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Created October 2, 2018 19:03
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import { step, TestSettings, TestData, Until, By, Browser, MouseButtons, Device, ENV } from '@flood/element'
import * as assert from 'assert'
export const settings: TestSettings = {
userAgent: 'flood-chrome-test',
clearCache: true,
clearCookies: true,
loopCount: Infinity,
duration: -1,
actionDelay: 0.5,
stepDelay: 1.0,
waitTimeout: 30,
export const baseURL = ''
interface EmailData {
email: string
export default () => {
step('1. Bootstrap', async browser => {
await browser.visit(`${baseURL}?flotest=1`, { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' })
let expBtn = By.xpath("//flo-experimentation-widget/div/button")
await browser.wait(Until.elementLocated(By.visibleText('FloTest Experiments')))
await"//button[contains(text(),'Treatment - Magazine')]"))
await"//button[contains(text(),'V3 Player')]"))
step('2. Visit Live Page and Click Login', async browser => {
await browser.visit(`${baseURL}/live/7459`)
await browser.wait(Until.urlContains('signup'))
await'Log In'))
await browser.wait(Until.urlContains('login'))
step('3. Submit Login Details', async (browser: Browser, data: EmailData) => {
assert.ok(, ' is set')
let inputEmail = By.nameAttr('Email')
await browser.wait(Until.elementLocated(inputEmail))
await browser.type(inputEmail, `${}`, { "delay": 1.0 })
await browser.type(By.nameAttr('Password'), '123456', { "delay": 0.5 })
step('Verify Live Page', async browser => {
await browser.wait(Until.elementLocated(By.xpath('//*[@id="6861"]')))
await browser.takeScreenshot()
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