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Vanilla Accordion - jQuery plugin
I did not include this in the plugin code:
/* Plugin code goes here */
So that you could choose yourselfs to include or not.
<script type="text/javascript">
This is only an example of how to call the plugin.
Not a ready-to-go example.
Create a test config object to pass to our plugin.
we set the startOpen setting to null so no div is
open at start.
myCfg = {
speed: 1000,
easing: 'easeOutBounce',
startOpen: ''
Note: that we specify a new name for our
content divs in the second accordion.
myCfg2 = {
startOpen: 1, /* This will make the second content div always open at page load for this accordion */
speed: 600,
contentElement: '.contentDiv2',
headerElement: '.acHeader2',
openClass: 'acHeaderOpenPink', /* note that we dont use the . before the class name. */
fadeContent: true /* a bolean for setting if we want the content to fade. */
/* call the plugin with our config objects */
/* Start anonymous selfexecuting function */
(function($, window, document, undefined)
/* begin plugin envelop */
$.fn.vanillaAccordion = function(usrConfig)
Vanilla Accordion v1.1
Author: Magnus Bonnevier.
Code is free to use for good not evil.
And please keep the author info, but not required.
2012-03-13 : First Gist version online.
config object with default settings
note: 'swing', 'linear' are the two bultin easing
methods for jQuery. if you want others, use a plugin
or jQuery UI.
the container to hold the headers and content elements
we get trough the 'this' keyword via $('selector').vanillaAccordion();
were selector is whatever DOM selector that jquery supports.
$.fn.vanillaAccordion.config = {
speed: 500,
easing: 'swing',
startOpen: 0,
contentElement: '.contentDiv',
headerElement: '.acHeader',
openClass: 'acHeaderOpen',
fadeContent: false
/* extend or overide the config object as needed by user config object */
var config = $.extend({}, $.fn.vanillaAccordion.config, usrConfig);
/* begin chainability */
return this.each(function(){
/* Do some inital things so everything works as intended */
/* if the startOpen settings is left out do not open any content at start */
if(!config.startOpen == '')
/* The handler that makes the accordion open close */
$(this).on('click.vanillaAccordion', config.headerElement,function(e)
/* save the object for the clicked header */
var $clickHeader = $(this);
/* save the object for the clicked headers next content div */
var $clickTarget = $(this).next();
iterate through the content divs and open the one
directly under the clicked header and close the
other open ones.
/* the object for the current iteration */
var $current = $(this);
detect wether the current iteration
is equal to the clicked object.
And open the selected one and close
the others.
$current.slideDown(config.speed, config.easing);
/* do some fading on the content div or not depending on settings */
if(config.fadeContent == true)
$current.animate({'opacity':'1.0'}, {queue: false, duration: config.speed, easing: config.easing});
/* give the clicked header a class to mark it. */
} else {
$current.slideUp(config.speed, config.easing);
/* do some fading on the content div or not depending on settings */
if(config.fadeContent == true)
$current.animate({'opacity':'0.0'}, {queue: false, duration: config.speed, easing: config.easing});
if the other headers that is not
clicked has the marker class then remove it.
}); /* end each loop */
this supress the hyperlinks default
action to go to the url on click event.
}); /* end click handler */
});/* end chainability */
} /* end plugin envelop */
})(jQuery, window, document);
end anonymous selfexecuting function and closure.
this way we isolate our vars from the global object.
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