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Last active June 10, 2022 14:54
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  • Save magne4000/01a84d0dbb7dea95857dcc750a0dfb66 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save magne4000/01a84d0dbb7dea95857dcc750a0dfb66 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
settings () {
echo ""
echo "Configuration:"
echo ""
echo lidarr_eventtype "$lidarr_eventtype"
echo lidarr_artist_id "$lidarr_artist_id"
echo lidarr_artist_name "$lidarr_artist_name"
echo lidarr_artist_path "$lidarr_artist_path"
echo lidarr_artist_mbid "$lidarr_artist_mbid"
echo lidarr_artist_type "$lidarr_artist_type"
echo lidarr_album_id "$lidarr_album_id"
echo lidarr_album_title "$lidarr_album_title"
echo lidarr_album_mbid "$lidarr_album_mbid"
echo lidarr_albumrelease_mbid "$lidarr_albumrelease_mbid"
echo lidarr_album_releasedate "$lidarr_album_releasedate"
echo lidarr_download_client "$lidarr_download_client"
echo lidarr_download_id "$lidarr_download_id"
echo lidarr_addedtrackpaths "$lidarr_addedtrackpaths"
echo lidarr_deletedpaths "$lidarr_deletedpaths"
# check
dl () {
d=$( dirname "$1" )
cd $d
curl -H "ffmpeg-outfileext: ogg"\
-H "ffmpeg-options: [ \"-vn\", \"-codec\", \"libvorbis\", \"-q:a\", \"7\" ]"\
--form file="@\"$1\""\
-o "${1%.flac}.ogg"
conversion () {
filesarray=( $lidarr_addedtrackpaths )
echo ""
echo "Converting: $converttrackcount Tracks (Target Format: OGG (-q:a 7))"
for fname in "${filesarray[@]}"; do
filename="$(basename "${fname%.flac}")"
if [[ $fname == *.flac ]]; then
dl "$fname"
echo "Converted: $filename"
if [ -f "${fname%.flac}.ogg" ]; then
rm "$fname"
echo "Skipping: $filename"
#============START SCRIPT============
if [ "${lidarr_eventtype}" = Test ]; then
exit 0
echo ""
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If you need to manual process a single directory:


BASEDIR="$(dirname "$(realpath "$0")")"

lidarr_addedtrackpaths=$( find "$1" -exec realpath {} \; | tail -n +2 | sed -z 's/\n/|/g' )
export lidarr_addedtrackpaths=${lidarr_addedtrackpaths::-1}

echo $lidarr_addedtrackpaths


Usage: /some/album/dir

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Hi, this is about the adaptation of your script to MP3 conversion we talked about on Reddit.
This is how Lidarr looks when I test it:

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This is System Log on Lidarr when I press Test
LidarrErrorPipeline Invalid request Validation failed: -- : No such file or directory 19:51 CustomScript System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (2): No such file or directory at System.Diagnostics.Process.ForkAndExecProcess(String filename, String[] argv, String[] envp, String cwd, Boolean redirectStdin, Boolean redirectStdout, Boolean redirectStderr, Boolean setCredentials, UInt32 userId, UInt32 groupId, UInt32[] groups, Int32& stdinFd, Int32& stdoutFd, Int32& stderrFd, Boolean usesTerminal, Boolean throwOnNoExec) at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartCore(ProcessStartInfo startInfo) at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start() at NzbDrone.Common.Processes.ProcessProvider.Start(String path, String args, StringDictionary environmentVariables, Action1 onOutputDataReceived, Action1 onErrorDataReceived) in D:\a\1\s\src\NzbDrone.Common\Processes\ProcessProvider.cs:line 188 at NzbDrone.Common.Processes.ProcessProvider.StartAndCapture(String path, String args, StringDictionary environmentVariables) in D:\a\1\s\src\NzbDrone.Common\Processes\ProcessProvider.cs:line 217 at NzbDrone.Core.Notifications.CustomScript.CustomScript.ExecuteScript(StringDictionary environmentVariables) in D:\a\1\s\src\NzbDrone.Core\Notifications\CustomScript\CustomScript.cs:line 192 at NzbDrone.Core.Notifications.CustomScript.CustomScript.Test() in D:\a\1\s\src\NzbDrone.Core\Notifications\CustomScript\CustomScript.cs:line 172: No such file or directory 19:51 LidarrErrorPipeline Invalid request Validation failed: -- : No such file or directory 19:51 CustomScript System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (2): No such file or directory at System.Diagnostics.Process.ForkAndExecProcess(String filename, String[] argv, String[] envp, String cwd, Boolean redirectStdin, Boolean redirectStdout, Boolean redirectStderr, Boolean setCredentials, UInt32 userId, UInt32 groupId, UInt32[] groups, Int32& stdinFd, Int32& stdoutFd, Int32& stderrFd, Boolean usesTerminal, Boolean throwOnNoExec) at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartCore(ProcessStartInfo startInfo) at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start() at NzbDrone.Common.Processes.ProcessProvider.Start(String path, String args, StringDictionary environmentVariables, Action1 onOutputDataReceived, Action1 onErrorDataReceived) in D:\a\1\s\src\NzbDrone.Common\Processes\ProcessProvider.cs:line 188 at NzbDrone.Common.Processes.ProcessProvider.StartAndCapture(String path, String args, StringDictionary environmentVariables) in D:\a\1\s\src\NzbDrone.Common\Processes\ProcessProvider.cs:line 217 at NzbDrone.Core.Notifications.CustomScript.CustomScript.ExecuteScript(StringDictionary environmentVariables) in D:\a\1\s\src\NzbDrone.Core\Notifications\CustomScript\CustomScript.cs:line 192 at NzbDrone.Core.Notifications.CustomScript.CustomScript.Test() in D:\a\1\s\src\NzbDrone.Core\Notifications\CustomScript\CustomScript.cs:line 172: No such file or directory

