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Forked from looselytyped/
Created January 12, 2023 14:02
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Containers in 3 weeks - Set up

Containers in 3 weeks — Week 1/2 setup


You will need Docker installed! Here is a link to get you started. Proceed after you are done installing.

Warm up your engines!

Using the command (bash) prompt:

docker pull alpine:3.12;
docker pull jenkins/jenkins:2.99;
docker pull mongo:3.6.17;
docker pull nginx:1.19.6-alpine;
docker pull openjdk:8u131-jdk;
docker pull openjdk:8u131-jre;
docker pull portainer/portainer:latest;
docker pull tomcat:9;
docker pull ubuntu:21.04;

The final test

Once again, at the command prompt:

> docker run -d --name myjenkins -p 8080:8080 jenkins/jenkins:2.99;
> docker logs -f myjenkins;

You should see the Jenkins logs flowing by eventually settling with the following:

Sep 18, 2018 11:38:19 PM hudson.model.UpdateSite updateData
INFO: Obtained the latest update center data file for UpdateSource default
Sep 18, 2018 11:38:19 PM hudson.WebAppMain$3 run
INFO: Jenkins is fully up and running
Sep 18, 2018 11:38:19 PM hudson.model.UpdateSite updateData
INFO: Obtained the latest update center data file for UpdateSource default
Sep 18, 2018 11:38:20 PM hudson.model.DownloadService$Downloadable load
INFO: Obtained the updated data file for hudson.tasks.Maven.MavenInstaller
Sep 18, 2018 11:38:20 PM hudson.model.DownloadService$Downloadable load
INFO: Obtained the updated data file for
Sep 18, 2018 11:38:20 PM hudson.model.AsyncPeriodicWork$1 run
INFO: Finished Download metadata. 7,798 ms
--> setting agent port for jnlp
--> setting agent port for jnlp... done

Visit http://localhost:8080 and see if you see the Jenkins login page. If you do, you are all set to go!!

# ctrl-c to break out of the logs
docker container stop myjenkins;
docker container rm myjenkins;


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