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Last active December 12, 2015 07:18
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Save magnetikonline/4735909 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Magento Nginx default deny ruleset.
# a fairly complete set of deny rules for Magento when running under Nginx webserver
# replicating functionality from the .htaccess files present in a base install.
location ~ "\.htaccess$" {
deny all;
location ^~ /app/ {
deny all;
location ^~ /downloader/template/ {
deny all;
location ^~ /includes/ {
deny all;
location ^~ /lib/ {
deny all;
location ^~ /media/customer/ {
deny all;
location ^~ /media/downloadable/ {
deny all;
location ^~ /pkginfo/ {
deny all;
location ^~ /var/ {
deny all;
# this is going to be optional if calling cron.php from the webserver side (but, this is pretty tacky - CRONTAB/PHPCLI is better for this job)
location = /cron.php {
deny all;
location = /mage {
deny all;
location = /RELEASE_NOTES.txt {
deny all;
location ~ "\.sh$" {
deny all;
location ~ "^/downloader/.+\.(cfg|ini|xml)$" {
deny all;
location ~ "^/errors/.+\.(phtml|xml)$" {
deny all;
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