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Manual script says:
root@openmediavault:/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-2628F1C228F19153/data/media/music/000# ./ Tamaryn/
bash: ./ /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

Both scripts in same dir with Tamaryn as FLAC subfolder

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And finally this is the Portainer log of Lidarr as soon as I press Test

[Error] CustomScript: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (2): No such file or directory
at System.Diagnostics.Process.ForkAndExecProcess(String filename, String[] argv, String[] envp, String cwd, Boolean redirectStdin, Boolean redirectStdout, Boolean redirectStderr, Boolean setCredentials, UInt32 userId, UInt32 groupId, UInt32[] groups, Int32& stdinFd, Int32& stdoutFd, Int32& stderrFd, Boolean usesTerminal, Boolean throwOnNoExec)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartCore(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()
at NzbDrone.Common.Processes.ProcessProvider.Start(String path, String args, StringDictionary environmentVariables, Action1 onOutputDataReceived, Action1 onErrorDataReceived) in D:\a\1\s\src\NzbDrone.Common\Processes\ProcessProvider.cs:line 188
at NzbDrone.Common.Processes.ProcessProvider.StartAndCapture(String path, String args, StringDictionary environmentVariables) in D:\a\1\s\src\NzbDrone.Common\Processes\ProcessProvider.cs:line 217
at NzbDrone.Core.Notifications.CustomScript.CustomScript.ExecuteScript(StringDictionary environmentVariables) in D:\a\1\s\src\NzbDrone.Core\Notifications\CustomScript\CustomScript.cs:line 192
at NzbDrone.Core.Notifications.CustomScript.CustomScript.Test() in D:\a\1\s\src\NzbDrone.Core\Notifications\CustomScript\CustomScript.cs:line 172
[v0.8.1.2135] System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (2): No such file or directory
at System.Diagnostics.Process.ForkAndExecProcess(String filename, String[] argv, String[] envp, String cwd, Boolean redirectStdin, Boolean redirectStdout, Boolean redirectStderr, Boolean setCredentials, UInt32 userId, UInt32 groupId, UInt32[] groups, Int32& stdinFd, Int32& stdoutFd, Int32& stderrFd, Boolean usesTerminal, Boolean throwOnNoExec)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartCore(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()
at NzbDrone.Common.Processes.ProcessProvider.Start(String path, String args, StringDictionary environmentVariables, Action1 onOutputDataReceived, Action1 onErrorDataReceived) in D:\a\1\s\src\NzbDrone.Common\Processes\ProcessProvider.cs:line 188
at NzbDrone.Common.Processes.ProcessProvider.StartAndCapture(String path, String args, StringDictionary environmentVariables) in D:\a\1\s\src\NzbDrone.Common\Processes\ProcessProvider.cs:line 217
at NzbDrone.Core.Notifications.CustomScript.CustomScript.ExecuteScript(StringDictionary environmentVariables) in D:\a\1\s\src\NzbDrone.Core\Notifications\CustomScript\CustomScript.cs:line 192
at NzbDrone.Core.Notifications.CustomScript.CustomScript.Test() in D:\a\1\s\src\NzbDrone.Core\Notifications\CustomScript\CustomScript.cs:line 172
[Warn] LidarrErrorPipeline: Invalid request Validation failed:
-- : No such file or directory

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Manual script says: root@openmediavault:/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-2628F1C228F19153/data/media/music/000# ./ Tamaryn/ bash: ./ /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

Both scripts in same dir with Tamaryn as FLAC subfolder

Seems like you have Windows newline characters in your
Try to edit/recreate the files with non-windows newline characters.

