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Last active November 16, 2020 04:28
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Implementation of blezz ( in pure bash.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Bblezz: An implementation of blezz ( in pure bash.
# Output of actions can be redirected like # { out="$( COLUMNS=$COLUMNS bblezz file.blezz 2>&1 1>&5 5>&-)"; } 5>&1;
# TODO List:
# [v] Handle trying to enter undefined directories.
# [ ] trim_surrounding_spaces > Remove spaces from the right properly too.
# [ ] general > command line options to define glyphs, colors and starting dir.
# Reset ANSI colors:
# ANSI Colors: Foreground: ${CF[x]} Background: ${CB[x]} Clear: $CLX
# 00:Black 01:Red 02:Green 03:Yellow 04:Blue 05:Pink 06:Cyan 07:Gray
# 08:Black 09:Red 10:Green 11:Yellow 12:Blue 13:Pink 14:Cyan 15:Gray
CF=( '\033[3'{0..7}'m' '\033[9'{0..7}'m' )
CB=( '\033[4'{0..7}'m' '\033[10'{0..7}'m' )
EL='\033[K\n' #Move to end of line.
# Options #####################################################################
# Glyphs
# Colors
COLOR_FG="15" #White
COLOR_BG="4" #Blue
COLOR_MSG="7" #Red
# The lack of nested arrays in Bash forces things to be a bit messy, but can be done.
declare -A dirs #This array stores the directories like [dir]:[data]. Data is a field of 4 values separated by tabs (key, label, type (dir/act/back) and command)
declare -A keys #This array stores the keys that the displayed directory accepts like [key]:[data]. data is (type,command) separated by tabs.
declare -a hist #History. A fairly rough stack where opened dirs are stored, so the "back" action works properly.
current_dir="" #Current dir.
msgline_pos="" #Message line position.
function _exit { #Clean up and restore screen buffer.
echo -e '\033[?47l' # restore screen
#Clean up globals to avoid polluting env.
unset dirs; unset keys; unset hist
unset current_dir; unset msgline_pos
unset CLX; unset CF; unset CB; unset EL
unset GLYPH_DIR; unset GLYPH_CMD; unset GLYPH_BCK
unset COLOR_BG; unset COLOR_FG
function get_cursorpos {
local pos;
read -rsdR -p $'\E[6n' pos && pos="${pos#*[}"
echo -n "$pos"
function print_hist {
local out=""
local n=${#hist[@]}
local sep=""
for (( i = n-1; i >= 0; i-- )); do
echo "$out"
function fancy_header { #Draw the header (dir)
local C="${CF[$COLOR_FG]}${CB[$COLOR_BG]}"; local I="${CF[$COLOR_BG]}${CB[$COLOR_FG]}" #Drawing color and inverted color.
local H; H="$(print_hist)"
#printf "$I%*s$C$EL" "$(( (${#1} + ${#H} + ${COLUMNS:-80}) / 2))" "$H/$1" #Center the dir name.
printf "$I%*s$EL" "$(( (${#1} + ${#H} + ${COLUMNS:-80}) / 2))" "$H/$1" #Center the dir name.
function fancy_line { #Draw the contents.
local C="${CF[$COLOR_FG]}${CB[$COLOR_BG]}"; local I="${CF[$COLOR_BG]}${CB[$COLOR_FG]}"
echo -ne "$I$1 [$2] $C $3 $EL$CLX"
function msgline_print { #Move cursor to last (message) line.
local C="${CF[$COLOR_MSG]}";
echo -ne "\033[${msgline_pos}H"
echo -ne "$C $1 $EL$CLX"
function is_dir_declaration { #Check if current line defines a directory.
[[ $1 =~ :$ ]] && return 0
return 1
function is_act_ref { #Check if current line is an action.
[[ $1 =~ act(.*) ]] && return 0
return 1
function is_dir_ref { #Check if current line is a directory open action.
[[ $1 =~ dir(.*) ]] && return 0
return 1
function trim_surrounding_spaces { #Remove potential spaces around the elements.
local out="${1#${1%%[![:space:]]*}}"
#out="${out%${out##*[![:space]]}}" #TODO: Remove spaces from the right properly too.
echo "$out"
function parse_act { #Parse an action definition.
[[ $1 =~ act\((.),(.*),(.*)\) ]] && { #Get [key,label,command].
local A;A="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"; local B;B=$(trim_surrounding_spaces "${BASH_REMATCH[2]}"); local C;C=$(trim_surrounding_spaces "${BASH_REMATCH[3]}")
echo -ne "$A\t$B\tCMD\t$C" #Format is key, label, type (CMD), command]
function parse_dir { #Parse a directory open action.
