()
local difficulty = game.getProperty("difficulty.difficulty")
local sides = game.getProperty("sides.start")
local delay = patterns.getPerfectDelay(patterns.THICKNESS) * 3.7
local mdiff = 1 + math.abs(1 - difficulty)
local startSide = game.random(10)
local loopDir = game.randomDir()
for i = 0, sides + game.getHalfSides() do
local side = startSide + i * loopDir
acceleradiantWall(side, 10, -1.095 * difficulty, 0.40, 10)
timeline.wait((delay / 2.21) * (mdiff * 1.29))
acceleradiantWall(side + (game.getHalfSides() * loopDir), 0, 0.128 * difficulty, 0, 1.4)
timeline.wait(delay * 8)
local patternQueue = game.newPatternQueue{
{ weight = 7, pattern = pACBarrage },
{ weight = 2, pattern = pACBarrageMulti },
{ weight = 2, pattern = pACBarrageMultiAltDir }
local dirChangeTime = 6.666666
local hueIncMin = 0
local hueIncMax = 22.0
local hueIncStep = 0.0065
local hueInc = 0.5
function init()
function initColors()
function nextPattern()
function update(delta)
dirChangeTime = dirChangeTime - delta
if dirChangeTime < 0 and not game.getProperty("rotation.rapidSpin") then
game.setProperty("rotation.speed", game.getProperty("rotation.speed") * -1)
dirChangeTime = 400 / 60
hueInc = hueInc + hueIncStep
game.setProperty("color.walls.hue.increment", hueInc)
game.setAll("color.background", "hue.increment", hueInc)
if hueInc > hueIncMax or hueInc < hueIncMin then
hueIncStep = hueIncStep * -1
rotation {
speed: 0.495
maxSpeed: 0.73
increment: 0.08
rapidSpinSpeed: 71
difficulty {
delayMultiplier: 1.1
delayMultiplierIncrement: -0.01
difficulty: 1
levelIncrement: 15
speed: 2.25
speedIncrement: 0.045
beatPulse {
max: 1.2
pulse {
min: 64
max: 84
speed: 1.05
speedReverse: 1.34
delayMax: 7
sides {
start: 6
min: 5
max: 7
view {
layers: 3
depth: 153.5
alphaMultiplier: 5.9
alphaFalloff: 0.06
skew: 0.83
minSkew: 0
maxSkew: 0.83
skewTime: 5.5
color {
background: [
{ r: 0.2392, g: 0, b: 0.2431, a: 1, pulse: {r: 0.2666, g: 0, b: 0.27058, a: 0} }
{ r: 0.7647, g: 0.2627, b: 0.5960, a: 1 }
walls: { r: 0.8745, g: 0.5803, b: 0.7176, a: 1, main: true, pulse: {r: 0.2352, g: 0.2352, b: 0.2352, a: 0} }
pulseMax: 1.8
pulseIncrement: 0.047
switch: 0.6
local patternQueue = game.newPatternQueue{
{ weight = 2, pattern = standardPattern.alternatingBarrage{ times = game.randomParam(2, 3), step = 2 } },
{ weight = 4, pattern = standardPattern.barrageSpiral{ times = 3, delayMult = 0.6, step = 1 } },
{ weight = 2, pattern = standardPattern.inverseBarrage{ times = 0 } },
{ weight = 1, pattern = standardPattern.tunnel{ times = game.randomParam(1, 3) } },
{ weight = 2, pattern = standardPattern.mirroredWallStrip{ times = 1, extra = 0 } },
{ weight = 1, pattern = standardPattern.vortex{ times = 0, step = game.randomParam(1, 2), 1 } },
{ weight = 1, pattern = standardPattern.fixedDelayBarrageSpiral{ times = game.randomParam(4, 7), delayMult = 0.4, step = 1 } },
{ weight = 3, pattern = standardPattern.randomBarrage{ times = game.randomParam(2, 5), delayMult = 2.25 } },
{ weight = 1, pattern = standardPattern.doubleMirrorSpiral{ times = game.randomParam(4, 6), extra = 0 } },
{ weight = 2, pattern = standardPattern.mirrorSpiral{ times = game.randomParam(2, 4), extra = 0 } }
local dirChangeTime = 2.666666
function init()
dirChangeTime = 46.1
local function lyric(text, wait, duration)
game.pushEvent(wait, "push_text", text, duration)
function initEvents()
lyric("Are you ready?", 2, 0.5)
for i = 1, 52 do
lyric("EH", 0.4 + (i == 1 and 0.5 or 0), 0.2)
game.pushEvent(0, "change_direction")
for i = 15, 0, -1 do
game.pushEvent(0.09, "rotation.speed", 0.65 * (i / 15))
lyric("Are you ready?", 0.15, 0.5)
game.pushEvent(0.09, "rotation.speed", 0.65 + 0.053)
for i = 1, 52 do
lyric("EH", 0.4 + (i == 1 and 0.5 or 0), 0.2)
game.pushEvent(0, "change_direction")
lyric("Adrenaline is pumping", 2, 1.5)
lyric("Adrenaline is pumping", 2, 1.5)
lyric("Generator", 2.5, 1)
lyric("Automatic lover", 2, 1.5)
lyric("Atomic", 4, 0.5)
lyric("Atomic", 1.5, 0.5)
lyric("Overdrive", 1.5, 1.0)
lyric("Blockbuster", 2.0, 1)
lyric("Brainpower", 3, 1)
lyric("Call me leader", 3, 1)
lyric("Cocaine", 2, 1)
lyric("Don't you try it", 3.5, 1.5)
lyric("Don't you try it", 2.5, 1.5)
lyric("Innovator", 3, 1)
lyric("Killing machine", 2, 1.5)
lyric("There's no fate", 3, 1.5)
lyric("Take control", 3, 1.5)
lyric("BRAINPOWER", 2.5, 1.5)
lyric("LET THE BASE KICK!", 2.0, 1.5)
function initColors()
function nextPattern()
function update(delta)
dirChangeTime = dirChangeTime - delta
if dirChangeTime < 0 and not game.getProperty("rotation.rapidSpin") then
game.setProperty("rotation.speed", game.getProperty("rotation.speed") * -1)
dirChangeTime = 300 / 60
rotation {
speed: 0.65
maxSpeed: 1.5
increment: 0.053
rapidSpinSpeed: 81
difficulty {
delayMultiplier: 1.1
difficulty: 1
levelIncrement: 24
speed: 2.2
beatPulse {
delay: 0.25
pulse {
min: 64
max: 104
speed: 2.0
speedReverse: 1.5
delayMax: 1
sides {
start: 6
min: 5
max: 6
view {
layers: 12
depth: 5
alphaFalloff: 0.1
skew: 0
minSkew: 0
maxSkew: 1
skewTime: 4
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