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Ok, I access my server from Windows, now I managed to wget your script directly from OMV and modified with nano. Done the same for manual script, but when I launch it, nothing happens, this is the output:
root@openmediavault:/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-2628F1C228F19153/data/media/music/000# ./ Tamaryn/*



Converting: 0 Tracks (Target Format: MP3 (-b:a 320k))


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Ok so it has not found any .flac files in Tamaryn subfolders it seems.
If Tamaryn/<Subfolders> are supposed to contain .flac files, could you somehow show me what the tree structure of your Tamaryn looks like?
Otherwise you should try just one folder containing .flac files for the test, like ./ Path/To/Album/With/Flac/Files (without /*)

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Tamaryn folder looks like this (I also simplified the name removing date and title when I saw it wasn't working)

root@openmediavault:/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-2628F1C228F19153/data/media/music/000/Tamaryn# dir
01\ -\ Cranekiss.flac
02\ -\ Hands\ All\ over\ Me.flac
03\ -\ Last.flac
04\ -\ Collection.flac
05\ -\ Keep\ Calling.flac
06\ -\ Softcore.flac
07\ -\ Fade\ Away\ Slow.flac
08\ -\ I\ Won't\ Be\ Found.flac
09\ -\ Sugarfix.flac
10\ -\ Intruder\ (Waking\ You\ Up).flac

I don't know where those "\ -\ " come from, the titles in reality look like
10 - Intruder (Waking You Up).flac
but both dir and ls commands show those \

Mind you: both media and scripts are on an NTFS drive. My media drive is a USB WD Elements connected to OMV server. Maybe that's the reason? The script gets confused by some cross filesystem characters?

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Ok, just try ./ Tamaryn then (so without /*)

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Mind you: both media and scripts are on an NTFS drive. My media drive is a USB WD Elements connected to OMV server. Maybe that's the reason? The script gets confused by some cross filesystem characters?

Maybe 🤷, that's a little outside my knowledge

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Ok, just try ./ Tamaryn then (so without /*)

Same result unfortunately. However Lidarr does not give any error when I test the script. As soon as I find something to download in FLAC I'll see what happens and report.

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I've finally found something in FLAC format to download: Lidarr got a bunch of FLAC albums via SabNZBd, imported them, THEN your script converted tracks to MP3 320k and moved original FLACs to recycle. Perfect! It's a mystery why it doesn't work in manual mode, but I'm fine with that, I only need it for automatic conversion.

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Found an issue similar to manual process problem.
Some albums are not completely converted from a certain point on, until next folder.
So the first N tracks are converted from FLAC to MP3 and FLACs moved to recycle, but the remaining not, they are just left where they are.
The next album/folder starts over.

Example of problematic album:
Elvis Presley - 1969 - From Elvis in Memphis [FLAC]/CD01
"01 - Wearin' That Loved on Look.mp3"
'02 - Only the Strong Survive.mp3'
'03 - I'''ll Hold You in My Heart (Till I Can Hold You in My Arms).mp3'
'04 - Long Black Limousine.mp3'
"05 - It Keeps Right on A-Hurtin'.mp3"
"06 - I'm Movin' On.mp3"
'07 - Power of My Love.mp3'
'08 - Gentle on My Mind.mp3'
'09 - After Loving You.mp3'
'10 - True Love Travels on a Gravel Road.mp3'
'11 - Any Day Now.mp3'
'12 - In the Ghetto.mp3'
'13 - Wearin''' That Loved on Look (3+10).mp3'
'14 - Only the Strong Survive (1).mp3'
'15 - Long Black Limousine (6).mp3'
'16 - It Keeps Right on A-Hurtin''' (1+2).mp3'
'17 - I'''m Movin''' On (1+2).flac'
'18 - Power of My Love (1).flac'
'19 - After Loving You (2).flac'
'20 - True Love Travels on a Gravel Road (2).flac'
'21 - Any Day Now (1+2).flac'
'22 - In the Ghetto (1).flac'
'23 - In the Ghetto (2+3).flac'
'24 - In the Ghetto (4).flac'

As you can see there are still those ghost \ characters, but tracks with those are converted to mp3, so it must be something else. I thought it could be the split albums in CD1/CD2, but no, some of them are completely converted, some are not. Also characters like ' ( ) , are present in both converted and not converted tracks.
Unfortunately I was not watching when this happened, so I could not catch the live log.

