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Created April 1, 2014 07:13
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ManiaConnect Client.php
* Maniaplanet Web Services SDK for PHP
* @see
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2009-2011 NADEO (
* @license LGPL License 3
* @author $Author$:
* @version $Revision$:
* @date $Date$:
namespace Maniaplanet\WebServices\ManiaConnect;
* OAuth2 client implementation
abstract class Client extends \Maniaplanet\WebServices\HTTPClient
* Path for the OAuth2 Token Endpoint on our API
* @var string
const TOKEN_PATH = '/oauth2/token/';
protected $loginURL = '';
protected $logoutURL = '';
* An implementation of the Peristance interface to store data (such as
* access tokens) between requests. Default implementation is using PHP
* session but you can easily write your own if needed.
* @param \Maniaplanet\WebServices\ManiaConnect\Persistance
static protected $persistance;
static function setPersistance(Persistance $object)
throw new \Maniaplanet\WebServices\Exception(
'You must set the persistance object before instanciating the '.
self::$persistance = $object;
function __construct($username = null, $password = null)
parent::__construct($username, $password);
// Default persistance is using the PHP sessions
self::$persistance = new Session();
* When a user is not authentified, you need to create a link to the URL
* returned by this method.
* @param string $scope Space-separated list of scopes. Leave empty if you just need the basic one
* @param string $redirectURI Where to redirect the user after auth. Leave empty for the current URI
* @return string Login URL
function getLoginURL($scope = null, $redirectURI = null)
$redirectURI = $redirectURI ? : $this->getCurrentURI();
self::$persistance->setVariable('redirect_uri', $redirectURI);
return $this->getAuthorizationURL($redirectURI, $scope);
* If you want to place a "logout" button, you can use this link to log the
* user out of the player page too. Don't forget to empty your sessions .
* @see \Maniaplanet\WebServices\ManiaConnect\Client::logout()
* @param string $redirectURI Where to redirect the user after he logged out. Leave empty for current URI
* @return string Logout URL
function getLogoutURL($redirectURI = null)
$redirectURI = $redirectURI ? : $this->getCurrentURI();
return $this->logoutURL.'?'.http_build_query(array('redirect_uri' => $redirectURI),
'', '&');
* Destroys the persistance. Call that when you want to log a
* user out, or implement your own way of logging out.
function logout()
* Returns the Current URL.
* @return string The current URL.
* @see
* @author Originally written by Naitik Shah <>.
* @author Update to draft v10 by Edison Wong <>
protected function getCurrentURI()
$protocol = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' ? 'https://' : 'http://';
$current_uri = $protocol.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$this->getRequestURI();
$parts = parse_url($current_uri);
$query = '';
$params = array();
parse_str($parts['query'], $params);
$params = array_filter($params);
$query = '?'.http_build_query($params, '', '&');
// Use port if non default.
$port = isset($parts['port']) &&
(($protocol === 'http://' && $parts['port'] !== 80) || ($protocol === 'https://' && $parts['port'] !== 443)) ? ':'.$parts['port']
: '';
// Rebuild.
return $protocol.$parts['host'].$port.$parts['path'].$query;
* Since $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] is only available on Apache, we
* generate an equivalent using other environment variables.
* @see
* @author Originally written by Naitik Shah <>.
* @author Update to draft v10 by Edison Wong <>
protected function getRequestURI()
$uri = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'].'?'.$_SERVER['argv'][0];
// Prevent multiple slashes to avoid cross site requests
$uri = '/'.ltrim($uri, '/');
return $uri;
private function getAuthorizationURL($redirectURI, $scope = 'basic')
$params = http_build_query(array(
'client_id' => $this->username,
'redirect_uri' => $redirectURI,
'scope' => $scope,
'response_type' => 'code',
), '', '&');
return $this->loginURL.'?'.$params;
* Tries to get an access token.
* If one is found in the session, it returns it.
* If a code is found in the request, it tries to exchange it for an access
* token on the OAuth2 Token Endpoint
* Else it returns false
* @return string An OAuth2 access token, or false if none is found
protected function getAccessToken()
$token = self::$persistance->getVariable('token');
return $token->access_token;
else if ($token !== null && $token->refresh_token !== null)
$token = $this->getTokenFromRefreshToken($token->refresh_token);
return $token->access_token;
$code = $_REQUEST['code'];
$redirectURI = self::$persistance->getVariable('redirect_uri') ? : $this->getCurrentURI();
$token = $this->getTokenFromCode($code, $redirectURI);
return $token->access_token;
private function getTokenFromCode($authorizationCode, $redirectURI)
return $this->getTokenFromParamsArray(array(
'client_id' => $this->username,
'client_secret' => $this->password,
'redirect_uri' => $redirectURI,
'grant_type' => 'authorization_code',
'code' => $authorizationCode,
private function getTokenFromRefreshToken($refreshToken)
return $this->getTokenFromParamsArray(array(
'client_id' => $this->username,
'client_secret' => $this->password,
'grant_type' => 'refresh_token',
'refresh_token' => $refreshToken,
private function getTokenFromParamsArray(array $params)
$contentType = $this->contentType;
$serializeCallback = $this->serializeCallback;
$this->contentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
$this->serializeCallback = null;
$params = http_build_query($params, '', '&');
$token = $this->execute('POST', self::TOKEN_PATH, array($params));
$token->created = time();
self::$persistance->setVariable('token', $token);
catch(\Maniaplanet\WebServices\Exception $e)
case 'invalid_request':
$message =
'invalid_request: The request is missing a required '.
'parameter, includes an unsupported parameter or '.
'parameter value, or is otherwise malformed.';
case 'invalid_client':
$message =
'invalid_client: Application authentication failed. ';
case 'invalid_grant':
$message =
'invalid_grant: The provided access grant is invalid, '.
'expired, or revoked (e.g. invalid assertion, expired '.
'authorization token, bad end-user password credentials, '.
'or mismatching authorization code and redirection URI).';
throw $e;
throw new \Maniaplanet\WebServices\Exception($message, $e->getCode(),
$e->getHTTPStatusCode(), $e->getHTTPStatusMessage());
$this->contentType = $contentType;
$this->serializeCallback = $serializeCallback;
return $token;
* Executes an request on the API with an OAuth2 access token.
* It works just like its parent execute() method.
* @see \Maniaplanet\WebServices\HTTPClient::execute()
protected function executeOAuth2($method, $ressource, array $params = array())
$this->headers['authorization'] = sprintf('Authorization: Bearer %s', $this->getAccessToken());
// We don't need auth since we are using an access token
$this->enableAuth = false;
$result = $this->execute($method, $ressource, $params);
$this->enableAuth = true;
return $result;
catch(Exception $e)
$this->enableAuth = true;
throw $e;
protected function isAccessTokenExpired($token)
if ($token == null)
return true;
return ($token->created + ($token->expires_in - 30)) < time();
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