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Last active April 26, 2018 22:20
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  • Save magopian/5205794 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save magopian/5205794 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. : Ready For Python3? Simple script to be executed locally (in a virtualenv?) to check which of the local packages have the Py3 trove classifier, if they don't, if the newest version on PyPI has.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Ready For Python3?
Checks the locally installed distribution for the py3 trove classifier, and if
it's not found, check on PyPI if there's a newer version of this distribution.
This was done with some help from Matrixise.
The result looks like the following:
django-extended-choices 0.2.1 => NOK, not found on PyPI
twitter 1.9.0 => OK
nosexcover 1.0.7 => NOK, PyPI (1.0.8) => NOK
gorun 1.7 => NOK, PyPI (1.7) => NOK
suds 0.4 => NOK, PyPI (0.4) => NOK
django-tastypie 0.9.11 => NOK, PyPI (0.9.14) => NOK
django-filter 0.5.4 => NOK, PyPI (0.6a1) => NOK
mimeparse 0.1.3 => NOK, PyPI (0.1.4) => OK
urllib3 1.5 => OK
PIL 1.1.7 => NOK, PyPI (1.1.6) => NOK
40 OK, 8 NOK, 22 OK on PyPI, 74 NOK on PyPI
OK => local distribution says it's compatible
NOK => local distribution doesn't have the py3 trove classifier, and it wasn't found on PyPI
OK on PyPI => the newest version on PyPI says it's compatible
NOK on PyPI => even the newest version on PyPI doesn't have the py3 trove classifier
import pkg_resources
import xmlrpclib
PY3 = 'Python :: 3'
RESULTS = {'local_ok': 0, 'local_nok': 0, 'pypi_ok': 0, 'pypi_nok': 0}
CLIENT = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('')
def has_py3(classifiers):
return [c for c in classifiers if PY3 in c]
for dist in pkg_resources.working_set:
if has_py3(dist._get_metadata('PKG-INFO')): # local version is compatible \o/
print('%s => OK' % dist)
RESULTS['local_ok'] += 1
else: # check on PyPI for a newer version that might support PY3
name = dist.project_name
pypi_dist = CLIENT.package_releases(name)
if pypi_dist: # a version was found on PyPI
ver = pypi_dist[0]
if has_py3(CLIENT.release_data(name, ver)['classifiers']): # PyPI version compatible
print('%s => NOK, PyPI (%s) => OK' % (dist, ver))
RESULTS['pypi_ok'] += 1
else: # no luck /o\
print('%s => NOK, PyPI (%s) => NOK' % (dist, ver))
RESULTS['pypi_nok'] += 1
else: # no luck locally, not found on PyPI /o\
print('%s => NOK, not found on PyPI' % dist)
RESULTS['local_nok'] += 1
print('{local_ok} OK, {local_nok} NOK, {pypi_ok} OK on PyPI, '
'{pypi_nok} NOK on PyPI'.format(**RESULTS))
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