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janaxhell commented May 3, 2022

Ok, I've found the log in Lidarr, I was looking in Portainer.
This is a piece of what your script was doing

22-5-3 13:46:54.8|[25659]Info|Lidarr event: AlbumDownload, Artist: Elvis Presley (2131), Album: Elvis Is Back! (23485), Export bitrate: 320k, Tracks: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/01 - Make Me Know It (take 3).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/01 - Make Me Know It.flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/02 - Fever.flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/02 - Make Me Know It (Takes 9, 10 & 11).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/03 - Make Me Know It (Takes 17 & 18).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/03 - The Girl of My Best Friend.flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/04 - Soldier Boy (Takes 2, 3 & 7).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/04 - I Will Be Home Again.flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/05 - Soldier Boy (Takes 9 & 10).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/05 - Dirty, Dirty Feeling.flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/06 - Thrill of Your Love.flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/06 - Stuck on You - Takes 1 Fs, 2.flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/07 - Fame and Fortune (Takes 4 & 5).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/07 - Soldier Boy.flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/08 - Such a Night.flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/08 - A Mess of Blues (take 1).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/09 - A Mess of Blues (Takes 2 & 3).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/09 - It Feels So Right.flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/10 - Girl Next Door Went a Walking.flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/10 - It Feels So Right (take 2).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/11 - Like a Baby.flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/11 - It Feels So Right (Takes 4 & 3).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/12 - Reconsider Baby.flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/12 - Fever (Takes 2 & 3).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/13 - Stuck on You.flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/13 - Like a Baby (take 1).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/14 - Like a Baby (take 2).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/14 - Fame and Fortune.flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/15 - Like a Baby (Takes 3 & 4).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/15 - It's Now or Never.flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/16 - It's Now or Never (take 2).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/16 - A Mess of Blues.flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/17 - It's Now or Never (Takes 3 & 4).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/17 - Are You Lonesome Tonight.flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/18 - The Girl of My Best Friend (Takes 2, 4, 5 & 6).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/18 - I Gotta Know (Incl. take 1).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/19 - Make Me Know It (take 1).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/19 - The Girl of My Best Friend (take 9).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/20 - Fever (take 1).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/20 - Dirty, Dirty Feeling (take 1).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/21 - The Girl of My Best Friend (take 3).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/21 - Dirty, Dirty Feeling - Takes 2, 3 & Sp Last Chord From 4.flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/22 - Thrill of Your Love - Takes 1, 2 & 1pb.flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/22 - Soldier Boy (take 1).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/23 - Such a Night - Takes 2, 3, 4 & 5 Sp.flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/23 - Such a Night (take 1).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/24 - The Girl Next Door Went a'Walking (Takes 1, 2 & 3).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/24 - It Feels So Right (take 1).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/25 - Are You Lonesome Tonight - Takes 4, 3 & Wp 1+2 Sp.flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/25 - Stuck on You (take 1).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/26 - Fame and Fortune (take 2).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/27 - It's Now or Never (take 1).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/28 - Are You Lonesome Tonight! (Takes 1 & 2).flac 22-5-3 13:46:54.9|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/01 - Make Me Know It (take 3).mp3 22-5-3 13:46:56.1|[25659] 22-5-3 13:46:56.1|[25659]Enter command: <target>|all <time>|-1 <command>[ <argument>] 22-5-3 13:46:56.1|[25659] 22-5-3 13:46:56.1|[25659]Parse error, at least 3 arguments were expected, only 1 given in string '|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/18 - I Gotta Know (Incl. take 1).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/19 - Make Me Know It (take 1).