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Last active September 10, 2021 15:51
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Save magopian/6239742 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Small js script that automatically submits the changelist form on field changes. This is convenient when used with, and avoids having to remember to submit the form when done (the form on the changelist page doesn't look like a form after all, …
* Only useful in changelist pages when the ModelAdmin displayed has
* "list_editable" (
* configured.
* When one of the input/select/textarea value is changed, automatically submit
* the form using ajax.
* Only form fields relevant to the "list_editable" will trigger a form submit.
* This script uses the jQuery packaged with Django, and already made available
* in the admin via django.jQuery.
* An easy way to add this script to the admin is to override the base_site.html
* admin template (,
* and add the following to it:
* {% block footer %}{{ block.super }}
* <script type="text/javascript" src="{% static "js/admin_list_editable_autosubmit.js" %}"></script>
* {% endblock footer %}
if (typeof django != 'undefined') {
(function($) {
"use strict";
$(function() {
var form = $('#changelist-form');
var inputs = $('#changelist-form input, #changelist-form select, #changelist-form textarea') // all inputs
.not('.action-select,#action-toggle,[name=action]') // but not those specific to the admin
.not('[type=hidden],[type=submit]'); // nor the hidden inputs or the submit button
$('#changelist-form [name=_save]').hide();
function form_ajax_submit() {
var data = form.serialize();
data += '&_save=1'; // add the submit button
$.post(form.attr('action'), data, display_message_from_answer);
function display_message_from_answer(answer) {
inputs.change(function() {
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Very helpful snippet. Thank you!

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Giving credit where credit is due :) Incredibly useful, thanks so much.

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