[[ $1 =~ dir\((.),(.*)\) ]] && { #Get [key,label].
local A; A="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"; local B; B=$(trim_surrounding_spaces "${BASH_REMATCH[2]}")
echo -ne "$A\t$B\tDIR\t$B" #Format is [key, label, type (CMD), command], but label is == command.
function load_blezz { #Load blezz config. Should conform to spec for blezz, doesn't take rofi-blezz actReloads into account (yet?)
[[ -f $1 ]] && {
local current_dir=""
while read -r i; do
is_dir_declaration "$i" && { #Directory declaration. Once set, we switch to it, then load any following actions in the current one.
local dirname=${i%:}
dirs[${i%:}]="" #Empty list for this dir now.
is_act_ref "$i" && { #Action declaration. Added to current dir, if any is set.
[[ -n $current_dir ]] && {
printf -v dirs["$current_dir"] "%s\n" "${dirs[$current_dir]}$(parse_act "$i")"
is_dir_ref "$i" && { #Change dir action declaration. Same as regular actions.
[[ -n $current_dir ]] && {
printf -v dirs["$current_dir"] "%s\n" "${dirs[$current_dir]}$(parse_dir "$i")"
done < "$1"
function get_glyph { #Get the glyphs to be displayed before the key.
case "$1" in
CMD) echo $GLYPH_CMD;;
DIR) echo $GLYPH_DIR;;
BCK) echo $GLYPH_BCK;;
*) echo "?";;
function clear_keys { #Clear content of keys array. Done this way because unsetting keys in a function and remaking it will make it non-global.
for i in "${!keys[@]}"; do
unset keys["$i"]
function show_dir { #Switch to, and display, all commands in this directory.
local dir="${1:-Main}"
[[ -v dirs[$dir] ]] && {
fancy_header "$dir"
local dir_content="${dirs[$dir]}" #Load contents of this dir.
while read -r line; do
[[ -n $line ]] && {
read -ra A <<< "$line"
local key="${A[0]}"; local label="${A[1]}"; local type="${A[2]}"; local command="${A[3]}"
printf -v keys[$key] "%s\t%s" "$type" "$command" #Store key data so it can be accessed by using bash associative arrays with the input as key.
fancy_line "$(get_glyph "$type")" "$key" "$label"
unset A
done <<< "$dir_content"
printf -v keys[.] "BCK\tMain" #Add back button to keys list as a special, always-there case.
fancy_line "$GLYPH_BCK" "." "Back" #Finish drawing the back button (Default:[.])
msgline_pos="$(get_cursorpos)" #Store current cursor position (should be below "Back")
#echo -ne "Hist:" "${hist[@]}" "N: ${#hist[@]} 0: ${hist[0]}" #Debug history printing.
#msgline_print "OK"
function act_back {
[[ $current_dir == Main ]] && exit 0
local last="${hist[0]}" #"Pop" leftmost element.
hist=( "${hist[@]:1}" ) #Make hist a copy of hist without the leftmost element.
show_dir "$last"
function get_input { #Process input.
IFS= read -srN 1 _KEY #Read a single character. This is a simplistic hack and might or might not be non-portable, but seems to work in the terminals I tried it into.
if [[ -v keys[$_KEY] ]]; then { #Check if key exists in this directory.
local cmd="${keys[$_KEY]}"
read -ra A <<< "${cmd}" #Separate action type and command.
case "${A[0]}" in #Check action type.
CMD){ #Action command.
bash -c "${A[1]}" 1>&2;
exit $?
DIR){ #Open dir command.
if [[ -v dirs[${A[1]}] ]]; then #Make sure directory exists first.
hist=( "$current_dir" "${hist[@]}" ) #Store new elements at the left side of the hist array.
show_dir "${A[1]}"
msgline_print "ERR:Directory ${A[1]} undefined"
BCK) act_back ;;
*) echo "ERR:(${A[0]})";; #Unknown type, panic.
#TODO: If no valid key is pressed do nothing or re-show current directory.
show_dir "$current_dir"
function main {
# Save screen contents, then clear screen.
echo -e '\033[?47h' # save screen
[[ -z $1 ]] && { echo "No blezz config specified. Exiting."; exit 1; }
load_blezz "$1" #Now load config.
show_dir "${2:-Main}" #Load dir if specified, if not default to Main.
while :; do
main "$@"
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magpie514 commented Nov 16, 2020

Minor update so it doesn't try to enter undefined dirs. Also a fancier display for output messages, to be used later.

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