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/19 - The Girl of My Best Friend (take 9).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/20 - Fever (take 1).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/20 - Dirty, Dirty Feeling (take 1).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/21 - The Girl of My Best Friend (take 3).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/21 - Dirty, Dirty Feeling - Takes 2, 3 & Sp Last Chord From 4.flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/22 - Thrill of Your Love - Takes 1, 2 & 1pb.flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/22 - Soldier Boy (take 1).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/23 - Such a Night - Takes 2, 3, 4 & 5 Sp.flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/23 - Such a Night (take 1).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/24 - The Girl Next Door Went a'Walking (Takes 1, 2 & 3).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/24 - It Feels So Right (take 1).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/25 - Are You Lonesome Tonight - Takes 4, 3 & Wp 1+2 Sp.flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/25 - Stuck on You (take 1).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/26 - Fame and Fortune (take 2).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/27 - It's Now or Never (take 1).flac|/music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/28 - Are You Lonesome Tonight! (Takes 1 & 2).flac' 22-5-3 13:46:58.5|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/01 - Make Me Know It.mp3 22-5-3 13:47:01.2|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/02 - Fever.mp3 22-5-3 13:47:07.2|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/02 - Make Me Know It (Takes 9, 10 & 11).mp3 22-5-3 13:47:10.9|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/03 - Make Me Know It (Takes 17 & 18).mp3 22-5-3 13:47:14.6|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/03 - The Girl of My Best Friend.mp3 22-5-3 13:47:17.7|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/04 - Soldier Boy (Takes 2, 3 & 7).mp3 22-5-3 13:47:25.1|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/04 - I Will Be Home Again.mp3 22-5-3 13:47:28.5|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/05 - Soldier Boy (Takes 9 & 10).mp3 22-5-3 13:47:33.2|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/05 - Dirty, Dirty Feeling.mp3 22-5-3 13:47:35.3|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/06 - Thrill of Your Love.mp3 22-5-3 13:47:39.8|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/06 - Stuck on You - Takes 1 Fs, 2.mp3 22-5-3 13:47:43.4|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/07 - Fame and Fortune (Takes 4 & 5).mp3 22-5-3 13:47:48.9|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/07 - Soldier Boy.mp3 22-5-3 13:47:53.2|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/08 - Such a Night.mp3 22-5-3 13:47:57.2|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/08 - A Mess of Blues (take 1).mp3 22-5-3 13:48:01.0|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/09 - A Mess of Blues (Takes 2 & 3).mp3 22-5-3 13:48:05.0|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/09 - It Feels So Right.mp3 22-5-3 13:48:07.9|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/10 - Girl Next Door Went a Walking.mp3 22-5-3 13:48:10.8|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/10 - It Feels So Right (take 2).mp3 22-5-3 13:48:13.5|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/11 - Like a Baby.mp3 22-5-3 13:48:16.9|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/11 - It Feels So Right (Takes 4 & 3).mp3 22-5-3 13:48:20.3|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/12 - Reconsider Baby.mp3 22-5-3 13:48:25.0|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/12 - Fever (Takes 2 & 3).mp3 22-5-3 13:48:30.1|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/13 - Stuck on You.mp3 22-5-3 13:48:33.1|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/13 - Like a Baby (take 1).mp3 22-5-3 13:48:36.0|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/14 - Like a Baby (take 2).mp3 22-5-3 13:48:39.4|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/14 - Fame and Fortune.mp3 22-5-3 13:48:42.7|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/15 - Like a Baby (Takes 3 & 4).mp3 22-5-3 13:48:47.2|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/15 - It's Now or Never.mp3 22-5-3 13:48:51.4|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/16 - It's Now or Never (take 2).mp3 22-5-3 13:48:55.7|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/16 - A Mess of Blues.mp3 22-5-3 13:48:59.2|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD02/17 - It's Now or Never (Takes 3 & 4).mp3 22-5-3 13:49:04.2|[25659]Info|Writing: /music/Rock Classic/Elvis Presley/Elvis Presley - 1960 - Elvis Is Back! [FLAC]/CD01/17 - Are You Lonesome Tonight.mp3 22-5-3 13:49:08.2|[25659]Info|Calling Lidarr API to rescan artist 22-5-3 13:49:18.5|[25659]Info|Completed in 2m 24s

You see it stops at tracks 17. In real world both folders had FLAC tracks up until 28 in CD1 and 25 in CD2.
Similar thing in all those album where this occured. It happened in 7 albums out of 29 imported.
With the exception of 2 albums, all the other 5 have unconverted FLAC tracks starting from number 17. This is so weird.

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