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Last active May 1, 2023 04:43
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Python AWS CloudTrail parser class.

Python AWS CloudTrail parser

Python parser class for CloudTrail event archives, previously dumped to an S3 bucket. Class provides an iterator which will:

  • Scan a given directory for archive files matching the required pattern.
  • Decompress each archive in memory.
  • Parse JSON payload and return each event in turn.

Parser contained in, with used as a simple datetime.tzinfo concrete class implement to provide UTC timezone.


$ ls -l1 /path/to/cloudtrail/archives

$ ./

Event name: ListContainerInstances
Event time: 2016-01-01 23:02:08+00:00

Event name: DescribeContainerInstances
Event time: 2016-01-01 23:02:08+00:00

Event name: ListContainerInstances
Event time: 2016-01-01 23:02:11+00:00

Event name: DiscoverPollEndpoint
Event time: 2016-01-01 22:59:36+00:00

Event name: DescribeInstanceHealth
Event time: 2016-01-01 23:00:41+00:00
from datetime import datetime
import gzip
import json
import os
import re
import timezone
class Parser:
TIMEZONE_UTC = timezone.UTC()
def __init__(self, archive_base_dir):
# store base dir to CloudTrail archives
self.archive_base_dir = archive_base_dir.rstrip("/")
def events(self):
# work over CloudTrail archive files
for archive_file_item in self.archive_file_list():
# open archive - parse JSON contents to dictionary
fp =, "rb")
cloudtrail_data = json.loads(
if "Records" in cloudtrail_data:
for trail_item in cloudtrail_data["Records"]:
yield self.build_trail_data(trail_item)
def archive_file_list(self):
for base_path, dir_list, file_list in os.walk(self.archive_base_dir):
# work over files in directory
for file_item in file_list:
# does file item match archive pattern?
if not
# nope - skip file
# full path to archive file
yield "{0}/{1}".format(base_path, file_item)
def build_trail_data(self, source):
# convert time string to datetime at UTC
event_time_utc = datetime.strptime(
# extract the data we care about from the CloudTrail item into dict
return {
"account_id": str(source["recipientAccountId"]),
"region": str(source["awsRegion"]),
"event_name": str(source["eventName"]),
"event_time": event_time_utc,
"request": self.strip_data_unicode(source["requestParameters"]),
"response": self.strip_data_unicode(source["responseElements"]),
def strip_data_unicode(self, data):
data_type = type(data)
# recursively process via strip_data_unicode() both list and dictionary structures
if data_type is list:
return [self.strip_data_unicode(list_item) for list_item in data]
if data_type is dict:
return {
self.strip_data_unicode(dict_key): self.strip_data_unicode(dict_value)
for (dict_key, dict_value) in data.items()
# simple value
if data_type is unicode:
# if unicode cast to string
data = str(data)
return data
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import cloudtrailparser
def main():
parser = cloudtrailparser.Parser("/path/to/cloudtrail/archives")
for event in
print("Event name: {0}".format(event["event_name"]))
print("Event time: {0}\n".format(event["event_time"]))
if __name__ == "__main__":
import datetime
class BaseTimezone(datetime.tzinfo):
TIMEDELTA_ZERO = datetime.timedelta(0)
def __init__(self, timezone_name, offset_seconds):
self.timezone_name = timezone_name
self.offset = datetime.timedelta(seconds=offset_seconds)
def utcoffset(self, dt):
return self.offset
def dst(self, dt):
return BaseTimezone.TIMEDELTA_ZERO
def tzname(self, dt):
return self.timezone_name
# define timezones
class UTC(BaseTimezone):
def __init__(self):
BaseTimezone.__init__(self, "UTC", 0)
class Melbourne(BaseTimezone):
def __init__(self):
BaseTimezone.__init__(self, "Melbourne", 10 * 3600)
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